Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 131 You are the fairy in my painting (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 131 You are the fairy in my painting (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Hu Wujing, an old minister of Qi, will summon him tomorrow."


"In addition, tomorrow the warden who was in charge of criminal cases will personally submit all the files."

"Dossier? What do you want these for?"

"I want to reopen the old cases and release all the prisoners who were unjustly, falsely or wrongly convicted."

When Shen Yu heard this, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Since the young master has this intention, the people of Linzi will be grateful to the young master after hearing about it."

Fusu said nothing.

The king should have the appearance of a king, the young master should have the appearance of a young master, and the county governor should have the appearance of a county governor.

It was actually quite good for Ying Zheng to arrange him in this way. He could handle government affairs in advance.

And this way he can be regarded as having a test field of one-third of an acre.

Linzi City is a pilot project for reform!
Fusu is planning.

There was a sudden sound outside the window, the wind blew on the palace platform, the palace bells rang, and then there was the sound of pattering rain.

Fusu opened the window, and a gust of cold and damp air hit his face.

The raindrops were scattered on the ground like fine sand.

Shen Yu stepped forward and put a white robe on Fusu.

It was raining lightly, and all the sycamore leaves fell down and were spread on the palace steps.

Xue Ji waited alone in the inner hall for a long time, feeling hopeless. She suddenly heard the sound of wind and rain, and couldn't help but push the window and look outside.

In this quiet rainy night, Fusu first heard the sound of pushing the window open, and then heard a helpless sigh.

This long sigh was obviously from a woman.

Fusu was a little surprised.


After hearing the news, Fusu saw that many brightly lit palaces had their windows tightly closed.In the palace corridor, the guards remained motionless, like clay sculptures.

However, Fu Su suddenly noticed that there was a half-open window in a small corner on his side.

Xue Ji wanted to answer, but she felt it was inappropriate, so she silently stretched out her bare hands as if to catch the rain.

Under the warm orange light, the white and tender jade hands were particularly attractive in this cold night.

Fusu suddenly felt a strong urge to press these hands on his chest.

Fusu was extremely confused and turned to look at Shen Yu to ask questions, but saw that there was no one in the palace except a few guards.

Fusu looked around and saw that several of the guards had stern expressions and were slightly tired, but there was nothing unusual about them.

Fusu walked eagerly in the direction of the jade hands just now. He thought he was going to go out of the palace to look for them outside, but he didn't expect to see a beautiful figure through the wooden fan after only a few steps.

Fusu realized later.

Isn't this my bedroom...

Only then did he realize that this was his palace, how could there be a woman here.

Unless someone deliberately arranges it——

However, he does have a need for this recently.

Fusu tapped the hilt of the sword with his index finger, and Xinxiao was already playing a cat-and-mouse game with me before I even saw him.


The orange candlelight in the palace room swayed slightly.

It was extremely cold outside, and Xue Ji's hands were still outside, but they had become icy and cold at the moment.

Xue Ji was a little impatient, thinking why she hadn't come yet. If she didn't come, it would be dawn.

Fusu is dressed in white clothes, with black hair scattered in all directions. Now he is wielding a sword again, his expression is stern, adding to his cold determination.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Xue Ji's ears turned red.

There was a gauze curtain between the two of them.

"She is a beautiful woman, why don't you turn around and meet her?"

Xue Ji was still a little embarrassed when she heard this.

Seeing that she was still standing in the distance, Fusu thought to herself, what kind of appearance is she being so reserved.

However, for the sake of those hands, Fusu was certain that this person was definitely not the type of person with terrifying looks like Ruhua.

And looking at this back, although you can't see the side curve, your dark hair hangs down around your waist.

Fusu suddenly imagined how her hair was wet with sweat, but unfortunately, her face was still blank...

Growing up in Xianyang Palace, all kinds of beauties in the world have been around him since childhood.

Fusu couldn't help but wonder what kind of face the owner of such hands had.

He actually colluded with his chamberlain to stage this drama in front of him.Since you intend to seduce, you have to be strong enough to say it.

However, just by looking at those hands, Fusu was already overjoyed.

This woman, if her face is not worthy of her hands, don't think I will accept her.

With the intention of entertaining, Fusu decided to play games with her all night.

"Who are you?"

When Xue Ji heard this, she turned around slowly, but kept her head slightly lowered. The collar on her chest was extremely low, and the white hair was looming.

Then, Xue Ji slowly bent down and bowed to Fusu.

The word "concubine" came out of her mouth at first, but when it came to her mouth, Xue Ji bit her lower lip slightly.

"My maid pays homage to the young master."

It was when she bit her lower lip that the unwillingness and grievance in her eyes fell into Fusu's eyes.

When Fusu saw this person, he couldn't help but leaned over, clamped her chin with one hand, and lifted her head up so that he could watch her carefully.

"Live like a fairy in a painting——"

The fair and slender neck was particularly attractive. This slender neck was gradually enlarged in Fusu's eyes.

The tears on her face were not dry, she had obviously just cried, and she urgently needed someone to caress her...

Her clothes are white and she wears plain brocade clothes, which makes her look particularly elegant and refined, but this also betrays her age.

This woman is nearly twenty...

Although the person in front of him can be said to be unparalleled in beauty, Fusu's rationality is still there.

This is the palace of the old King of Qi, so she is most likely the woman of the original King of Qi...

Moreover, with such beauty, if she could only become a maidservant, how could the ladies in Xianyang Palace be embarrassed?

"Do you know where this place was before? Where is it now? Who let you in?"

Fusu still clamped her chin, not daring to be light or heavy.If it's too light, I'm afraid she'll break free; if it's too heavy, I'm afraid I'll hurt her.

She was like a butterfly with transparent wings. Her delicate beauty and extreme vulnerability made her arouse Fusu's desire to protect her.

Xue Ji whispered.

"Of course I know. But Axue is from this palace."

After hearing this, Fusu suddenly became alert to the person in front of him.

"I once heard a saying that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie to others."

Xue Ji is very docile.

"I dare not lie. From today on, I will be the young master's personal maid."

Fusu took a breath after hearing this. She didn't want him to pursue her identity, so his guess was confirmed.

Fusu turned around immediately.

"Get up."

Xue Ji slowly stood up.

Fusu couldn't help but laugh, personal maid.

Fusu knew that he was like a tree.

In Ying Zheng's eyes, he is the tree that he hopes will support Qin in the future. Becoming such a tree is very challenging for Fusu, which requires him to spend his whole life to complete it.

In the eyes of those in lower positions, he is also a tree.However, in their eyes, Prince Fusu is a tree used to climb upwards, reach the peak of power, and approach glory and wealth.

This is what happens in the world.

In this case, let's not talk about love, just love.

Fusu was just playful, so he suddenly stepped back.


Hearing this, Xue Ji stepped forward unhurriedly to help Fusu undress and take off his belt.

The two faced each other, Fusu looked at Xue Ji's lowered eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering continuously.

Halfway through the change, Fusu finally couldn't help it, and reached up to pinch Xue Ji's waist with one hand, then put his face close to her ear, as if he was smelling something.

Xue Ji immediately collapsed in Fusu's arms.

"You just said, personal service, how to do personal service?"

Xue Ji's face suddenly turned red, like a ripe red apple.

Fusu couldn't help but move forward and kiss him.

Xue Ji's palms were all sweaty. What kind of life she would be able to live in the future would all depend on tonight.

For the sake of her own future, Xue Ji suddenly pushed her hair back, and then directly pushed Fusu onto the couch.

Xue Ji climbed onto the couch, and Fusu had the opportunity to carefully play with her bare hands.

(I’ve been busy lately. I’ve been updating basically every day at the end of this month, and today’s chapter is a welfare article. I’m not a newspaper seller. Once I start driving, I don’t need to be reminded by the editor. The whole book is 404. I hope everyone can understand.)
Then I hope the protagonist has fun and you enjoy watching it.

 do not scold me----

  I tried my best
(End of this chapter)

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