Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 143 Another strong-mouthed king comes (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 143 Here comes another king with a strong mouth (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the world is full of chills.

Occasionally, wild geese neigh sadly twice in the sky.

As soon as the wild goose screamed, an inexplicable string was plucked in the hearts of the Qin soldiers. Almost everyone looked at the sky and then looked to the west.

But today, the north wind is still howling, but the Qin army's black flags are fierce, their military appearance is extremely grand, and the soldiers' faces have the fortitude they have learned from training.

The soldiers had already surrounded them, and Xiao He looked slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, he came up with a plan and was stopped the first thing he did when checking the 'passage'.

Shen Yu suddenly felt that something was not good.

Because the crowd under the steps rushed over.

Today, many people gathered in front of the Jixia Academy, but in fact, there are only a hundred people taking the exam with the "Zhuan".

Most of them came to watch the excitement.

The Confucian scholar in front of me seems to be about 30 years old. He is slender and has a very elegant appearance. He looks like a scholar at first glance.

Look at his hands. They are very slender and have clear joints. It is obvious that he has never done any heavy work.

Shen Yu was still standing there, but on the contrary, the more he remained silent, the servants beside the young master put a lot of pressure on the officials who were present for review.

"I am afraid that the 'passage' will be lost, so I hold it in my hand every day."

"Well, that's a reasonable answer. The 'biography' you hold is indeed correct."

Xiao He breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

But the subordinate soon became serious again and spread out several volumes of the household registration booklet compiled by his side on the lacquer desk.

The subordinate glanced at it and found that there was indeed no family named Xiao in Linzi City. The subordinate pointed at the household registration book and his face was ashen.

"But why don't I remember that there is a family named Xiao in Linzi City?"

When the guards on the left and right saw this, they immediately became alert, and Li Yue was already pointing at Xiao He.

Xiao He had already expected this situation.

Xiao He bowed to his subordinates calmly, with an upright posture and calm eyes.

"Please make amends. I am not from Linzi."


"So, who are you?"

"I am Xiao He, from Pei County."

The review official heard this and was filled with doubts.

"Pei County? I've never heard of this county in Linzi County?"

Come forward left and right.

"Pei County belongs to Sishui County."

"Surabaya County?"

The original land of Wei.

After hearing this, Shen Yu couldn't help but take a closer look at Xiao He again. His clothes were simple and the materials he used were all of the highest quality.

It seems that this person made a special trip to Linzi County to participate in this exam.

"People from Sishui County actually came to Linzi County? Why don't we capture them!"

As soon as the guards heard this, four people stepped forward to hold Xiao He up.

"Why are you arresting me? I haven't violated Qin's laws?"

"You actually said that you have not violated Qin's laws, which is nonsense! Our Qin laws clearly stipulate that without an edict, the common people are not allowed to leave the county without permission."

"I should have an edict."


The subordinate sneered contemptuously, and then brushed his beard.

"Edicts, I have been an official for many years, and I have issued them only a few times after hearing them. You are just a commoner, but you dare to say that you have an edict. I have never seen such a person with such arrogance."

"If you have the ability, why don't you come up with your edict?"

Xiao He looked at the notice beside the gate of Jixia Academy.

"Isn't this edict posted everywhere in Linzi County? Everyone, please see, it is clearly written on the notice. The eldest son has an order, and all Confucian scholars aged between twenty and forty can hold it. "Enter Jixia Academy to participate in this policy examination. Since the eldest son has an edict, why should we Confucian scholars not comply with it?"


The subordinate was speechless and his face turned red with anger.

"Strong words! If you leave Sishui County without permission, you will be punished with tattoos and later be sent to the army."

At this moment, a burst of discussion suddenly sounded among the crowd.

"He's just here to take a test, isn't that all?"

"I have heard that the officials of Qin are harsh and do not treat the people of Qi and Wei as human beings."

"Yes, I think this Sishui County was the land of Wei in the past. I think back then, when Wei was still alive, we, the common people of Qi and Wei, had many contacts with each other."

Among the crowd, three or five people spoke loudly at first, and then a burst of noise broke out from the crowd.

Xiao He naturally heard these words. He just wanted to use this policy examination to show off his ambitions, but now it caused a commotion among these people.

"Since Qin has been unified, we are not allowed to go out and outsiders are not allowed to come in."

"Young Master Fusu said something nice, and we were not allowed to discuss it, but he ordered a curfew. Moreover, the counties and counties in the Qin State do not allow free exchanges between each other's common people. This will not cut off our way of survival!"

Originally, the people of the Qin army pointed their crossbows at them because of the criticism among the crowd, but now, they directly criticized the young master.

"These tricksters!"

The officials were anxious.

"Hurry up and put these lies behind bars."

Only then did Shen Yu come out.

"Wait a minute, I need to ask the young master for instructions first."

The warlord felt that the situation was not good, so he controlled his horse and whipped his whip in the air, shouting loudly.

"Mount the shield——"

"Crossbowmen ready."

The crossbowmen all moved towards the people, and the people who had gathered suddenly became confused and fled in all directions.

As for the cronies around Prince Fusu, although their official positions were higher than his, they obeyed his words.

Jixia Academy was not far from Linzi Palace, and the news soon reached Feng Jie's ears.

Feng Jie led a group of black cavalry and galloped out of Linzi Palace and went straight to Jixia Academy.

When Feng Jie arrived, only a few people were left in front of Linzi Palace.

"What's going on? Where are the people who came to take the exam?"

When the subordinate heard this, his face immediately turned pale.

Feng Jie glanced at the official with disgust.

Shen Yu stepped forward and said a lot to Feng Jie.

Feng Jie's face turned green after hearing this.

"This clearly shows that someone is causing trouble."

"I will go back and explain this matter to you in person. General Laofeng is here to watch."


Linzi Palace.

The palace was even more desolate, the air outside was extremely cold, and the charcoal basins had been set up in the palace, making it very warm.

Fusu was having a banquet with several new Qin officials, but bad news came one after another from outside, so the banquet had to be abandoned.

There are seven officials in total, and some of them will be promoted to county guards or county magistrates in the future...

But looking at their movements, you know that these people are definitely not people who can suppress a county.

It does not rely on military strength, but relies entirely on the garrisoned generals to suppress it.

This is the current problem of the Qin State. For the land that has been captured, it is still using violent methods to achieve the simplest goal of suppression.

There was no interest in having a banquet, and after meeting the people, Fusu was even more disappointed.

After everyone retreated and the wine utensils were removed, Fusu's face showed exhaustion.

"What happened at Jixia Academy?"

Shen Yu had no choice but to tell everything he saw.

"In my opinion, it is clear that someone deliberately incited the crowd."

Fusu fell into silence after hearing this.

He naturally thought of what Wei Ping had said to him that day.

He wanted to win the hearts of the people of Linzi, but some people were against him.

The rebels are really rebellious and have no one to fear.

After a while, Feng Jie came back again.

Feng Jie came back dejectedly. When he saw the young master, he was even more discouraged.

"what happened?"

"Young Master - I have something to say, but I'm afraid that the Young Master won't like to hear it."

Fusu raised his eyebrows.

"Just tell me, I'll forgive you first."

Feng Jie sighed, looking exhausted.

(Emma, ​​I can’t help it. I have a stomachache tonight.)
(End of this chapter)

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