Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 133: Clear the emperor’s side and destroy the nobles (please give me a monthly recommendatio

Chapter 133: Clear the emperor’s side and destroy the nobles (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Shen Yu is right.

Men are lustful, it's their nature.

If he is too pure-hearted and ascetic, he will definitely be questioned by the ministers.

Moreover, Ying Zheng's eighteenth son and twenty princesses.

To say that Yingzheng is romantic is an understatement.

When he thought of Ying Zheng's son, Fusu thought of his brothers. At present, it seems that it is okay, but Hu Hai has become an uncertain number.

His father-in-law really loved his eighteenth brother very much.

I don’t know if Ying Zheng’s political decision-making on the successor is like Cao Cao or Yuan Shao.

Fusu couldn't help but darken when he thought of Ying Zheng's heartfelt joy when he saw Hu Hai.

While he is still young, everything must be settled.

Shen Yu saw Fusu suddenly looked gloomy.

"Now that the young master has received the news of the death of King Qi, and also has a new beauty, why are you looking so sad?"

Fusu looked at a cluster of beans in the garden.

They were born from the same mother, but they were too anxious to get along with each other, and they were even more likely to have different mothers.

At this moment, Chi Wu came back with brisk steps, his boots stained with a lot of mud.

Fusu looked at Douzong and said directly.

"Let's use bean soup tonight."

"I will make arrangements for myself."

Chi Wu went around in a big circle, found the old man in the palace, and asked him. Sure enough, the age of the tree was almost the same as the young master said.

Chi Wu saw the young master from a distance, with a look of surprise and admiration.

After all, the young master has changed his soul, and it’s so surprising!

At that time, the sky was clear and there was not a trace of cloud.

"How did you know that this tree is 110 years old?"

Fu Su came back to his senses.

"You will come with me."

Fusu led a group of eunuchs to the tree stump and pointed to the annual rings on the tree stump.

"To know how old a tree is, look at the growth rings on its stump. One ring is one year old."

Shen Yu disagreed.

"Young master only saw one tree, but you are sure that this tree is 110 years old. This may be a coincidence. How can you use a coincidence to define all the trees in the world?"

When Chi Wu heard this, he also fell into doubt.

What if the young master guessed.

"Shen Yu, you are indeed very courageous. Even the young master dares to question it."

Shen Yu bowed to show respect.

"I don't dare to go beyond the rules, I just discuss matters as they arise."

It's really a euphemism for saying one thing.

Fusu laughed.

"Since one tree cannot prove it, then go find hundreds of thousands of trees to prove it."

After hearing the news, several generals and ministers came to find the young master to discuss together, and happened to encounter this scene.

Seeing the young master and a few hermit officials discussing the age of the tree around a tree, they felt a little boring, and it was not serious to talk about it at this time.

But due to their status, everyone had to join in the fun.

And the facts will surprise you.

Because the facts proved that what Fusu said was right.

After cutting down dozens of trees in different places, types, and trunk thicknesses, everyone finally came to the conclusion that Fusu's statement was indeed true.


The craftsmen cutting wood on one side couldn't help but marvel.

Mao Jiao asked.

"How did the young master know that the age of trees can be measured by their annual rings?"

This would be very troublesome to explain.

Fusu could only point to the sky.

Pang You raised his head and looked around for a long time.

"But there is nothing in the sky but sky."

Mao Jiao took the opportunity and said.

"The master's implication is that the mystery behind this is given by God's will?"

Several generals were not interested in this logic, and knowing the age of the tree, what was the use.

Wang Ben, Tu Wei and others puffed up their chests, looking a little impatient.

Knowing the age of the tree can make their soldiers' crossbow arrows more accurate.

Tu Wei had a serious look on his face, but he complained that these civil servants, with their bright tongues, did not do serious business, but only talked all day long.

Fusu saw that it was almost time, so he played tricks and said.

"Okay, everyone, since it's God's will, Fusu can't tell outsiders casually."

God willing--

What is providence?

All ministers and generals looked at each other and made their own thoughts.

Fusu looked at the faces of these people and began to feel satisfied.

Just wait and see, there will be more surprises for you in the future.

"Let's talk about business today."

Wang Ben's stern face softened slightly.

He stepped forward weakly.

"Sir, according to the news, Hou Sheng intends to make King Qi's youngest son the king and continue to establish the throne in the east."

This is not good news.

Fusumo held his sword and stood upright in front of everyone, like a bamboo, with a solemn expression.

Yushu faces the wind~
"Establishing a new king? It seems that Hou Sheng wants to both survive and preserve the reputation of Qi. But how can we have both in this world?"

"Then after winning the battle, are you going to fight to the end?"

He paused weakly and said again.

"The news from our people is that because Hou Sheng has done such a big thing, people in Donglai are now in panic. The city of Donglai is already in chaos, and we cannot miss this opportunity. After all, This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

"Fusu will ask your father to issue an edict soon, and we will clear your side."

Asked weakly.

"Qingjun's side?"

"After defeating such treacherous ministers, everyone will punish them. Since the emperor is an emperor, his achievements and virtues are higher than that of the king of Qi. Fusu believes that the emperor has the world in mind and cares about all people, so he will be the master for the people of Donglai."

That is nice……

Li Xin couldn't help but cast a look of admiration at Young Master Fusu.

Wang Ben couldn't help but look sideways at Young Master Fusu. Even if this person was not the king's son, with his mouth and his head, once he was appreciated and recommended by others, he would be able to become a doctor in a short time.

Thinking about it, Mr. Fusu succeeded to the throne because of his bloodline, and his mouth also helped him a lot.

"Although the King of Qi is mediocre, he is still a prince of the country. Hou Sheng killed the king, which was against human ethics and violated the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers. Hou Sheng undoubtedly brought shame to the world's scholars, but he dared to do so, naturally because There are many people behind it.”

"Therefore, Fusu believed that the descendants' clans of Qi State, as well as those who helped the descendants to win or to abuse, were all included in the list of purges."

After hearing this, Dunruo was struck hard in the heart.

The young master wants to get rid of the Qi clan nobles in the name of avenging the King of Qi.

Even the king was very lenient towards other nobles who had lost their country and spared their lives, but the young master wanted to kill them all.

Not only was he weak, but Wang Bi also looked at Fusu in shock for a moment.

He looks gentle and elegant, but he is actually a cruel person.

Mao Jiao stepped forward to second the proposal.

"Young Master, I think your Majesty will certainly approve this matter."

Fusu said again.

Feng Jie stepped forward and said.

"What the Young Master said is true. Qi State's later victory is indeed wrong. Young Master takes this opportunity to eradicate the party of Later Victory, and he will give justice to the world's scholars."

He stroked his beard weakly, he was skeptical about this matter, whether the king can agree to this matter, there is something else to say.

Wang Ben was surprised.But in his opinion, Mr. Fusu has a ruthless spirit. Having such a prince is undoubtedly a great joy for Qin.

Wang Ben bowed.

"Sir, I have one more thing to say."

Fusu looked at Wang Ben.

"What's the matter, General Wang?"

"Sir, I'm afraid that Hou Sheng will have a way to escape."


"Go north. It's almost October now. It's difficult to cross the north, and King Yan Xi will definitely refuse to take him in, and will add insult to injury. Therefore, Hou Sheng will definitely not go north, but can only go south."

"But today, there is still a land south of Langya connected between Qi and Chu. The state of Chu is now heavily guarded by two generals, Meng Yang and suppressing them, and they are unable to move."

"But Chu is the direction Hou Sheng will flee to, so I think we should send troops to Langya now to prevent Hou Sheng from going there."

 After the end of this month, there will be two updates a day after that.

(End of this chapter)

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