Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 134 Two generals fight, checks and balances of power (please give me a monthly recommendatio

Chapter 134: Two generals fight, checks and balances of power (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)
After hearing this, Fusu was sincerely convinced by Wang Ben.

"Father Jun often said that General Wang Ben is brave and strategic, and Fusu has seen it today. General Wang Ben is indeed a master of strategy and has an overview of the overall situation. As for what General Wang said, Fusu should also ask Jun father for help. "

Wang Ben bowed to Fusu.

Li Xin felt bad after hearing this.

Wang Ben is going to Langya!

To the south of Langya is the state of Chu.

Chu State is mine!
Li Xin stepped forward.

"Sir, General Wang is the superior general. He should lead the army to attack and then win. Qingjun is on your side. As for the defense of Langya, it should be Li Xin's job."

Fusu listened with a stern expression and closed his lips.

And everyone else also looked surprised.

This Li Xin only wanted to attack Chu.

Wang Ben frowned after hearing this, but he did not get angry on the spot.


You don't overestimate your capabilities, and with a commoner's background, you actually want to compete with me, Wang Ben.

Today I will guard Langya, and tomorrow I will go south to attack Chu. Tomorrow, I will have to ask the king to replace me, and then you, Li Xin, will be the general of Qin?

Fusu was also shocked by Li Xin's sudden move.

This Li Xin really would not give up until he reaches the Yellow River.

Moreover, he was really bold and said this openly in front of himself, clearly grabbing credit——

The person in front of him was only eight years older than him in terms of age.

At the age of 25, it is the time when the blood is full.

Impulse is inevitable.

And Ying Zheng fueled Li Xin's arrogance even more.

The Qin State implemented a system of military merit and nobility, and the clans of Shiqing and Shilu were rare in the Qin State.

Nowadays, the most prosperous military families are the Wang and Meng families.

Especially the Wang family, whose military achievements are so great that no one in the court and the opposition can compare with it.

In this regard, Ying Zheng has been deliberately suppressing it.

In order to balance the royal family, Yingzheng deliberately promoted Meng Tian who originally wanted to be an official through the law, and gave him many opportunities to make meritorious service.

But Meng Tian's reputation has not yet been accumulated, and at this time he is completely unable to compare with Wang Jian's son Wang Ben.

And Li Xin suddenly appeared, which undoubtedly made Ying Zheng breathe a sigh of relief.

Thousands of miles chased Yan Taizi Dan, and took his head, and he was the only ear.

Therefore, Ying Zheng can favor Li Xin and support Li Xin.

When the two generals fight, the person who benefits in the end is naturally Ying Zheng.go
Fusu naturally wanted to follow Ying Zheng's wishes.

Ying Zheng favored Li Xin, so he, the crown prince, had to make the decision for Wang Ben.

After all, Wang Ben is the general.

It can only be that he is indeed Ying Zheng.

Do whatever you want.

He worshiped Wang Ben as general and gave him 20 troops, and in turn gave Li Xin [-] troops.

Fusu's face was livid, he was naturally unhappy.

"Li Xin, since Wang Ben is the general, you should obey General Wang Ben's command."

As soon as these words came out, the whole house fell into silence.

When Li Xin heard this, a look of disappointment immediately appeared on his face.

Generals Tu Wei and Zhao Tuo all watched this good show.

Li Xin!
make you crazy.

It's a pity.

The young master is familiar with honor and inferiority, so he will make the decision for General Wang Ben.

Without the king, your wishful thinking can no longer be achieved, right?
Dun Rui put his hands in front of his abdomen and couldn't help but cast a surprised look at Young Master Fusu again.

Did the young master say these words intentionally or unintentionally?

If it is unintentional, then it is a mistake.

If you have the intention, then it will comply with the king’s wishes.

Mao Jiao and Feng Jie just stood there quietly. This matter had nothing to do with them.They were just watching the fun.

I used to see General Wang and General Meng arguing endlessly in the court hall, but now I see Wang Ben and Li Xinming fighting secretly.

However, the young master actually directly asked Li Xin to listen to General Wang Ben's words. The partiality was so obvious.

Li Xin's face was ashen, but he still bowed to Fusu.


Fusu still looked gloomy.

"it is good."

Although Wang Ben deeply respected what his son Fusu had just said, his father Wang Jian warned him repeatedly before leaving.

From the moment the young master was established as the crown prince, if you wanted to live longer, you should take the initiative to stay away from the young master Fusu.

So Wang Ben chose silence at such a moment.

It doesn't matter if the king indulges and flatters Li Xin, or the young master deliberately decides for him, as long as he can persist in not acting indiscriminately, then the position of general will always be his.

Mao Jiao saw that everyone looked ugly, so he stepped forward.

"The matter has been discussed for such a long time, so I must be tired of you. I will not disturb you now and will leave first."

Fusu nodded.

Wang Ben took the opportunity to come forward and bow.

"The minister also leaves."

When the other ministers saw this, they all naturally withdrew.

The ministers left, but Fusu only looked at Wang Ben's back.

This Wang Ben is very decent in his dealings.

However, I deliberately favor you today for my own sake.

In the vortex of power, if you want not to be swept away by the hurricane of power, you have to stand at the center of power.

No matter how strong the tornado's winds are, how violent it is, or how fast it moves, the eye of the tornado always remains stationary.

He is now going to become the eye of this tornado.

Fusu looked at the sky. At this time, the sky was clear and there was a faint salty smell floating in the air.

Even with extreme farsightedness, one can only see a white line and a blue line overlapping each other.

Once Qi is penetrated, the three countries of Yan, Dai and Chu will be completely isolated and helpless.

Looking at it this way, by next autumn, the world will all return to Qin.

Both Yan Dynasty and Chu Bian had the possibility of surrender.

After more than 400 years, China was finally unified again. This is the most critical turning point in the history of China.

Under today's circumstances, the feudal monarchy had to go.

What Fu Su can do is naturally to lend a helping hand to Ying Zheng, help Da Qin move steadily, and protect the unification of China.


There were heavy clouds and heavy rain.

After every autumn rain, the climate becomes much colder.


Ying Zheng sat in front of the lacquer table and frowned at an urgent letter from Yingcheng.On the lacquer table, there is a pile of memorial slips, all of which came from Linzi City today.

Wang Wan, Wei Zhuang, Feng Quji and Li Si arrived.

After Ying Zheng finished reading, he signaled the minister to order Yu Yang to pass the urgent letter to the ministers for circulation.

(Yu Yang is a descendant of Yu. After Yu, there are two surnames, one is You and the other is Yu.)
Prime Minister Wang Wan read it first, and then handed it to Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang has never had any opinions on major military and political matters. Although he is a leftist prime minister, he is only in charge of trivial matters such as supervision of people's livelihood and construction.

Kui Zhuang just came to hand over to the king the atlas of the expansion of the royal tomb that he had finalized with Zhang Han and others.

But the king kept him to discuss matters.

But he doesn't know how to handle major military and political matters.

But Wei Zhuang understood this memorial. It means that the Chu State General Xiang Yan, with the support of Chu King Fu Chu, is preparing to regain the lost territory to the west, and has been deploying troops recently...

Ying Zheng looked at Wei Xiang's troubled expression and naturally looked at Wang Wan.

"The Qi State has not yet been destroyed, and the Chu State has begun to make trouble."

Wang Wan was very calm.

"Then it means that the young master's move to unite has caused pain to the state of Chu. I believe that the king should immediately send troops to clear the emperor's side, wipe out the enemy, and pacify Donglai and guard Langya."

Li Si also said.

"I believe that what the king said is true. Since Chu has taken action, the king should take over Qi as soon as possible."

Ying Zheng looked at the bamboo slips piled up into a small hill.

Fusu's experience and growth in Linzi, Qi State, far exceeded Ying Zheng's expectations.

Some of these practices were unheard of by Ying Zheng before.

But he still needs to ask the opinions of several ministers before he can make a decision.

However, there was one thing that was far beyond Ying Zheng's expectation.

Fusu actually suggested that he use the name of Qing Junzi to eliminate the Qi clan nobles.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at Mount Li in the distance, where there were six iron cages.

(End of this chapter)

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