Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 137 Centralization and Decentralization (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 137 Centralization and Decentralization (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"What is this? Hurry up!"

"Once a wine shop catches fire, it will definitely have an impact on the surrounding area, and it will definitely cause panic among the surrounding people."

Wei Ping stood up and made a decisive move,

"Hei Bingtai is acting. All he wants is to give an explanation to the king, no matter what the cost."

But left and right still stood there and refused to move. You looked at me, I looked at you.

"But the eldest son recently ordered that soldiers in Linzi County are not allowed to disturb the people. Burning houses is just one of the crimes of disturbing."

"Although we are affiliated with Heibingtai and only work for the king, it is not easy to offend the young master now. Moreover, the young master is now the county guard, and Black Ice Platform should act in coordination with the county guard."

"Why don't Duke Wei go and ask the young master for instructions first?"

Military intelligence agencies are naturally affiliated with the military.

After hearing this, Wei Ping was stunned for a moment, with a serious expression, and then her eyes narrowed with a bit of contempt.

Hei Bingtai always only listens to the king's orders.

What is the young master Fusu.

So what about the prince? It's not his turn to make the decision yet in Qin.

But, he is the prince after all...

Moreover, now that the young master is acting as the county governor temporarily, he must consult with the county governor when he acts.

Moreover, they have been in Linzi City for so long, but they have not taken the initiative to pay a visit to the young master.

Wei Ping thought, then scratched her head.

"I will report this matter to the young master in person. You continue to stare at that wine shop. People can run underground, but the wine shop can neither go up to heaven nor go down to the ground."


In the dark building, Wei Ping sat back down.

Everything was going well, but suddenly a young master Fusu appeared.

The son Fu Su.

Wei Ping remembered this boy. She thought back then, when the young master Fusu was still a baby, he was taken to Shanglin Garden to hunt deer by the king. The young master could not bear to shoot the young deer, which made the king furious.

Many people in the Black Ice Platform knew about this matter.

So when the news of the establishment of the crown prince came, Wei Ping refused to believe it for a long time.


Night is coming.

In the Linzi Palace, only the Huan Gong Terrace was lit in the past, and the rest of the palaces were all dimly lit.

Wang Ben, Li Xin and other generals left, and Dunruo and Mao Jiao, who had followed Fusu's envoy, were called back.

Now, only Feng Jie and Chi Wu are left with Fusu.

Feng Jie was in charge of city defense, and Fu Su was in charge of administration.

A remote and important place like Linzi City needed to be suppressed by high-level people in the empire like Feng Jie.But a few days ago, Fusu tried to ask Feng Jie, but he refused.

As for Mao Jiao, they naturally refused. Ying Zheng responded with an edict, and the two of them left overnight.

They would rather be doctors by Ying Zheng's side than serve as county guards outside.

Moreover, the Qin officials sent by Ying Zheng are already on their way and will arrive in Linzi City soon.

Everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner, and in accordance with Ying Zheng's wishes, he indeed transferred seven legal officials to Linzi City.

All the weapons of the people in Linzi City have been destroyed.

There are still [-] troops stationed in the city to defend the city. Compared with the old cities of Han, Zhao and Wei, all [-] are Qin troops, which is considered the limit.

The Qin army has a large number of troops, but the fact is that it is limited after all.

Fusu also believed that after he left, some troops would be mobilized again.

Seven officials, [-] soldiers and horses, suppressed Linzi City...

Moreover, the high-ranking officials of the Qin State cannot be retained by the rich clothes, fine food, high-ranking officials and generous salaries, let alone those Qin State soldiers who have left their hometowns.

Unaccustomed to the local environment, I left my mother, wife and children...

How many questions…

The lights were dimly lit.

The resolute face is even more angular against the backdrop of the lights.

Fusu leaned on the desk and looked at the city defense plan of Linzi City. On the left side of the lacquered desk were piles of official documents issued by Ying Zheng, and on the right side were affairs squeezed by the alternation of officials.

These matters have only been sorted out today, and they will all be sent to Xianyang City tomorrow for Ying Zheng to review.

No matter how big or small, everything comes from the top.

However, matters in Linzi County must first be reported from the county to the county, and then unified and sent to Xianyang.

From Linzi City to Xianyang, letters are delivered every time, taking as little as eight days to as many as fifteen days.

If something big happens, by the time Ying Zheng's decision is made, it will be too late to make amends.

Insufficient local autonomy will affect administrative efficiency.

And too much local autonomy will cause the central government to lose control of the localities.

Ying Zheng should really come to Zicheng in person to see the situation here. The greatest advantage of the enfeoffment system is that it can ensure local flexibility and autonomy.

Therefore, the enfeoffment system was not the wishful thinking of Emperor Zhou, but the general trend of history.

This is historical necessity.

Realizing Qin's problems, thinking about his limited lifespan, and thinking about the innocence of the people in the world, Fusu couldn't help but frown.

If he, the heir of the Qin Empire, really thinks about Qin, then after returning to Xianyang, he will have to stir up a bloodbath.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?


Chi Wu suddenly broke in.

"Didn't I give the order not to disturb me today?"

Chi Wu's face tightened.

"Sir, Wei Ping, the official of Heibingtai, would like to see you."

"Black Ice Terrace?"

Fusu put down his pen.

This is a mysterious organization whose name has always been heard but never seen.

Moreover, don’t they only recognize Ying Zheng?

When he first arrived in this time and space, he wanted to send this secret and well-trained force to help him get rid of some rebels in advance.

But Black Ice Platform is an independent institution dedicated to serving one person.

Fusu could not move unless he succeeded.

"Let him in."

The gates of the hall were closed, and all the left and right were sent back, Wei Ping finally spoke.

"Sir, Shi Weiping dares to ask you to cancel this selection exam."

Fusu was naturally stunned after hearing this.

Then Fusu laughed, as if he had heard some big joke.

"The wind is so strong tonight that everyone from Black Ice Terrace has been blown to Fusu."

Wei Ping lowered her head.

It is not easy to get this young master to relent and make an exception for them, but it is not difficult either.

"Wei Ping doesn't dare, but now, rebels are pouring into Linzi City. The young master has recently taken down the exam and summoned the people of Linzi County to take the exam. I heard that the young master will have to meet Confucian scholars in person at that time. Wei Ping is worried about the young master's safety."

Fusu raised his eyebrows.

"General Feng has already considered such a matter and has made arrangements. On the other hand, when did Hei Bingtai interfere with my duties as a county guard?"

Fusu hits the nail on the head.

Only then did Wei Ping jump into the topic.

"It's all my fault that I let a suspicious person escape today."

Fusu didn't understand. He came over and asked himself what he was doing with these trivial matters. When he was bored, Fusu leaned on his chair, with the two locks of hair hanging sideways on the desk, and used a delicate little dagger. Playing with the wick.

"Suspicious person?"

"Such matters are confidential and Wei Ping is inconvenient to disclose them."

After hearing this, Fusu suddenly cut off the wick with his dagger.

Wei Ping continued.

"The thief should still be running around in Linzi City now. We are worried-"

Fusu sat upright with a solemn look on his face.

"worry about what?"

"Young Master, Wei Ping said bluntly, there is a group of rebels currently circulating in Linzi City. We are now worried that this group of thieves are targeting the Young Master."

Help Su stand up.

The dark black clothes are tight and accentuate the tall figure.

The candlelight flickered in the hall, and Fusu's face was gloomy, like the sky in the cold winter.

"Young master, please cancel this exam."

After hearing this, Fusu's expression remained stern.

"This is impossible. Go back."

Only then did Wei Ping reveal her true intention.

"Then please allow me to make an exception in the city, so that we can eliminate the traitors and arrest them before the exam is held."

"An exception?"

(End of this chapter)

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