Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 149: Xia uses force to break the ban (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 149: Xia uses force to break the ban (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Dusk is coming, and there are a few lonely shadows in the gray river sky.

Among the reeds, two white cranes lowered their heads in the mud to look for food. Their long, flat crimson beaks penetrated deep into the mud, and their sharp and tiny yellow eyes were embedded on both sides of their heads.

When he lowered his head, the black feather tail suddenly lifted up.

The two white cranes spread their wings at the same time, and their fluffy white feathers were shaken off among the withered yellow reeds, and then fell into the mud.

The afterglow of the setting sun falls on the vast lake, and the white lake reflects a red sun of old age.

Two white shadows slid gently across the lake, and circles of orange-red ripples flashed across the lake.

Three small pavilions stand on the water's edge of the lake, like three conches on the edge of the lake.

On the wooden bridge connecting to the land, it is long and narrow. Every five steps, there is a swordsman in black.

They had all put on their jackets, and the air-conditioning on the lake was nothing to them at the moment.For them, they have food and clothing and live a much happier life than freezing to death on the roadside.

In the pavilion in the distance, there is a flag with words drawn on it.

The Lord said, that is 'Xia'.

They later followed him, also known as 'Xia'.

What is 'xia'?
They didn't know it before, but later the Lord told them that chivalrous people value justice over profit.

They didn't understand it at the time, but later, they gradually understood it.

Xia means working for those who can give them meat to eat.

Living is for life, and working for others is also for life, for a better life.

People who are powerful at taking human lives can eat meat soup, but useless people can eat vegetable porridge.

Vegetable porridge is definitely not as fragrant as meat soup, and it doesn't fill you up either.

So they have to listen to their lord and help him kill people.

Heroes, like soldiers.

Killing is just to keep yourself from starving.

Everyone's eyes are as clear and clean as the surface of the lake.

The setting sun of late autumn solidified on their sallow faces, and the hideous scars on their faces gradually disappeared under the reflection of the setting sun.

A swordsman in black walked from the middle of the pavilion to the shore.

"You two, please."

Zhang Liang changed into gray cloth today and still wore a bamboo crown on his head. Although the vicissitudes of life were etched on his face, he still had a bookish air about him.

Han Cheng was still the same as before, wearing burnt yellow dark clothes and a white robe outside.With the high crown on his neck, anyone who sees him will know that he is a person of noble status.

Han Cheng paused on the spot, looking at the darkness in front of him, and his heart suddenly started to churn.

Momen has always advocated that people should own their own weapons, and Momen disciples have always liked to gather together and act chivalrously.

Han Fei once said that a chivalrous man breaks the law with force, and this chivalrous man refers to the Mohist family.

It is said that the one who dislikes the Qin Dynasty the most is Momen.

For the people of the Mo Sect, they have always been hard-pressed.

And now he actually wants to join forces with the people of Momen.

Han Cheng became worried. By joining forces with Momen, the risk of being targeted by Qin people would be greatly increased.

Look at their attire and rations. Everyone is holding a sword. If the people of Qin see this, they will shoot them to death with random arrows.

Zhang Liang walked a few steps and found that the person behind him had not followed. He couldn't help but turn around and look at Han Cheng. Han Cheng didn't want Zhang Liang to see that he was cowardly, so he quickly caught up with him.

Zhang Liang laughed.

"Heng Yangjun, don't worry."

Seeing that Zhang Liang had seen through his thoughts, Han Cheng was naturally a little embarrassed. He turned his head slightly and walked straight to the pavilion without looking at him.

Han Cheng walked a few steps, and Yaoyao saw an old man sitting on the upper seat in the pavilion in the distance on the winding wooden bridge.

The old man had a long white beard and an upright posture, which reminded him of his father Han Wangan.

If Korea had not been destroyed, Jun's father would probably be like this now.

Speaking of which, his father-in-law had not heard from him for a long time.

There was a man in white sitting next to the old man. Looking from a distance, he thought it was a woman, because the man in white lowered his head and could only see his black hair scattered in all directions.

Only when he got closer did Han Cheng see the man's appearance clearly.It turned out to be a man, and I realized that he was stroking Zhuxian when he lowered his head.

(The zhu is an ancient Chinese percussion instrument, shaped like a zither, with thirteen strings and pillars under the strings. When struck with a bamboo ruler, the sound is solemn and solemn.)
Su Wen Mo Sect has always preached universal love, and when it comes to some weak people, they take them in decisively.

When I saw it today, it turned out to be true, even the musicians took him in.

However, the Momen today is no longer as prosperous as the Momen back then.

What Qin Wangzheng hates most are the children of Momen.

Nowadays, only the land of Yan Dynasty still has Moh family members running around.

Moreover, all the Momen now have turned into killers, and suddenly a musician appears.

Is it possible that killers now have to play music to make peace with their murders?

No matter what Han Cheng thinks, he finds it funny.

Really anything can happen.

The four kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qi have perished, so it is nothing new for knights to kill people and listen to music.

Zhang Liang saw the man in white holding Changzhu in his arms from a distance, and he quickly guessed the man's identity, and a plan suddenly came up in his mind.

The failure of the Momen disciples today was within his expectation.

Because today's Qin State is too powerful.

Therefore, he must work hard to unite the countries and gather their strength so that he can fight back against Qin.

The uprising was not only to express their attitude to Ying Zheng, but also to gain response and support from more people.

And one failure cannot defeat them.

But this failure surprised Zhang Liang.

Fifty dead soldiers were a unique creation of Momen, but in the end they were all exposed in the street.

The man sitting in the upper seat relaxed his frown when he saw Zhang Liang coming over.

"Ovary—you're here."

When the white-clothed violinist heard the name, he raised his head, his eyes as calm as a still lake.

Zhang Liang bent down and bowed to the old man.

"Zifang has met Mr. Tian."

Han Cheng held his sword and looked down at the old man in front of him.He had white hair, wrinkles on his forehead, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Mr. Hengyang, this is Mr. Tian Guang."

When Han Cheng saw that Zifang actually introduced himself to Tian Guang first, but Tian Guang didn't stand up to bow when he saw him, he felt a little disappointed for no reason.

He is a young master from South Korea, but now he has been reduced to a position that is not even as good as a counselor of Yan State.

Han Cheng knew Jing Ke and naturally also knew Tian Guang's name.

Back then, it was he who came up with the idea for Jing Ke to assassinate Qin.

It was Tian Guang who persuaded Fan Yuqi to commit suicide.

However, compared with his status, Tian Guang is just a counselor of Yan State.

Although, he has many Mohists under him.

Han Cheng forced a smile and bowed to Tian Guang with a look of reluctance.

"I've heard about the name Jiexia for a long time. It's a blessing to see Han Cheng today."

When Tian Guang saw Han Cheng, his face did not show much joy. If it weren't for Zifang's strong recommendation, he would not want to meet this exiled young master.

As far as he knew, the Qin people had been hunting down the exiled Korean nobles since the Korean Xinzheng rebellion. The prince Hengyang Jun, who had long fled Xinzheng and was hiding in Linzi City, became the target of the Qin people's pursuit.

Especially when he saw the "condescending" and aggrieved look of Lord Hengyang, Tian Guang couldn't help but feel slightly stagnant.

The young man who has lost his country is so arrogant. It seems that this young man has not suffered enough.

Gao Jianli was sitting quietly, but when he saw this scene, he naturally stood up and stepped forward.

"Tian Gong is old and it is inconvenient to bow to the young master. Let me do this for you."

With that said, Gao Jianli bowed to Han Cheng.

Han Cheng's expression returned to normal, as if he had regained [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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