Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 148 Zhang Liang has spent a lot of money (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 148 Zhang Liang has spent a lot of money (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Cang's eyes widened. Judging from the situation, he was about to be locked up again.

"This is?"

"You will live here until the recruitment result comes out."

Zhang Cang asked.

"Why? I want to return home."

"A bit ambitious." Feng Jie patted Zhang Cang on the shoulder, "Young master wants to take you back to Xianyang."

Zhang Cang was not happy after hearing this.

Young Master Fusu is only a young man. He may lack someone to teach him arithmetic.

I can't teach children this kind of thing.

If you want to do a big business, you still have to get the respect of King Qin.

However, Zhang Cang suddenly remembered something that was lingering in his mind.

He has always wanted to get acquainted with the person who caused the problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage.

"However, I wonder which expert is the one who proposed this topic? I would like to have a detailed discussion with him, and I hope the general can introduce him."

"Which expert? Let's talk about it in detail?"

Feng Jie was a little surprised when he heard this.

Zhang Cangcheng said in his heart.

"I have never seen such a novel question before. I really want to meet the person who came up with this question. I would like to trouble General to find out all about it."

Feng Jie became interested instead.

"You really can't guess the person who asked this question?"

Zhang Cang shook his head.

"Naturally, the son."

Zhang Cang was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

When he came to his senses, Feng Jie was already gone.

Originally, he only needed to send someone to send him to his residence, but thinking of the way the young master looked at him, Feng Jie decided to send him there himself.

Because Feng Jie had a hunch that this person was good-looking and the king would be interested in employing him when he saw him.

As soon as he talked about the king, Feng Jie also began to miss Xianyang.

Somehow, a human-shaped black dot suddenly floated across the sky.

At this time of year, there are even wild geese in the sky.

Feng Jie looked at it and suddenly wanted to return home.

Fortunately, in half a month, the young master will leave for Xianyang.

Zhang Cang was sitting alone in an empty room, feeling bored even before he even got off the bed.

It turned out to be Young Master Fusu.


Thinking of today, he quickly noticed that Young Master Fusu was in Linzi and seemed to be in danger, so he needed to be so cautious.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cang got up suddenly, he had to do something for the son of Qin.

Not for anything else, just for his three questions.


In the east of Linzi City, Dongmen Street runs directly from Linzi Palace from north to south to Jixia College.

The usually bustling streets are now deserted.

The cold wind was blowing constantly, and the doors of all the restaurants and restaurants on both sides of the avenue were closed, but the fragrance of wine was still wafting in the market, and there were even several broken bamboo buildings that were blown by the cold wind, making a clanging sound. sound.

All the pedestrians on the street were dispersed, except for a few crows.

There were some bloodstains on the street, and there was a vague smell of blood in the air.

Facing the execution ground, there were fifty corpses placed there. They were not wrapped in straw mats, and their bodies looked like large white worms, thrown together and piled into a hill.

On top of some corpses, white-tailed crossbow bolts were stuck behind the corpses.The corpses were piled together like a small hill.

Black-armored guards holding axes and axes lined up on both sides, looking extremely strict.

A canopy-covered carriage passed slowly on the avenue.

Wei Ping got into the car.

"What about people?"

Wei Ping lowered her head.

There was a hint of disappointment in Fusu's eyes.

"They are all well-trained fighters, and there are people behind them."

Fusu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to hear any more.

Wei Ping was a little embarrassed, because this was a scheme designed by the young master's adventure, in order to wipe out all the rebels lurking in Linzi city.

The young master pointed out that what he wanted was alive, but now, he only got fifty dead bodies.

Wei Ping made a bow.

"My lord, please punish me."

But Fusu just closed his eyes and concentrated without saying a word.

The curtains in the carriage were lowered, and although the lights were on, it was still a little dark.

"How many people came?"

"Fifty, they are all dead soldiers."

After hearing this astonishing number, Fusu suddenly raised his eyelids.

"Fifty dead men?"


When Fusu heard this number, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with this assassination case.

Arranging such a large-scale assassination in Linzi City shocked half of the people in the city.

50 people were mobilized, but they were all dead soldiers.

The training of the dead soldiers and the management of their families behind the scenes cost a lot of money.

When Xinzheng rebelled, Zhang Liang should have emptied his family fortune.

So this time, it's another bloody effort.

This damn man.

"There is another strange point. The methods used by these dead soldiers this time are exactly the same as those used in the Xinzheng rebellion."

"Zhang Liang—"

Fusu mentioned the name again.

Wei Ping also didn't understand why the young master kept talking about the descendant of the Zhang family who was involved in the old case in Xinzheng.

The young master should have never seen him before.

Fusu suddenly pushed aside the carriage, and the yellow sunlight filtered through.

Fusu seemed to be able to feel that there were many pairs of malicious eyes staring at him outside the car.

Fu Su clenched his fists.

The enemy is in the light, and I am in the dark.

These people made it impossible for them to go out properly.

"However, although we did not catch anyone alive this time and find out all the people behind the scenes, we have included the secret passage they used and the place that the previous wine shop led to into the investigation. Please rest assured, sir, I Once we follow the clues, we will definitely be able to find out the person behind the scenes.”

Fusu did not respond to this.

Wei Ping drooped her face and began to blame herself.

This time, I had completely humiliated Hei Bingtai.

Fifty people were actually used, which seemed to be an all-out assassination.

But the purpose of their assassination was not to kill someone on their own neck.

With this motive, what they should have wanted was a killing blow, and an open assassination would only be giving away fifty heads in vain.

And Fusu was sure that Zhang Liang was definitely not among the fifty corpses.

"Fifty dead men, it can be seen that they want to scare me, or are they paving the way for future actions?"

Wei Ping listened and seemed to understand.

"Young Master means that they are going to assassinate him."

Fusu's eyes suddenly glowed like steel knives.

"Send the order and bury the fifty dead soldiers."

"But didn't the young master say before that he would hang them in the city for public display?"

"No - our opponents are cunning."

If we say that before, Fusu still wanted to behead these dead men for public display, write a crime name, and point out that it was done by the old people of Han, Zhao and Wei, so as to warn the people of Linzi, and encouraged them to arrest suspicious people with a lot of money.

But now it seems that doing so has satisfied their wishes.

He prefers not to.

"Sir, do you want to cancel the banquet?"

Fu Su frowned, naturally he didn't want to.

Host a banquet.

After the assessment, he, the young master, still wanted to treat those talented scholars to a meal.

Then he will return to Xianyang, because it seems that Ying Zheng has adopted all his ideas.In particular, Ying Zheng appreciated the idea of ​​turning Jixia Academy into a Qin law school.

Soon, Fusu thought of something.

Hosting a banquet, right? Their real story is probably at the banquet.

The banquet was deliberately prepared by him to entertain those scholars who would pass the examination and become officials in the future.

So, among those taking the exam today, there won’t be Zhang Liang’s accomplices.

Zhang Liang, your heart is really dark enough.

Since you are so witty, you should see clearly that the unification of the world is the general trend, so why not follow Li Si's example and join Qin Shi Yingzheng.

Why are you so stubborn and insisting on going against Qin?

(End of this chapter)

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