Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 151 Ancient 1 Seeking Saints (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 151: A quest for a saint through the ages (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Liang spoke slowly.

"According to Zifang, Master Qin has long expected this assassination, so he deliberately arranged this trip in order to make me wait for the bait."

Zhang Liang noticed that they seemed to be coming for the Koreans.

Yes, Prince Fusu must also know about the Xinzheng rebellion.

"Zifang believes that it was precisely because the Qin people wanted to capture the rebels alive that the fifty knights all killed themselves in the end. The Qin people originally wanted to survive, so they could follow the clues and catch us all in one fell swoop."

"It's just that the people of Qin didn't expect that the person who took action this time was a knight under Jie Xia."

"I'm afraid, this incident is completely under the control of the Qin people. The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind. We wanted to use the head of Master Fusu to pay tribute to the late Jing Ke, but we were plotted by the Qin people instead. This is how the fifty knights ended up in such a tragic situation that none of them survived..."

Zifang wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Gao Jianli.

"I understand what Mr. Zhang Liang means."

Han Cheng naturally understood. Zifang meant that this assassination was actually under the control of the Qin people. Their actions only sacrificed the lives of fifty brothers in vain.

Such a judgment is very cruel to Gao Jianli, and it means making them admit their incompetence.

The Mohist family is indeed not as good as before, and they lack knowledgeable people to lead them.

And Zifang is the person that Jie Xia Tian Guang likes.

However, even so, their Momen still has certain strength.

Zhang Liang's words were tactful, so Gao Jianli did not directly speak his mind.

Zhang Liang feels that Mo Sect is now a bunch of rabble...

"This time, Momen did suffer heavy losses, but everything was carefully planned for us, and there was no flaw in it. The failure of this assassination can only show that the Qin people are cunning."

"There is a fatal flaw in Mr. Zhang Liang's analysis."

Zhang Liang asked with a smile.

"I wonder what kind of loophole it is? Zifang would like to hear the details."

Gao Jianli looked gloomy, with a pair of eyes as bright as steel knives on his thin face.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhang Liang doesn't know, but we sneaked into Linzi City long ago, half a day before Master Fusu arrived in Linzi City. The purpose is to take the head of Master Qin to comfort my brother Jing's spirit in heaven."

"Our people have already obtained the city defense map of Linzi City, and Mr. Zhang Liang has provided us with the Qin people's army deployment. Long before we acted, our people had been watching the young master's support closely outside the Linzi Palace. Su enters and exits the action track.”

"So, Mr. Zhang Liang, we can ensure that Young Master Fusu's actions are absolutely under our control. On that day, there was only one carriage traveling in the Linzi Palace. If Young Master Fusu wanted to go to Jixia Academy , only by taking that train."

"In fact, we have also considered that Young Master Fusu would find another way to go to Jixia Academy, but during this period, there was nothing abnormal."

Gao Jianli's thin face was white, like a layer of hoarfrost on the autumn grass.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhang Liang has made a mistake. Although Yan State is only a small country now, it still has a breath of life."

"Although we don't have a clear master now, in our land of Yan, there are many knights. Although Jianli is not talented, the brothers under him are not only sworn in with the Qin people, but also have experienced life and death. Later, I’ve been through a lot, and I’m definitely not just a bunch of people.”

Gao Jianli said, bowing to Zhang Liang, with a cold look in his eyes.Obviously, Zhang Liang's previous words offended them.

In fact, Tian Guang also became resistant to Zhang Liangcai's words.

They lost fifty brothers. According to Zhang Liang, everything was under the control of the Qin people, so they let fifty brothers lose their lives in vain.

Gao Jianli continued.

"This operation is completely under our control. Young Master Fusu must have violated his promise to the people in the city and did not go to Jixia Academy in person."

Zhang Liang listened and retorted on the spot.

"But in fact, when we left the city, Master Fusu's honor guard was returning to the palace from Jixia Academy."

Han Cheng also nodded.

"On this point, Zifang is right. Mr. Qin indeed left Jixia Academy and returned to Linzi Palace with great arrogance."

This latest news from Linzi City in China is like someone throwing a huge boulder into a calm lake, causing thousands of waves.

Tian Guang and Gao Jianli were completely speechless after hearing this.

Finally, Han Cheng added another sentence.

"You know, those stupid people's inquiries were not over yet, but Young Master Fusu had already left the Linzi Palace in a hurry. It was like a hunter who heard the movement of the trap he had set, so he ran excitedly to see if he had hit it. What kind of prey is the trap?”

Gao Jianli's face became even paler, his upper and lower lips turned even whiter, and he spoke tremblingly.

"If that's true, then wait..., didn't fifty brothers lose their lives in vain?"

The people of Momen were indeed completely defeated by the Qin people.

Gao Jianli refused to admit that this time, they had spent a lot of effort and had a total of fifty well-trained brothers who regarded death as home.Even Zhang Liang, who was resourceful and famous, might not be able to gather fifty knights if he was given three years.

The matter has been exposed, and it is good to reflect on it.

Tian Guang, who had completely white hair and beard, was twirling his long beard, his eyes full of doubts.

"However, our people are distributed on various roads in Linzi City. If a suspicious person leaves Linzi Palace and goes to Jixia Academy, our people can still track him down even if he does not take the official road between the two palaces. "

"So, how did Young Master Fusu enter Jixia Academy?"

Tian Guang looked at Zhang Liang, obviously asking him to explain this problem.

Listening to Zifang's analysis was much more interesting than those of the Chengxiang people on Linzi Street. Han Cheng was already listening with great interest.

(Performance: rap.)
Now, this matter is like a fog, waiting for Zhang Liang to clear it up.

Zhang Liang first looked at his legs sitting cross-legged.

The place is shabby, and there is no case in front of it.

"Actually, if Young Master Fusu wants to leave the palace and go to Jixia Academy, there is a very convenient way that will not attract the attention of others."

"This is impossible."

Gao Jianli made a decisive decision.

"We have spies on all the roads in Linzi City from the palace to Jixia Academy. Young Master Fusu is the majestic crown prince of Qin. Even if he has to travel in disguise, our people can definitely easily discover his whereabouts."

Zhang Liang's eyes suddenly became clear, and he bowed to Tian Guang.

"That's why we failed today."

Han Cheng listened quietly and couldn't help but admire Zhang Liang's speaking skills.

In fact, they did not participate today, and Zhang Liang said this just to make the two people in front of him feel better.

Moreover, it can also bring them closer, they want to be allies.

They wanted to join forces and let Qin's son help Su come in vertically and go out horizontally.

They could not prevent King Qin Yingzheng from succeeding in his ambition to unify the world, but they could make King Qin feel the pain.

Qin Wangzheng's son was not the only one who cared about him, but Han Cheng also helped Qin Wangzheng keep this person in his heart.

Tian Guang made a gesture to signal Gao Jianli not to be impulsive.

"Zifang, since you said there is another way, I am old enough to ask, where is the road Zifang mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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