Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 135 Li Xin Is True

Chapter 135 Li Xin Is True

Ying Zheng stood up, walked out of the side door, walked to the palace railing, and looked at his thousands of miles of land from west to east.

The autumn wind dyes it again, and various colors of yellow, green, red and white are piled up layer by layer.

The rain curtain hung in front of his eyes, and the big raindrops were still hitting the ground.

The black crown on his body makes his figure even more upright and majestic.

Zhangtai Palace was originally located in a very high place, but now the door is wide open, the outside is cloudy and rainy, but there are various colors hazy behind the white rain.

The cold air suddenly rushed in, and a large flow of cold air suddenly poured into the hall, slightly dispersing the dampness in the hall.

The cold wind blew, causing the bow hanging in front of Ying Zheng's forehead to sway slightly.

Ying Zheng has a black crown and a solemn expression. There are two curved lines between his eyebrows, which are caused by long-term frowning and anger.Now, although Ying Zheng is very calm, those two slightly curved lines are still entrenched on his face.

These two wrinkles exist because of the world.

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at his vast country, and a strange emotion filled his heart.

All Fusu's ideas were swirling in Ying Zheng's mind.

As for the idea of ​​​​exterminating the nobility on the side of the Qing emperor, Ying Zheng completely broke his inherent impression of Fusu.

The child who once felt pity for a little deer once made him angry.

But later he leathered farm tools, and Ying Zheng thought he was doing it for those stupid people. Later, when he helped destroy Qi, Ying Zheng thought he was doing it to prove himself to him.

Well, it is enough for Fusu to be determined to fight for the crown prince.

When establishing a prince, the eldest son should be the first choice.

So I gave him this opportunity.

Fortunately, Linzi and his party, Fusu did not disappoint Yingzheng.

But today, when Ying Zheng saw Fusu's proposal to exterminate the clans of Qi, Ying Zheng couldn't believe it at first.

His son finally cut off the intestines in his belly.

it is good!
This is like the son of a widower.

If you want to achieve great things, you must have a heart that is different from ordinary people.

If a king believes in such things as benevolence and righteousness, he will become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Ying Zheng tapped the sword with his fingers.

Your Majesty, the hero with the world in mind.

As the king dominates the world and creates a career for thousands of years, they will also be famous in history.

As the ministers looked on, they all silently saw Ying Zheng's back looking out at the world in their eyes and silently remembered it in their hearts.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng turned around.

"The top priority is to destroy Qi first. We decided that Wang Ben would lead 20 troops to Donglai and defeat them. In addition, Li Xin led [-] Lantian elites to capture Langya."

Wang Wan listened and focused his gaze on the smooth, mirror-like ground.

The Wang family's road to military promotion is now at an end.

Previously, when the king allocated 20 troops to Li Xin, he had strongly opposed it.After all, Wang Ben only gave [-] soldiers and horses.

But now, the king suddenly changed his mind and gave the general Wang Ben 20 troops and horses. It was called an attack, but in fact he was sent to garrison.

And Li Xin attacked Langya.To the south of Langya is the state of Chu.

No one in the court knew that someone threatened to attack Chu with 20.

Although he only gave [-] yuan, looking at the location of Li Xin's station, we know that Ying Zheng still intended to let Li Xin attack Chu.

After hearing this, Li Si felt even more mixed emotions in his heart.

Li Xin is young, his military achievements are so high, and the king intends to support him. If things go on like this, Li Xin will be sealed up soon.

Seeing that everyone lowered their heads and remained silent, Ying Zheng sat back on the throne.

"Everyone is silent, is it because you have objections to the widow's arrangement?"

Wang Wan and others bowed.

"I dare not."

Ying Zheng said no more.

The situation in Linzi City between Wang Ben and Li Xin was exactly what he wanted.

Moreover, the Lantian Camp is the elite army of the I, and I can lead it to whomever I want.


Soon, Ying Zheng's edict was transmitted to Linzi City at the fastest speed from house to house.

Wang Bi, who learned the content of the edict, handed over the other half of the talisman for commanding the Lantian camp.

Afterwards, Wang Ben angrily walked back and forth in the tent more than a dozen times.

In anger, Wang Ben slammed the wine baron placed on the lacquer table to the ground, and the wine spilled all over the floor.

Naturally, the soldiers outside heard the noise inside.

Wang Ben's cronies stepped forward.

"General, don't get angry, be careful that others see it, and report it to the king."

Wang Ben glared at the man angrily, but then forced himself to calm down.

What my father said is indeed true. This attack on Qi will be my last battle, Wang Ben.

Is this really the last battle?

Naturally, Wang Ben was unwilling to be left idle by the king, and was sent to garrison the city. He was not Yang Duanhe.

His Majesty feared that their Wang family's military achievements were too high, he knew this, so he could understand that His Majesty was unwilling to let him lead troops in many battles.

Even if Meng Tian is on the same level as him, that would be fine.

But now the king has promoted a small commoner.

Li Xin, this ignorant upright, has uttered wild words many times.

But just a few days ago, the young master personally made the decision for himself, suppressing Li Xin's popularity and letting Li Xin obey the command of his general.

But today the king issued an edict for Li Xin to attack Langya.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

The king has many eyes and ears, this is natural.

But in this way, isn't it just slapping him in the face?

While Wang Ben was thinking about it, Tu Wei and Zhao Tuo came in.

The mess on the ground has been cleaned up, but there are still some traces left. Tu Wei and Zhao Tuo pretended not to see it.

"General, the young master sent someone to urge us to send troops quickly."

Wang Ben sat on the throne, holding a prince in his hand.


Zhao Tuo said.

"General, the king's edict has been issued, and the king's order is like a mountain. Since the general is the general, he has supervised the three armies since the early days, and won after they are eliminated."

The connotation of Zhao Tuo's words is very obvious. The king has already issued an edict. There is no point in getting angry. The king's orders are like mountains.And he is still a general.

After hearing this, Wang Ben shook his body and got up.

Tu Wei looked calm, but he had other plans in mind.

This Wang family is extremely feared by the king.

But this boy Wang Ben was no smarter than his father. He captured Daliang City and actually flooded the city. This was a great achievement.

Who in the army does not know his name, Wang Ben?

Well now, it caused the king's dissatisfaction, but this became his opportunity.

Li Xin, young and energetic, arrogant and arrogant, is destined to fail to achieve great things.

Wang Ben was feared again, and Zhao Tuo was meek. Now it seemed that it was his time for Tu Wei to show off his talents.

Just wait for Li Xin to make a mistake, and then the king will notice him.


Linzi Palace.

The incident of Wang Ben being angry and throwing Jue down spread like wildfire.

Soon, the news reached Fusu's ears.

When Shen Yu talked about this, he couldn't help but admire the king of Xianyang.

This is clearly the king’s intention.

After hearing this, Fusu's heart began to churn.

Ying Zheng treated Li Xin better than him. He even gave him 20 troops as soon as he made a move, and now he openly agreed to Li Xin's previous request.

Quite deliberately making decisions for him.

Li Xin is only six years older than him.

He was busy here and there, but he just got the job of supervising the army.

Just in name——

Even the young master Fusu would be envious of Li Xinxin, let alone others.

Most people in the army and the DPRK would be jealous of Li Xin.

And the more favored he is, the more guilty he is.

Li Xin now looks like his forefather, Han Fei.

Jealousy will make the flame of hatred even crazier. Think about it, it won't be long before the flame will burn Li Xin.

 It's a coincidence that today I just wrote about the demise of Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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