Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 136 Black Ice Platform (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 136 Black Ice Platform (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

If he can withstand it, he will naturally be granted a title of marquis, but if he cannot, then he will only be a flash in the pan in history.

However, Li Xin doesn't need to worry about him now.

Li Xin is just a chess piece that Yingzheng Tianxia has recently used relatively smoothly.

If Li Xin was smart, he should realize this, keep a low profile, and treat Wang Ben respectfully instead of being arrogant in front of Wang Ben.

But recalling his eagerness to attack Chu, Fusu could only smile.

But the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Rather than caring about the future fate of Li Xin, the rising star of the empire, Fusu cared more about the smooth implementation of the Great Unification Plan and his upcoming reforms in Linzi City.

And in fact, today, the person who should be happy the most should be him.

Because, after Fusu received the edict, Ying Zheng actually agreed to all his political opinions.

This means that Linzi will become a reform pilot.

Come on, Great Qin Empire, dance with me.


end of october.

The cold wind has risen, the autumn grass has withered and turned yellow, and black military flags can be seen in every corner of Linzi City.

Linzi County, Linzi City.

There were thirteen city gates in the past, but now only four city gates are left open.

There are two gates for east, west, north and south. In front of the city gate, people going in and out are lined up in two dragons. Everyone is holding a small wooden sign in their hand, which is "passage".

The rest of the city gates are tightly closed, and wooden barriers are blocked inside and outside the city gates, and pedestrians are not allowed to approach.

On top of the city wall, countless black-armored guards stood in a long line on top of the wall.

At the east city gate, the team leaving the city lined up directly from the city gate to the prison.

In the long queue, there was a man with a fair face and about thirty years old, with his waist stretched low. He was wearing gray linen clothes and had a bamboo hat on his head to cover his face.

Seeing that the "passes" were being checked one by one in front of him, he pulled away and left.

When a group of black cavalry guards saw this scene, they naturally noticed the man who suddenly left the group.

Zhang Liang also noticed that someone was staring at him.

Zhang Liang walked quickly into a street market, then first blended into the crowd, and then disappeared into another alley.

As soon as Zhang Liang turned into the alley, he saw a group of black civilian guards here. Each of them was seven feet tall and their faces were like clay.

Qin people!

Although they were wearing civilian clothes, their physiques were almost the same.

The man standing in the middle holding a sword should be the leader of these people. There are two people standing next to him.

Zhang Liang quickly speculated on the identity of this five-person plainclothes team.

Five pairs of big eyes stared at the strange man who suddenly broke into the secluded alley. Why did this man look so familiar?

A trace of panic flashed across Zhang Liang's eyes, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Liang's eyes stayed on the sharp swords worn on their waists, and then he was deliberately frightened and took a few steps back, even staggering.

Zhang Liangzheng was about to take the opportunity to run away.


Zhang Liang was stunned on the spot, subconsciously reaching for the sword at his waist, but due to the martial law in the city, he had to hide the sword in the stable in the backyard of the house.

This subconscious movement naturally fell into the eyes of these five people. They were all holding canvases with their hands, but seeing this scene, the five of them pressed their right hands on the hilt of their swords together.

Zhang Liang had no choice but to stop.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhang Liang turned around, shrunk his neck, and then focused his gaze on the swords of these people. He deliberately looked frightened and swallowed with a lump in his throat.

Zhang Liang took off his bamboo hat, and bowed to several people.

"I offended the generals, please forgive me."


Obviously he made a guess about our identities, and he guessed wrong.

Wei Ping quietly looked at the person in front of her.

He wears a bamboo crown and has a very fair complexion. He is definitely not what an ordinary humble man should look like when he works all day long.

Although the fabric of his clothes was a bit shabby, his face had a nobility that ordinary people could not find.

The king ordered that Confucian scholars in Linzi County be allowed to participate in the official selection examination held by the prince.

So recently, the Confucian scholars in the city suddenly became active.

It can be said that this person is a Confucian scholar, but Wei Ping does not want to believe it.

Moreover, the man in front of me seemed to be in a panic, but his expression was deliberately fake. Look at his eyes, he showed no fear when facing the five of us.

And his subconscious action of drawing the sword just now...

The prince has ordered that the city be under martial law for three months.

The first is to stabilize the people in the city and organize household registration; the second is to prevent some people with ulterior motives from entering and exiting Linzi City at will.

The Xinzheng rebellion was a major event. Although the rebellion was suppressed again, the news still leaked out.

The person who instigated the rebellion has not yet been captured, and there are still two young masters in South Korea who are at large...

But now, the young master is in Linzi City, so he must be more careful.

And they came here because they got the news.

Recently, news has frequently flowed out from Linzi city.

They are conducting a traceability search operation.

When it comes to Black Ice Platform, you would rather take it by mistake than let it go.

Wei Ping was already suspicious of the person in front of her.

When Wei Ping thought of this, the person in front of her couldn't help but frown and shouted loudly to the visitor.

"Answer me."

Pretending to be confused, he smiled and asked for advice.

The people of Heibingtai are really difficult to deal with.

Soon, Zhang Liang heard the sound of horse hooves again. Could it be that the group of people just chased him.

not good!

He had to get away quickly.

"I just lost my way."

"get lost?"

"I'm here to pawn. I wonder how to get to Tonghe Pawn Shop?"

Wei Ping was confused.

"Tonghe Pawn Shop?"

"What do you want to pawn?"

Zhang Liang said directly.

Zhang Liang was only wearing plain clothes today, and inside the plain clothes he had a dagger rolled up in his sleeve just in case something unexpected happened.


"Where did you get the clothes?"

"It's the clothes that cover the body now."

Wei Ping and several of his subordinates couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

If you sell your clothes, don't you want your buttocks to be bare?

Wei Ping glanced around coldly, and the four people immediately fell silent.

"The pawn shop is to the west. Once you exit the alley, keep heading west."

Thank you Zhang Liang.

"Thank you, General."

Zhang Liang turned around, put on his hat, and then disappeared from Wei Ping's sight.

This person's insight and ability to adapt are extraordinary, and he looks like a Confucian scholar. The young master will soon hold a major exam to ask questions.

After thinking again and again, Wei Ping gave the order.

"Follow him."

Zhang Liang, who was stuck against the wall, heard the subtle order.

They are indeed from Heibingtai.

However, my identity has been suspected, and now Linzi City can no longer stay.

However, he still had to implement his plan to assassinate Prince Fusu so as to give Qin Wangzheng some color, even if there were many obstacles.

Zhang Liang clenched his fists, and then walked westward at a leisurely pace.

The four tails behind him alternately approached him, biting on him.

He was about to reach the pawn shop, but Zhang Liang stopped at a nearby wine shop and drank in front of the bar.

Four pairs of eyes stared at him, but Zhang Liang disappeared before their eyes.

I wanted to put a long line to catch a big fish, but the duck that reached its mouth suddenly flew away.

When Wei Ping heard the news that the person was missing, she was so angry that she wanted to kill the person with her sword. She had lost her reputation as a black ice platform.

But soon, Wei Ping calmed down.

"How could he disappear without wings?"

"But sir, the four of me and I watched him enter the wine shop and talk to the bartender, but he disappeared."

Wei Ping stroked her beard and smiled.

"Maybe he didn't fly from the sky."

"That is?"


Wei Ping's eyes were like torches.

"This person is absolutely inseparable from the Xinzheng Rebellion that happened a few months ago. The wine shop was burned—"

It has indeed been mentioned many times in history that the Qin State established an organization similar to the Intelligence Bureau in order to break the alliance between various countries.

However, the real name of this organization has not been handed down, but the spy network does exist.

A huge empire needs and does have a huge intelligence organization. I thought about it for a long time and decided that it would be more appropriate to use the Black Ice Platform.

Iron Eagle Rui Shi is actually the predecessor of Black Ice Platform.

Then, as long as I keep thinking about the assassinations of Zhang Liang and others in ancient times, they usually dig tunnels and so on, then I always think of a song in my mind, "Tunnel War Hey Tunnel War!" 'MAD is laughing so hard! )

 Tomorrow is May Day, everyone should have a day off today, so I will add another chapter for you.

(End of this chapter)

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