Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 150 The Music Saint of Yan State (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 150 The Music Saint of Yan State (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Liang smiled and bowed to Gao Jianli.

"This elegant scholar must be the famous music sage of Yan State. I have heard of this famous name for a long time, and now that I can see him, please accept my ovary's respect."

Han Cheng was slightly surprised when he heard this.

It turns out that this man in white is the famous Lesheng of Yan State.

You know, the title of Yanguo Lesheng is very unflattering to Gao Jianli.

Anyone who has heard Gao Jianli play Zhuzhu knows that Gao Jianli's musical skills are second to none among the Seven Kingdoms.

Soon, admiration for Gao Jianli flashed in Han Cheng's eyes.

If you can listen to a song by him, then you will be able to live up to this trip.

Gao Jianli was very calm.

His face was very pale, and his hair was loose because it was loose, and looked a little messy, but it was also a bit rough.

The color of his clothes is also white, like the snow in the winter of Yan.

He is a monk hidden in the snow-capped mountains, who suddenly came out of the mountains.

"Without talent, I can't afford this reputation."

"Hey - Mr. Gao's name is known all over the world. Mr. Gao does not need to be humble. If Han Cheng could hear Mr. Gao play a piece of music today, he would have no regrets in his life."

Gao Jianli suddenly raised his head after hearing this.

What he hates the most is those wealthy families bossing him around and ordering him to build buildings for fun.

"We have not succeeded in this matter, and our brothers' bodies are still cold, and they have no intention of playing music for people's entertainment."

When Han Cheng heard this, his expression froze.

Shame, regret and a little anger rushed into my heart.

Tian Guang was also a little unhappy.

"Okay, sit down."

A low sound came out, but it was like the sound of drums at dusk, making everything quiet.

Zhang Liang sat on the left side of the seat, and Han Cheng sat on the right side of the seat.

Gao Jianli returned to his seat, his eyes slightly red.

It was obviously because of what happened just now that triggered his emotions.

"It's not easy to meet in person. Let's get down to business. Today's actions have cost us fifty brothers in vain."

When Gao Jianli said this, his voice was slightly hoarse, and his expression was sad. He focused his eyes on the strings, as if in silent mourning.

After hearing this, Zhang Liang lowered his head and looked at the sword marks on the wooden board. Although Tian Guangren was old, he was still energetic, and his sharp eyes searched for every detail on Zhang Liang's face.

This young man is calm, calm, and indifferent to emotions and anger. He must be a man of great achievements.

After Han Cheng heard the news that he had heard for a long time, in order to resolve the embarrassment just now, he made a very regretful look, then suddenly patted his thigh and said to Tian Guang.

"The Momen brothers did not die in vain. I, Han Cheng, am willing to help Mr. Tian avenge these brothers."

After Zhang Liang heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Han Cheng.

Did you easily agree to join forces with their Momen?
Tian Guang said this.

"With Lord Hengyang's help, the next time we do something, we will definitely be more successful."

Han Cheng nodded naturally after hearing this.

"I just don't know, what does Jie Xia want to do next?"

Tian Guang pursed his lips, obviously he hadn't thought about it yet.

Gao Jianli looked at Tian Guang, and then said.

"In front of the two of you, Jianli spoke frankly. This act of charity did not achieve the expected goal. Young Master Fusu is more cunning than we imagined."

Han Cheng actually heard about it too.In this assassination, the fifty dead men of the Mo sect rushed to nothing.

Gao Jianli said again.

"Obviously, Young Master Fusu has known for a long time that someone is going to intercept and kill him on the road. That's why he deliberately set a trap to wait for us to fall in."

Han Cheng was confused.

"Could it be that someone leaked the news?"

Gao Jianli retorted decisively and angrily.

"It's impossible - none of our people are sworn in with Qin."

Zhang Liang fell into thinking after hearing this.

Tian Guang asked.

"I wonder what Zifang's opinion is on this matter?"

After hearing this, Zifang looked at Tian Guang with a heavy expression.

"I've heard people say that Young Master Fusu's carriage on the road from Linzi Palace to Jixia Academy is empty."

Gao Jianli clenched his fists.

"Exactly, that's why our men rushed to nothing. You know, the soldiers sent this time have all undergone strict training. Some of them have already broken into Young Master Fusu's car, but there was no one inside. "

Zhang Liang's eyes were shining and very soft.

It is rare for an exile to show such gentle eyes.

"Visiting Jixia Academy in person is an itinerary that Young Master Fusu has planned long ago, and Young Master Fusu has been living in Linzi Palace. There is an official road from Jixia Academy to Linzi Palace, and this road is thirty miles long. It takes an hour for ordinary people to walk at the fastest."

"However, as Young Master Fusu, if you want to rush from the palace to Jixia Academy, you must pass through this road. You must be sure that Young Master Fusu will take this road, so you set an ambush on the road."

Tian Guang asked.

"What Zifang means is that the people of Qin had already expected it, so Prince Fusu deliberately formed a guard of honor and swaggered from Linzi Palace to Jixia Academy."


Tian Guang's eyes were calm.This failure was nothing to him.If things could succeed so easily, then Master Fusu's head would be gone long ago, and there would be no need for them to plan hard.

But Zhang Liang is not willing to let go of the last failure.

Zhang Lian clearly felt that the Momen were not the active party in this incident.

This time, things seemed to be completely under the control of the Qin people.

Han Cheng felt that Zhang Liang's question was a bit long-winded.

"Since everything has failed, why should Zifang ask this?"

Zhang Liang said.

"The Art of War says: 'Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.' If you don't understand your opponent, then even if you try to attack your opponent thousands of times, you will never get results."

"Failure is scary. But failure is often what benefits us the most. If we make every detail of this failure, we will make the same mistake in the future."

It was not the first day for Tian Guang to know Zhang Liang.

He knew that Zhang Liang, a young man, had always been resourceful. Whenever he spoke, he must be cautious and often get to the point.

And today's remarks made everyone even more stunned.

Han Cheng's mouth widened in surprise, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Gao Jianli was also dumbfounded. This guy is really resourceful.

Tian Guang asked with a smile.

"Did Zifang see some clues?"

The ovary bows.

"Zifang is just thinking, what we can think of, the people of Qin must be able to think of it too."

Gao Jianli probably understood what Zhang Liang meant.

"However, even if the Qin people had already expected that we would do something, they intercepted and killed the young master Fusu on the way. But the young master issued a notice stating that he would personally come to Linjixia Academy. And we are also worried that the Qin people are cunning and will use it again What a treacherous plot."

"So we also sent people to guard the vicinity of the Linzi Palace all the time. It can be confirmed that the Qin people only guarded one car in the palace today. And the one in charge of the guards is the Tiger Army of the Qin State, which is specially responsible for guarding the Qin State. The royal guard, and the other one, the Iron Eagle Warriors of the Qin State, are also secretly protecting us."

"Two of Qin's highest-level armies are dispatched at the same time, and Young Master Fusu must be among them.

Tian Guang also came out to explain.

"Zifang, you are worrying too much. The carriage was empty this time, but we can be sure that Young Master Fusu is among the team."

"We guess that the Qin people must have noticed something and asked Young Master Fusu to pretend to be a guard and hide in the army."

"No matter what, this assassination should have surprised the eldest son of King Qin."

Zhang Liang said, "That's not necessarily the case."

"Zifang, what exactly are you going to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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