Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 142: Xiao He (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 142: Xiao He (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Two groups of angry flames reflected in Han Cheng's eyes.

"If we can really kill Young Master Fusu this time, Ying Zheng will definitely feel what they suffered. We suffered the destruction of our country and family, and suffered the pain of exile, but Ying Zheng is in Xianyang Palace He is commanding thousands of troops, and he still wants to claim the title of emperor. He is so arrogant and arrogant!"

In the west of Linzi City, the streets that were originally brightly lit, now at night, as long as there is a little light and shadow on the streets, it will attract Qin Bing to investigate.

In the stable, it was pitch black.

The horses have all lain down and gone to sleep.

There was the sound of straw rustling in the wind from outside.

There was no sound of anyone outside.

Below the ground, candlelight filled the stone chamber.

Han Cheng said these words, and then he felt scared for a while, as if he was worried that there were eyes staring at him in the dark.

This kind of people who only dare to swear behind their backs but accomplish nothing is the kind of people Zhang Liang met the most on the way to escape, and they are also the most annoying type of people.

Zhang Liang could understand Han Cheng's fear of Ying Zheng, but what he couldn't understand was that they didn't take any action.

After thinking about it, Zhang Liang said nothing.

However, in Zhang Liang's heart, he had already judged Han Cheng, and this person was destined not to achieve great things.

Han Cheng said again.

"I think the time for you to take action must be on the day when Young Master Fusu holds a consultation."

Zhang Liang smiled.

"Hengyang-kun only guessed half of it right."

Han Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Why did Zifang say that? Are you planning to let go of this great opportunity? You know, Young Master Fusu said that he would personally watch the examinations of the students, and then select twenty to be officials. .”

Zhang Liang said.

"However, the young master Fu Su was eager to seek talents, so he decided to meet all the students in person, which is understandable. However, according to Zifang's opinion, the young master publicly announced that he was going to take the exam, just like a sheep opening the sheep from the inside. lock up."

Han Cheng answered naturally.

"Then isn't this just waiting for the wolf to snatch away the sheep?"

After the words came out of his mouth, Han Cheng finally figured it out.

Then, he looked at Zhang Liang in surprise.

"As expected of an ovary, it seems that you have already expected that Young Master Fusu did this on purpose in order to lure us to show up."

"It's not necessarily that he acted like this intentionally. He just wanted to fight for the same thing with us."


"People's hearts."

These two words popped out between Zhang Liang's two rows of white teeth, and he felt his scalp numb.

"This person should not be underestimated. Although this person is young, he is quite assertive in political affairs. If the Qin State is really given decades, how many people in the world will remember by then, how many people in the world will still remember the old days? There are Han Zhao Wei Qi and other countries."

Zhang Liang thought of Master Fusu, and his eyes suddenly became dark.

Young Master Fusu is a strange man.

Zhang Liang came to Linzi City for more than a month, and what Young Master Fusu did and every move made Zhang Liang's eyes shine.

He always has many novel ideas, erecting a monument to the fallen ministers, unprecedented!

However, this move made the people of Linzi feel very fond of the young master Fusu.

And he could tell that the young master seemed to care very much about the thoughts and opinions of the people.

He is a formidable opponent.

"Zifang, how come you are not even afraid of Qin Wangzheng, but you show such fear to a child here."


Only then did Zhang Liang realize that he was actually afraid of this person.

However, he was not ashamed of such fear, on the contrary, his expression became more and more serious.

To this day, Zhang Liang still remembers the appearance of Master Fusu.

Among the Qin army with black armor like a forest and tiger generals accompanying them, he was actually wearing a pair of clothes.

He had already heard some people in Linzi talking about this matter.

What's more, some people have begun to talk about the good things about Qin.

The laws of Qin are not noble!

This is a ridiculous statement that can easily confuse people.

Zhang Liang has been in Xinzheng for many years. In the past, Qin's rule over their old Japanese and Korean lands only blindly implemented Qin's laws and systems in Xinzheng.

The same is true for the land of Zhao and Wei.

However, when he arrived in Linzi County, Prince Fusu was obviously exploring new ways of innovation.

And Ying Zheng is actually also strongly supporting his son.

the end.

Zhang Liang raised his head and spoke seriously to Han Cheng.

"It doesn't matter if someone robs the city. As long as the people's hearts are still there, the country can still be restored. But if someone still robs the people's hearts, then it will really be impossible to recover."

Han Cheng couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard this.

Then he patted Zhang Liang's shoulder again, looking relaxed.

"Zifang, that's not the case. I see what you said is serious, but he is just an uncrowned child. If you really want to say what is extraordinary about him, it is just that he was born in the Xianyang Palace, and he has the king of Qin Wangzheng behind him. Behind him, there are just a few capable ministers who advise him."

Seeing that Han Cheng was still so careless, Zhang Liang knew that this Han Cheng did not understand political affairs, and his life in exile for many years did not make him much better.


November eleventh.

The sky and earth in the north are already in a state of strife, with the ground covered with withered yellow and the wild grass breaking.

The new wind was like a knife, blowing back and forth on the faces of the soldiers.

The faces of the soldiers guarding the Linzi wall were all red from the cold.

In Linzi City today, countless people flocked to the southeast corner of the city.

Southeast of Linzi City is the Jixia Academy, which was famous in the Seven Kingdoms in the past.

At the entrance of Jixia Academy, a group of people gathered around. Everyone put their hands in their sleeves.
Outside the Jixia Academy, there are many soldiers standing there. There are six floors outside. It is really difficult to fly without wings.

Those watching from afar could see crossbowmen standing on the eaves of the pavilions of Jixia Academy.

Not to mention, there are watchtowers located around Jixia Academy and inside.

"The Qin army's defenses are really tight."

A man in white clothes wearing a bamboo hat whispered.

"Let's go, there's no way we can get in here without 'passing'. Follow the plan."


In Jixia Academy Palace.

Rows of Confucian scholars lined up in long queues, and were searched one by one. After submitting the verified "biography", they were led into the ear room. In full view of the public, they first took off their clothes, and then put on the clothes that had been prepared for them from the inside out. All good clothes and old clothes must be left outside and are not allowed to be brought into the examination room.

After completing this series of assessments, you can enter the examination room.

Today, they just entered the examination room first. They had to spend three days and three nights in the examination room before they could see Young Master Fusu.

"Next, tell me your name."

"I despise Xiao He."

"Xiao He?"

When Shen Yu heard this name, he felt it was very familiar.

The young master often talks about it.

Success is also a small crane, failure is also a small crane...

The young master is currently in the Linzi palace. He sent him to come over to see how the situation is here. It seems that everything is normal at present.

However, Shen Yu discovered a problem.

The clothes of these people are extremely bright.

Looking at their clothes, you can tell that these people come from wealthy families.

And the young master’s intention is to uplift the common people who have no background.

"This is your biography?"

The official in charge of the review suddenly shouted loudly. This sentence alarmed Feng Jie and Wei Ping.

Soon, a group of soldiers surrounded the past.

Xiao He answered respectfully, but his heart was agitated.


The reviewers naturally cannot let go of anything suspicious.

"Why is this sign so old?"

 Because many readers complained that the process of unification was not interesting, I decided to briefly write about the war between Qin and Chu, and then hurry up to the era of unification.

  Then, tonight I will send out a list of official positions and collect the names of characters. If anyone wants to play a role, please come forward and leave a message. I will write it in the following article.

(End of this chapter)

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