Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 146 Zhang Cang appears ahead (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 146 Zhang Cang appears ahead (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Young master, you have a cold? Winter is coming, you should be careful."

Fusu waved his hands and pinched his nose.

"It's okay."

learn from mistakes.

And Fusu will never take the issue of keeping warm lightly.

He had some good wishes, and living a long life was one of them.

But why do you sneeze suddenly?

Fusu had no choice but to make a somewhat absurd guess. It must be those rebels scolding me behind my back.

However, I don’t know how those scholars answered the questions. I gave them a lot of scoring questions. You must know that in modern times, college entrance examination papers will never be as kind as his questions.

They were all open-ended questions, but they still had to choose three out of ten. In modern times, liberal arts students would be so happy.

As long as your handwriting is beautiful, you are knowledgeable enough, and you are creative enough, then you can pass this exam.

First of all, calligraphy is one of the key contents of this ability inspection.

If you can write well, you can directly take up an official position doing copying and writing.

Moreover, 2000 years ago today, in a sense, all scholars were liberal arts students.

Therefore, in order to increase the difficulty of the exam and highlight his wisdom, Fusu also asked some questions that were closer to this era but that no candidate should be able to answer.


The first test question confused Xiao He, and then he couldn't wait to type the second bamboo slip.

Naturally, there is only one question on this bamboo slip:
The customs of the people in the land of Hangu Guanxi and the coast of the Sanghai Sea are quite different. The implementation of the Qin Law has caused many inconveniences to the people. How to solve it?

When Xiao He saw this question, his heart skipped a beat.

But soon, he became calmer.

The person who asked the question was so bold. He would have to have a meeting with him someday.

When he opened the third test question, Xiao He's heart seemed to stop beating. At that moment, he almost felt like something was being pulled out of his body.

The letter reads:

The Qin State used to be only a thousand miles away, but now it is thousands of miles away. The world is unifying, a new dynasty has just been established, and people all over the world are divided. What should we do?

When he turned to this point, Xiao He's eyes were dumbfounded.

Xiao He slandered.

"Hey—my four books, five classics, and hundreds of classics are all in vain."

But this question is really good.

Ask policy? Ask policy!

Xiao He now completely understood what Wen Ce was all about.

This son Fusu is really strange.

Thinking of this, Xiao He then thought that he might be the one who asked these unprecedented test questions.

The young master actually asked ordinary scholars like them for advice in this way.

But it is enough to see that Young Master Fusu is indeed a different kind of person.

However, his desire to brainstorm, consult with scholars, and seek talents is also evident on the paper.

If the young master Fusu wants to be a bole, then he must be a thousand-mile horse.

Xiao He stopped reading, picked up the three slips, and began to write.

As for other people, when they saw these questions, their hearts were naturally the same as Xiao He's.

Young Master Fusu actually directly asked them about government affairs. This was the first time they had ever experienced this.

But some people stared at the question and were speechless for a long time.

What kind of subject is this?
Today there are pheasants (chickens) and rabbits in the same cage, with 35 heads on top and 94 legs on the bottom.Ask the pheasant and rabbit what their geometry is?
more than this.

Today, there are people buying things together. Each person contributes [-] qian, and there is a surplus of [-] qian. Each person contributes [-] qian, and there is less than [-] qian. How many people are there, and what are the prices of the items?

Next to it was a copper hourglass. Listening to the sound of water drops, Xiao He knew that the time was passing.

The exam time is limited to one hour.

Xiao He no longer had the intention to look at other bamboo slips.

Just answer these three questions. Since Young Master Fusu dares to ask for advice like this, then since Xiao He has come to take the exam, he should naturally answer the questions well.


Xiao He thought about it for a while, spread out the bamboo slips, picked up the pen, moistened the ink in the inkstone, and started to carefully embroider the word '' on the clean bamboo slips.

Afterwards, Xiao He was the first to finish answering the test questions, and asked the soldiers to hand them over to him.

After that, Xiao He walked out of the examination room with his head held high like a general who had won a battle.

However, just as he was being led out, he noticed that there were people around him who were thinking hard, and some were scratching their heads and ears.

What's more, they take off their hair crowns.

When Xiao He saw this, he became even more confident, proudly held his chest high, and strode out of the examination room.

When he left the scene, he heard a few soldiers talking about him behind his back.

"See - that's the difference between first and second."

"The first person finished answering the questions within a quarter of an hour and left, but the second person took three quarters of an hour longer than the first person to come out."

"What nonsense are you talking about? The final decision on who is first and second is not based on who appears first, but on the content of the answers on the bamboo slips?"

"Hey - you don't understand this. At least in terms of speed, the first person to appear is already ahead of everyone. General Feng retained the person on the spot and said that he would introduce him to the eldest son. Now , the eldest son is taking Da Jian to find His Highness."

Xiao He's face turned blue and white after hearing this.

The waist is not as straight as before.

So, I was only the second to answer the question.

Who was the first one?


Fusu was still chatting with Hu Wujing.

Feng Jie was like a big baboon, hunching his shoulders excitedly and looking for him with three slips.

"Young Master, I am very happy. When I asked for advice, I met a strange person. He is comparable to the reincarnation of Grand Duke Jiang."


Fusu raised his eyebrows.

"But it's amazing that someone answered the question so quickly."

Feng Jie handed the bamboo slip to the young master.

As soon as Fusu opened it, he saw several traditional Chinese numbers.

These numbers startled Fusu, as if the bamboo slips were like a soldering iron.

The bamboo slip slipped from Fusu's hand.

Fusu was also stunned by this man.

Fusu hurriedly looked to the lower right, who was it?
Fusu had estimated that the questions in "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" would be difficult for people of this era, but it would not lead to annihilation. There would always be someone who could answer them.

But the problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage in "Sun Zi Suan Jing" requires solving equations.

There is a row of small characters on the lower right, and Fu Su quickly flipped through them, and the two characters almost burst into Fu Su's eyes.

And Feng Jie was also frightened by Mr. Fusu's expression of being speechless at first, but then ecstatic.

"My son is this?"

It turned out to be Zhang Cang!
"Is this person really named Zhang Cang?"

"Exactly, sir."

"What about the others now?"

"He was the first to finish answering the questions and turn it in, so I brought him here and wanted the young master to meet him too."

Fusu became anxious and stood up from his seat.

"bring it here."

Chi Wu stepped forward.

"Young Master, even if this person answers the question first, Yu Li, this person has to be escorted over and cannot see the Young Master directly."

Fusu lowered his eyes and tapped the hilt of his sword.

Yes, what if Xiao He shows up to me today?

In fact, most of Liu Bang's subordinates were in Henan and Jiangsu, not far from Linzi County.

"Then bring it over."

Fusu was suspicious, was it really Zhang Cang?

If it is Zhang Cang, then it makes sense that he can answer these questions.

Because, it was Zhang Cang who lived to be one hundred and two years old, and Geng Shouchang co-authored a mathematics monograph "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic".

Speaking of Zhang Cang, he once held a position under Ying Zheng, but later he committed a crime and went to work under Liu Bang.

And Xiao He was once a swordsman in the Qin Dynasty.

As for Liu Bang, let alone.

(End of this chapter)

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