Great Qin had a prosperous age

Give someone away in Chapter 153 (please give me a monthly ticket!)

Chapter 153: Thousands of Miles Away (Please give me a monthly ticket!)
"Zi Fang Fang" is so kindly called.

Han Cheng felt sour in his heart as he listened.

Now that he heard that Tian Guang was going to entrust all his men to Zhang Liang, Han Cheng naturally started to murmur in his heart.

After all, in terms of status, he was a young master, and he was also the Lord of Hengyang who was granted the title of Lord Han.

Zhang Liang repeatedly declined and refused to accept Tian Guang's kindness.But Tian Guang still insisted.

Gao Jianli also said.

"Mr. Zhang Liang's name has long been familiar to our brothers. We are willing to accept Mr. Zhang Liang as our new leader."

In fact, what Zhang Liang wanted most was Gao Jianli.

He heard that Qin Wangzheng liked to listen to music.

And Gao Jianli's musical skills are really famous all over the world.

Zhang Liang looked solemn and declined again.

"Mr. Gao's name is known all over the world. Due to emotions and reasons, if Mr. Tian really dies, Mr. Gao should be in charge of the remaining Momen disciples."

Gao Jianli bowed.

"Jianli is just an ordinary man who plays a musical instrument and cannot bear the heavy responsibility of leading the children of Momen. Mr. Zhang Liang has a great cause and is the one to lead us."



Seeing Zhang Liang and Gao Jianli saying goodbye to each other, while Tian Guang was smiling cheerfully in the seat, Han Cheng felt even worse.

Tian Guang spoke.

"Zifang, do you want me, an old man, to kneel down and beg you?"


Zhang Liang's expression froze.

"Since Lord Tian has said this, I can only accept it."

Seeing that Zhang Liang agreed, Tian Guang suddenly felt that his eyes were bright.

"Then what does Mr. Zhang Liang think our next step should be?"

Zhang Liang thought for a long time before saying two words.

"Enter Qin."


Han Cheng almost jumped up after hearing this.

The Qin in their mouth always refers to the area west of Hangu Pass.

Tian Guang trembled obviously after hearing this.

He had such an idea, just a year ago.

Tian Guang suddenly recalled the past, and he would never forget that winter.

The snow was falling heavily, and in the vast sky and earth, 16-year-old Qin Wuyang followed the knight in black and headed westward without looking back.

That man's eyes were sharper than their poisoned daggers.

I just crossed the Yishui River and never came back.

And Qin Wangzheng is still alive and well.

Zhang Liang's eyes were as clear as a pool, and his eyes were extremely firm.

"Young Master Fusu must be angry because he failed to get his wish this time. At this time, Linzi City may have set up a trap waiting for us. The Imperial Guards' Tiger Army, Black Ice Platform, and Lantian Camp, these are the top of the Qin Kingdom. The most elite troops, they work together.”

"Zifang got the news that Young Master Fusu will rush back to Xianyang City at the end of the year. Major events in Linzi City have been decided, and Young Master Fusu must be leaving to rush back to Xianyang soon. This failure, Young Master Fusu must be more cautious."

"So it will undoubtedly be even more difficult for us to intercept Young Master Fusu now. It would be better to change our tactics and go west to Xianyang to assassinate King Qin Zheng."

"Zifang, you have to think clearly. This move is very risky."

As soon as Gao Jianli heard that Xiguo Qin was coming, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If he can enter Qin, he can fulfill Brother Jing's unfinished wish.

"But in Xianyang, everyone is familiar with each other. How can we get in?"

Zhang Liang suddenly stood up and looked at Linzi City.

Gao Jianli followed Zhang Liang's gaze and looked over.

Isn't that the person in Linzi City who is related to Xianyang?

"You mean, follow the young master to help Su enter Xianyang?"

"Follow the young master Fusu Fusu into Xianyang. How do you get in and infiltrate his army?" Han Cheng became angry and stood up suddenly. "This is absolutely not possible. It is too risky. Once the matter is exposed, there is no possibility of escape."

"Isn't it obvious that you would rush in and kill someone?"

Han Cheng shook his head violently. He would not do such a thing of traveling thousands of miles to Xianyang to die.

Tian Guang fell into worry.

"Zifang, how sure are you that you can accomplish this? The whole world knows about Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin. Even Jing Ke couldn't accomplish it, how can you guarantee that it will come true this time, Zifang?"

Zhang Liang looked at everyone present.

"That depends on you."

Han Cheng was annoyed because Zhang Liang had cheated him.

When he arrived, Zhang Liang made it very clear that we would discuss important matters together, and this important matter referred to the assassination of Prince Fusu.

But now that he is good, he will blow the young master Fusu to the sky, and he will go to Xianyang to assassinate the King of Qin.

"Zifang, there are so many of us, once the matter is exposed. Have you considered the consequences? Back then, the hero Jing Ke entered Xianyang Palace to assassinate the King of Qin. Not only did he fail, the King of Qin became furious, attacked the Yan State, and sent Li Xin to chase Yan away. Dan, ask for your head and return it."

When this old incident was brought out, the faces of several people in the Yan Kingdom naturally changed greatly.

Han Cheng was naturally scared too.

Now Zhang Liang wants to imitate Jing Ke, and his relationship with Zhang Liang is the same as the relationship between Prince Dan and Jing Ke.

Once Zhang Liang fails, he will inevitably suffer the same fate as Prince Dan of Yan State.

Everyone in the world knows about the government of the King of Qin.

Ying Zheng is a man who can definitely do what he says.

If Zhang Liang angers the King of Qin, then he will definitely be implicated.

Moreover, Han Cheng is now very worried about his father, because Han Wangan is still in the hands of Ying Zheng.

And with Qin Wangzheng's personality, once he is angered, he will dig out the ground three feet to the ground and the spring to dig him out.

"Zifang, if you insist on assassinating the King of Qin, then I, Han Chengcheng, will have to part ways with you."

Han Cheng's words naturally contradicted Zhang Liang's.

Zhang Liang had a smile in his eyes, and he looked at Han Cheng calmly, which made Han Cheng feel guilty.

Because Zhang Liang has always been fearless, now this smile contains a lot of contempt.

As Gao Jianli listened, he felt that the blood in his veins began to boil.

"I think Mr. Zhang Liang seems to be sure, but I don't know what method he uses?"


Xianyang Palace, Zhangtai.

Ying Zheng is here almost all day long.

When Ying Zheng saw the memorial from Linzi City, he was furious.

Prime Minister Wang Wan, Wei Zhuang, Ting Wei Li Si, doctor Meng Yi, Shang Qing Dun Ruo, Feng Quji, etc. were all in front of Ying Zheng.

More than a dozen ministers came in succession.

Today is not a court meeting, but with so many people here, the ministers understand the seriousness of the matter.

"To assassinate my son in Linzi City is undoubtedly a provocation to me."

Wang Wan stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, since the young master has written in the memorial that the nobles of Yan, Zhao and Han are all in Linzi City. I think that they have secretly united. But the young master is in the light and they are hiding in the dark. In this way, the young master has become the target of public criticism. .”

"I personally think that when the young master returns safely, the king will no longer worry."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"Wang Wan, what you want is for me to let those thieves go."

Wang Wan curled his neck slightly.

Didn't he already say that the master is in the light and the enemy is in the dark?

It was too late for the young master to defend himself, so he had to pursue the assassin in reverse, which would undoubtedly lead to finding a needle in a haystack.

Wang Wan opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

Because Wang Wan knew that the assassination was a big thorn in Ying Zheng's heart.

The king's reputation was tarnished because of that incident.

Now, although the king is not assassinated again, the king has always been worried about the assassination, and now it is the young master who is assassinated again.

Assassinating Mr. Fusu was naturally a provocation to the king.

But for the Qin State, Prince Fusu was their successor, so this incident had a great impact on the Qin State.

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(End of this chapter)

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