Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 141 It’s Jing Ke (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 141 It’s Jing Ke (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Liang looked calm.

"This time, there is no guarantee of success."

When Han Cheng heard this, he was immediately shocked.

"Then why do you still swear by it?"

Zhang Liang was as calm as ever.

"But this time, we are [-]% sure of escaping unscathed."

After hearing this, Han Cheng became curious about the matter.

"Co-author, Zifang, are you just trying to scare the son of King Qin?"

Han Cheng suddenly became interested in this matter.

If you can escape unscathed, as long as you show the Qin people a little bit of color, it will be a good deal.

"Although there is little certainty of success, if we can really change the head of Mr. Qin, it will naturally be a huge blow to Ying Zheng."

Han Cheng looked at Zhang Liang. This face, which often looks like a boy or a girl, looked like a good girl, was full of calmness, and his eyes were full of determination and no fear.

Looking at him, it was one thing that Han Cheng felt fear in his heart, but his admiration for Zhang Liang also arose spontaneously.

This child is extraordinary.

Zhang Liang said again.

"A few months ago, we launched an uprising in Xinzheng. Although our resistance was suppressed by Ying Zheng. But I heard that Ying Zheng was furious about this."

Speaking of this, Zhang Liang's face showed joy.

"That's why Ying Zheng personally sent his son Fusu as an envoy to Qi this time. The purpose is to give King Qin Ying Zheng a reasonable chance to attack other countries."

"Now, what we have to do is, first, to prevent Young Master Fusu from continuing to implement the New Deal; in addition, assassinating the future prince of Qin will undoubtedly be a warning to Ying Zheng."

"Since the fall of Korea, Zifang has been thinking about how to let Qin Wangzheng taste what we feel."

"Now, the opportunity is right in front of us. If Lord Hengyang can help Zi Fang, he may really be able to save Qin's young master Fu Su's life. King Qin will definitely regret it by then."

"Even if it fails. Mr. Qin Fusu will definitely continue martial law, and this new policy will naturally not be able to continue to be implemented."

After listening to it, Han Cheng noticed the clue, and couldn't help but feel sad. He can't be dragged into the water easily.

"So Zifang, you just want Ying Zheng to taste the pain of losing his beloved son, and by the way, stop the New Deal."

"What Mr. Hengyang said is absolutely true."

Han Cheng's eyes were filled with cold contempt and his face was also filled with scorn.

"The New Deal rebellion has probably wiped out all your family wealth, right? What ability do you have now to start a rebellion?"

Zhang Liang said this.

"I am not the only one. I have united the clans of Korea, Zhao and Wei. Please think carefully, Mr. Hengyang." When Han Cheng heard this, he was dumbfounded, thinking that he has been in Linzi City since his escape. However, Zifang has united a group of queens who have subjugated their country in the past few years.

Han Cheng began to pace, his boots leaving footprints on the ground one after another.

"What happens after it's done?"

"We have agreed to escape to the Land of Yunmeng together."

Han Cheng was suspicious.

"Escape to Chu State?"

Zhang Liang said slowly.

"After all, Chu State has the land of Wu and Yue, and it will be difficult for Qin State to invade it for a while."

Han Cheng said.

"A few days ago, the Yingzheng faction Wang Bi and Li Xin sent out together to destroy the Qi State. They cut the bodies of Hou Sheng's five horses in the city for public display, and then sent the young king of Qi State to Xianyang. Li Xin then guarded Langya."

"I heard that it was this Li Xin who chased Prince Dan of Yan to Yanshui and beheaded him. Moreover, I got news that Li Xin had even uttered wild words before, saying that he would destroy Chu with 20 people."

"Ying Zheng has never taken Chu State seriously. He must have wanted to order Li Xin to lead 20 troops to attack Chu, so he asked Li Xin to garrison Langya. I look at it, Chu State will be finished soon."

The Chu State was about to end, and Zhang Liang did not want to hear such prophecies.

Qi is over, and Chu will be next.

Could it be said that this is the general trend of the world?
"After this incident, one of us also hates Qin General Li Xin to the core."


"Mr. Hengyang must have heard the name of a knight from the Yan Kingdom. This person is related to him."

"A knight? In this world today, who else calls themselves a knight? Or is it just a remnant..."

Zhang Liang said.

"This person's name is known to everyone in the world, so he can certainly afford it."

He said half of what he said, which naturally made people uncomfortable, said Han Chengdao.

"Zifang, you still like to show off. But since he is a knight of the Yan Kingdom, I have such a person in my heart. Let's call him a knight for the time being. Moreover, except for him, no one in the world can afford to be a knight. He is known as a chivalrous person. However, he has passed away."

Han Cheng said, carefully wiping the hilt of the sword in his hand, with infinite melancholy and a bit of regret in his tone.

Zhang Liangze's eyes lit up.

"The knight Zifang mentioned is none other than Jing Ke."

Han Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this.

Zhang Liang also looked at Han Cheng, carefully recalling what Han Cheng had just said.Han Cheng was indeed unwilling, but he did not have the courage to go against the current King of Qin.

However, Han Cheng actually admired Jing Ke.

Zhang Liang continued.

"Among the people who joined us this time, there happened to be a few of them who were friends of Jing Ke in the past."

Hengyang Jun couldn't help but frown after hearing this.

"What you said is true?"

"It's absolutely true. If Mr. Hengyang doesn't dislike him, Zifang can recommend this person to Mr. Hengyang."

Jun Hengyang was very surprised.

Since he was an old friend of Jing Ke, he naturally wanted to help.

"But how did you make friends with so many people in such a short period of time?"

Zhang Liang didn't answer.

It was not because of his initiative that he made so many friends, but since the Xinzheng uprising, someone noticed him and took the initiative to help him, so he was pulled into a large organization in a short period of time.

In this operation, he only participated in following others' orders.You know, it is those from Yan State who are in charge of this matter.

Moreover, people from the Mo family were also involved this time.

The Mohists have always maintained that the people should have their own armed forces.Moreover, they have their own strongholds in the countryside and have their own weapons.

This was a large-scale assassination operation. It was not like Jing Ke entering Xianyang alone to assassinate Qin Shihuang, but an operation planned by a group of people.

Thorough and flawless.

But Zhang Liang would not tell Mr. Hengyang about these things.

After all, there is a lot involved in this matter.

Before that, some of them got through to the Qin State to get information.

They had already contacted the late Changping Lord of the Qin State and planned to cooperate with the Chu State inside and outside to take the opportunity to restore the country.

Moreover, Lord Changping had originally promised them not only to help Chu but also to support South Korea.

But suddenly, Lord Changping was recalled to Xianyang, and then suddenly died of illness.

This matter involved countless people.

But before taking action, Chang Pingjun's most critical chain was suddenly interrupted.

You know, Changping Jun Mi Qi is the most capable and powerful person to help them complete this counterattack.

But he died suddenly, and all previous plans were ruined.

After experiencing this incident, Zhang Liang had to be cautious.

Seeing that Zhang Liang was not willing to tell him the power behind him, Han Cheng knew that it was time for him to take a stand.

"I promise you that I will help you start a fight."

Zhang Liang's face lit up with joy.

"With Lord Hengyang's help, we will definitely succeed this time."

Lord Hengyang didn't have much hope for this matter.

It's important to escape, don't accidentally join in the fun and risk your life.

(Will you be happy when Gai Nie from Yulin comes out? This chapter has filled in a lot of pitfalls. Please give me a tip and thank you.)
(End of this chapter)

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