Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 140 Assassination of Young Master Fusu (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 140 Assassination of Young Master Fusu (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Han Cheng turned around and saw Zhang Liang, joy flashed in his eyes.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Still in the situation that he was being hunted down by the Qin people.

Zhang Liang stood in place, and when he saw Lord Hengyang, he remembered Han Wang'an, grandfather, all the princes and princesses...

In this way, the two looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

In the cave, four candlesticks were burning.

It has been nine years since the fall of Korea.

In nine years, the two young men now have green stubble on their faces.

Waiting for the two to feel sad, Zhang Liang spun around on the spot, and then kicked the dirt under his feet.

The world is divided into seven kingdoms, each of which governs its own family, but suddenly a Qin Wangzheng popped up, encroaching on the world with all his heart, causing continuous wars, and even killed their five generations of the Zhang family, which fell into decline under his own hands.

Han Cheng was very happy to see Zhang Liang and planned to take Zhang Liang with him.

But now, when Zhang Liang saw him, he didn't even salute.

Han Cheng was dissatisfied with this and looked at Zhang Liang with a squinted look.

Zhang Liang naturally saw what he meant, but he still stood upright on the spot.

If there are people of insight in the royal family of South Korea, South Korea will not be subjugated.

Mr. Hengyang, even though the tiger has fallen into Pingyang, still refuses to forget those false etiquette.

Zhang Liang asked directly with a smile in his eyes.

"I heard that King Qin is still sending people to chase and kill the young master."

Han Cheng was naturally very angry after hearing this.

"Since the fall of Xinzheng, you and I have not seen each other again. Since it is rare to see me once, you actually tell me this?"

Zhang Liang still smiled.

When the Xinzheng uprising started, we wanted to find you to come back to take charge, but you didn't dare to come back.

"I wonder why Mr. Hengyang wants to see Zifang at this time? It is very dangerous in Linzi City now."

As soon as he heard Zhang Liang call himself Hengyang Lord, Han Cheng immediately felt like he was back to his old life.

The feeling of running away was suddenly forgotten.

Han Cheng took a step forward, patted Zhang Liang on the shoulder, and called out kindly.

"Zifang, don't be nervous."

Zhang Liang suddenly became wary of the person in front of him, because he suddenly realized that since Han Cheng could easily let him slip away under the nose of Heibingtai, it meant that he had been entrenched in Linzi City for a long time.

Han Cheng has been missing for nine years. Could it be that he has been hiding in Linzi City?

Looking at Zhang Liang's cold face, Han Cheng became unhappy again.

He finally saw the descendants of the Zhang family and came to rescue me. Why was he so indifferent to me?

I remember that when he fled Xinzheng, Zhang Liang was just a young boy who had not yet been crowned.

When he saw him at that time, he was quite respectful.

"After all, time has changed, and everything has changed now."

"Everything has changed."

"I heard from my men that you are being targeted by people from Heibingtai."

Zhang Liang did not deny it.

"Zifang came here today just to express his gratitude to the young master in person."

By the way, let me confirm whether the Korean royal family really has no successor.

"No need. It's just a little effort."

Zhang Liang was very surprised after hearing this. He was rescued from the underbelly of Qin's iron eagle warriors, and it was said that it was a simple effort.

There is a tunnel in the wine shop, and there is another tunnel in the agreed-upon inn. It is probably his handiwork.

Han Cheng said again.

"I have heard about the Xinzheng rebellion. Zifang, I heard that you tried your best to promote this matter?"

"Zifang has sworn that as long as he is alive, he will be the enemy of Qin."

Han Cheng's eyes suddenly became moist after hearing this.

Of course, after getting the personal confirmation, Han Cheng couldn't help but look sideways at the young man in front of him.

This kid actually dares to go against Ying Zheng. He is very courageous.

No wonder the people from Heibingtai chased him to Linzi City.

"it is good--"

"Mr. Hengyang has been in Linzi?"

Recalling old events, Han Cheng suddenly became sad.

"Zifang, without Korea, our lives will be like nothing." As he spoke, Han Cheng clutched the hilt of his sword tightly. "Sometimes, life is even more miserable than that of ordinary people."

Zhang Liang's eyes were clear.

"The country has been destroyed. Zifang Guan doesn't have much hope of restoring the country now. It would be better to stab Ying Zheng in the heart."

Han Cheng was shocked when the words "recovering the country" came out.

The person in front of him, who was about the same age as him, dared to think about restoring the country.

Han Cheng almost staggered, suddenly looked a little embarrassed, he took two steps back.

The person in front of him suddenly made him feel very dangerous.

"Don't you dare, Mr. Hengyang?"

After Han Cheng heard this, he immediately glared at Zhang Liang.

"Zifang, don't talk nonsense——"

Zhang Liang said again.

"I heard that Lord Hengyang's sister was kidnapped into Qin Xianyang Palace, and there has been no news since then."

Han Cheng's eyes widened when he heard this, and then two lines of tears fell unsatisfactorily to the ground.

The group of people were originally hard-hearted and tortured by the escape life, but now that they saw Han Cheng crying, they naturally began to wipe away their tears.

Zhang Liang continued his topic.

They are not strong enough now, and they urgently need to unite the power of everyone to resist Ying Zheng.

Zhang Liang could see that Lord Hengyang had many subordinates, and given his status, he must have extraordinary financial resources.If he could assist in the assassination of Qin's son this time, he would certainly be able to show Ying Zheng's power.

"The King of Qin is unjust and imposes harsh laws on Xinzheng, the old land of Han, Zhao and Wei, and many people complain. The King of Qin is unpopular and uses violence in the world. If things go on like this, the people will accumulate grudges. When the time comes, our opportunity will come."

After hearing this, Han Cheng felt that Zhang Liang was too courageous.

"Ying Zheng has thousands of troops and horses, but you are only one person. Why do you want to shake the Qin State, which now has thousands of miles of territory? Isn't this asking for death?"

"I'm not alone. I have united with many people who are dissatisfied with Yingzheng, and I am preparing to revolt."

After hearing this, Han Cheng naturally became interested.


Zhang Liang's eyes were cold.

"Exactly. Mr. Hengyang has also heard about the new policy that Young Master Fusu is going to implement in Linzi County, right?"

"Of course I have heard about it. Young Master Fusu, this man is quite capable. I heard that he even erected a monument and wrote an article for the deceased loyal minister of Qi. This matter was passed down by word of mouth among the people of Linzi and was very popular among the people. I also heard that , he wanted to order people to re-examine the large and small cases in Linzi County. Many people praised him."

After hearing this, Zhang Liang remembered what he looked like that day wearing a top and lower clothes.

"Master Fusu, this person is indeed unique."

Soon, Zhang Liang returned to the topic.

"However, this son is the crown prince appointed by Ying Zheng. If we can assassinate him, it will undoubtedly tell Ying Zheng that our Koreans are still here."

When Han Cheng heard this, he was also shocked by Zhang Liang.

"You want to assassinate Young Master Fusu?"


Han Cheng stepped forward, stared into Zhang Liang's eyes, and held his hand.

"Are you crazy? Not to mention the Qin army's heavy protection of Young Master Fusu, and the Qin army's elite troops, the Tiger Guards. And just talking about the black ice platform you encountered today, it will be difficult for you to deal with it. Assassination of Young Master Fusu, once If the matter is exposed, you will be dragged and quartered."

"I died serving my country, and I have no regrets." Zhang Liang looked at Han Cheng as he said that, "It's better than living like a rat on the street, hiding here and there!"


Han Cheng was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Afterwards, Han Cheng walked around on the ground.

"Since Lord Hengyang refuses to help, then I will say goodbye to Lord Hengyang."

With that said, Zhang Liang bowed and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute—"

Zhang Liang paused.

"How sure are you that this will happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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