Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 147 Drinking human milk to maintain health is a weirdo and a big deal

Chapter 147 Drinking human milk to maintain health is a weirdo and a big deal

From the moment he heard the name, the young master was extremely excited.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Zhang Cang as someone who knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom.

He participated in "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", and he also studied the astronomical calendar. You must know that the astronomical calendar is of great help to farming.

In ancient times, the Tianwen calendar was equivalent to the modern weather forecast.

Although the weather forecast was ridiculously backward and not very accurate, it was of great significance in guiding farmers to farm before 2000 years ago.

For example, when crops are cooked, seasonal adjustments can be made.

Moreover, Zhang Cang, he is quite good at arithmetic. He can be used to manage the treasury.

Moreover, he wanted to persuade Ying Zheng to let the state control major industries in industry and commerce. Looking at the government, it seemed that there was only one minister available.

Not only that, Zhang Cang is a famous health master in history.

After Zhang Cang was dismissed as prime minister, he was already very old. Because he had no teeth in his mouth, he could only live on human milk and let some women act as his wet nurses.

Zhang Cang had many wives and concubines, said to be around a hundred, but this is normal.

But Zhang Cang has a quirk: he will no longer be close to anyone who has been pregnant and given birth.

In the end, Zhang Cang lived to be more than a hundred years old before passing away.

Fusu doesn't know whether Ying Zheng still wants to live forever, but if Ying Zheng wants to maintain his health, he will naturally support it.

Fusu was thinking about how to use this man when he saw a handsome man over eight feet tall and with a dignified appearance being brought in with four soldiers holding his hands in shackles.

Chi Wu's face can be described as dark, and compared with this Cang Yi, he looks even darker.

Most of the people present were from Qin, and Fusu was considered the fairest, but he still had yellow skin, and this Cang, as written in the history books, had skin like gourd seeds.

Fusu couldn't help but sigh, what a handsome man!
Fusu looked at his height, which was almost the same as that of the Qin people, and couldn't help but think of a small detail.

It is said that Zhang Cang's father was less than five feet tall, but Zhang Cang was more than eight feet tall.

This is interesting.

Zhang Cang originally thought of going directly to Xianyang City, but recently he heard that Young Master Fusu was engaged in "asking for advice" in Linzi County, so he came here just to watch the fun.

Originally he just came here to watch the excitement, but now that the threshold for taking the exam has been lowered, he naturally wanted to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, the shorter the question, the more interesting it is.

A chicken and a rabbit in the same cage, a good question. I wonder which scholar came up with such a difficult question.

It actually embarrassed him for about a quarter of an hour.

He must definitely ask the person who raised the question.

After being shackled and entered into the Scripture Depository Pavilion, Zhang Cang saw a young man in dark black clothes from a distance, with a black robe with a crane collar hanging behind him.

The people of Qin are still black, as expected.

Prince Fusu was the crown prince of Qin.

So far, the young man in front of him is the highest-ranking person in the Qin Kingdom that he has ever seen.

However, look at his height, he is very tall and straight, and his eyebrows.

What a beautiful boy!
Zhang Cang bowed to the handsome young man in front of him.

"I, Zhang Cang, pay my respects to the young master."

"Flat body."

Fusu Su measured Zhang Cang.

Zhang Cang then raised his head, and Fu Su thought for a moment, it would be a bit ugly to restrain him like this.

He was here to meet Zhang Cang, who built the Qin Empire, and he was not here to interrogate prisoners.

And someone as handsome and handsome as Zhang Cang actually tied him up like this.

"Remove the shackles."

Chi Wu was a little hesitant after hearing this, but he waved his hand and motioned to the garrison to unshackle him, but his hands were still shackled.

Feng Jie looked at the young master from the side and smiled with admiration in his eyes when he saw this person.

Fusu asked.

"You solved all these problems?"

Chi Wujiang gave him Zhang Cang's reply slip.

Zhang Cang looked humble when he saw it.


"It seems that you are quite proficient in calculations."

"Young master, I am very complimentary. However, this question is quite clever. The number of chickens and rabbits is different, making it extremely difficult. Zhang Cang is stupid and chose a not-so-smart method to solve it."

Feng Jie couldn't help but look sideways after hearing this.

Listen, this is what people should say.

He was the first to answer the question.

However, he is worthy of being Zhang Yi’s grandson.

Feng Jie had just checked the family lineage submitted by this person and found that his grandfather turned out to be Zhang Yi.

Fusu clapped his hands and smiled.

"Okay, okay. Since you are good at calculations, do I want to take you back to Xianyang?"

Originally, Zhang Cang was still worried that if he answered the question correctly because of this, he would really be left as an official in Linzi City, wouldn't he lose his chance to meet the King of Qin?

But the young master Fusu actually offered to take him to Xianyang.

Zhang Cang was naturally overjoyed.

"I am both favored by the young master and received great favor from you. In this way, I thank you."

Hu Wujing looked at Young Master Fusu.

He also saw that Mr. Fusu was thirsty for talents.

Whenever he met a wise man, he thought of taking him to Qin and dedicating him to his father.

But for him and several other ministers of Qi State, Prince Fusu personally promised to recommend them to the King of Qin.

A very smart person.

But this one, looking at the young master looking at him, showed ten times more affection than ordinary people. It seemed that the young master was going to stay with him.

However, this person named Zhang Cang is just good-looking, and he can't be considered a talent by solving a few questions that have nothing to do with state affairs.

Suddenly, a black-armored guard came over from the side, walked straight to Chi Wu, and whispered in his ear.

Chi Wu's face turned darker. He walked to Fusu and leaned down to whisper.

Fusu sat upright in the seat, his eyebrows suddenly raised, his face tense, showing a serious look that he had never seen before.

He was very uncomfortable.

Fusu looked at the clear blue sky outside the Sutra Pavilion.

I thought he was just a 17-year-old handsome boy, full of knowledge and in his youth, but now a group of people came and wanted to end his young life.

It's really cruel, bloody and violent...

I think that his dignified son Fusu reached the destination that no one else could reach in his lifetime - becoming the eldest son of King Qin Yingzheng.

In his opinion, this is destiny. He must successfully inherit the Qin Empire, stabilize the overall situation of the world, and protect the peace and prosperity of the country and the people.

A monarch like him who is destined to be promising and low-key is facing the possibility of assassination at a young age.

Thinking about it carefully, apart from his high status and 2000 years of knowledge in his head, if there is anyone who can be hated, it should be his face.

The owner of such a face should live a long life.

Fusu's heart was pounding.

What is this feeling of not being afraid but excited when knowing that someone has assassinated you?

Chi Wu asked again.

"Young Master, for the sake of safety, Chi Wu will escort you back to the palace right now."

Fu Su calmed down, his eyes darkened.

"In that case, I'll go back to the palace first."

Fusu looked at Feng Jie.

"Feng Jie, I'll leave this to you."


Fusu didn't say much, and Chi Wu led the way out of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Chi Wu left, and the shackles on Zhang Cang's hands were opened.

Zhang Cang looked at Feng Jie with confusion on his face.

"But what happened?"

Chi Wu's subordinates were the Tiger Army, and a sense of crisis filled Feng Jie's heart.

Feng Jie didn't answer Zhang Cang and walked straight out.

"You come with me."

Zhang Cang followed Feng Jie and came to another house.

Feng Jie opened the door, and Zhang Cang saw a couch, a case, and several bamboo slips inside.

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(End of this chapter)

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