Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 154 Conferring the Princes as Kings

Chapter 154 Conferring the Princes as Kings
"Among the people who assassinated Fusu, there were actually people from Yan State. It seems that Yan Wangxi didn't pay attention to the kindness that the widow gave him at all."

"Back then, Yan Dan lied to the widow, violated the promise of the widow, and ran back to the country of Yan privately. He also joined forces with Dai Wang Jia to lead an army to resist our Qin."

"Wang Jian repelled the coalition forces of the Yan Dynasty on behalf of me. However, when Yan Dan's plan failed, he came up with another plan. He actually sent Jing Ke to pretend to sue for peace, but his true intention was to assassinate me."

"Fortunately, in the end, Li Xin got Yan Dan's head for me."

Only then did the bad breath in everyone's hearts disappear.

"Calculating the time, it has only been a year now, and the Yan Kingdom is starting to make moves again. King Yan really does not take me in his eyes."

Ying Zheng said, his face ashen.

The ministers all lowered their heads as they listened.

That matter was a thorn in the king's heart.

Today, the king took the initiative to mention this matter for the first time since the incident happened.

This Yan man assassinated again, and also assassinated Prince Fusu of Qin State. He was undoubtedly plucking the tiger's hair.

Wang Wan listened quietly and saw what the king wanted. Now he wanted to invade the Yan Kingdom.

Sure enough, Ying Zheng said directly.

"I have decided that Wang Ben will lead the army to attack Yan."

Yan State is located in Liaodong.

The mountains are high and the water is far away.

Even if the king can fight, he may not be able to defend.

It seems that it is time for him to report the matter to the king again.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Wan.

Wang Wan seemed to have something to say.

Wang Wan raised her head, just in time to see Ying Zheng looking at him.

Wang Wan took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, since everything is being carried out according to the original plan, I think that the King should send envoys to Yan and Dai at this time. You can even order Yao Jia to go to Chu again."

"The State of Qi was destroyed, the State of Chu was in the southeast, and the Yan Dynasty was lingering in the extremely cold land. Now the overall situation of the world has been decided. I believe that the two kings of the Yan Dynasty have already expressed their intention to surrender before the king's edict has arrived."

Wang Wan was talking, but Ying Zheng showed displeasure.

Ying Zheng probably knew what Wang Wan was going to say.

Li Si's eyes were cold, he saw Ying Zheng's expression at this time and remembered it in his heart.Obviously, the king wants to implement the system of prefectures and counties throughout the country.

The king is ambitious and wants to hold all the real power of the seven countries in his hands.

Therefore, the system of prefectures and counties is imperative.

What Wang Wan meant was to win the title of King in Qi Chuyan and other places.Thinking of this, Li Si suddenly thought of Master Fusu.

Thinking of what the young master said in court before, if he comes back, he will definitely stand with Wang Wan.

However, even if Xiangguo and Chujun both advocated the title of king in remote areas, the king's mind has been decided, and no one can shake it.

As Wang Wan spoke, she lowered her head and stopped looking into Ying Zheng's eyes.

"If your Majesty issues an edict now and is willing to accept King Yan and King Dai as his ministers, the two kings of Yan and Dai will definitely be willing to obey the King's edict. In this way, the land of Yan and Dai can still be protected from the flames of war, and the people of Yan and Dai will listen to the king's wishes. I am grateful to Your Majesty for your kindness.”

In fact, Ying Zheng knew clearly in his heart that benevolence and righteousness were just a false name given by others.

Ying Zheng sat upright, and his grip on the scabbard suddenly relaxed.

"I understand what you mean. But if they are really willing to be ministers, they won't think about assassinating Fusu."

Ying Zheng's tone suddenly became much harsher.

There was a sudden silence in the palace, and no one dared to make a sound.

Facing such Ying Zheng, Wang Wan would feel strange, but not afraid.

"Your Majesty, I would like to review this matter in my opinion. I think it is because Qi has been destroyed that King Yan was so frightened."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng felt a knot in his eyebrows.

He did not expect that at this time, Wang Wan would actually speak for King Yan.

"Wang Wan - you mean that the King of Yan was afraid that I would send troops to attack Yan, so he sent people to assassinate my son? Even a three-year-old knows that there is no cause and effect between the two."

"That mediocre king of Yanxi obviously hates me for killing his son, so he takes revenge on me!"

Ying Zheng was stern, and every time he said something, it was like spitting out a sharp sword and sticking it at Wang Wan's feet.

The more Ying Zheng talked, the more excited he became.

How dare you take revenge on me? Is that even a big deal?
Ying Zheng suddenly picked up the scabbard of the sword again and pushed his chest forward slightly.

"I have decided to order Wang Ben to go and attack Yan."

Wang Wan was afraid that Ying Zheng would send troops to attack Yan Dai.

In Wang Wan's view, places as far away as Yan, Dai, Qi, and Chu have inconvenient transportation and management from Xianyang.

At this time, it is time to change, learn from the teachings of our ancestors, and make the princes kings, so as to protect the overall situation.

Wang Wan was silent.

Wang Wan stood in front of all the officials, even the left prime minister, standing silently behind Wang Wan.

Seeing that Wang Wan was silent, like a docile reindeer, Ying Zheng was dissatisfied.

"Wang Wan, are you against me?"

Wang Wan bowed and bowed.

"I don't have any."

Then, Wang Wan uttered three more words.

"Don't dare."

Ying Zheng sat in the upper seat and looked at Wang Wan with his head lowered quietly.

Wang Wan has long been old, and the black hair on his forehead is mixed with a lot of white hair.

Ying Zheng held the scabbard of his sword again. He felt that he needed to have a private conversation with Wang Wan.

Ying Zheng looked at the others.

They stood there one by one, with indifferent expressions, as if this matter had nothing to do with them.

"Now that you are here, everyone is silent. Is it possible that I only have one minister, the Prime Minister?"

After hearing this, Li Si stepped forward naturally.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the land of the Yan Dynasty is extremely remote. Now that your Majesty has just pacified Qi, Linzi County, Jiaodong County, and Langya County still need to be suppressed by heavy troops, and Chu State is still willing to fight Qin to the death. Your Majesty should focus your current energy on Chu."

Shangqing Feng Quji stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, I think what Tingwei Li Si said is true. Now your Majesty should focus on the Chu Kingdom. As for the Yan Kingdom, I think what the Prime Minister said is very reasonable. Why don't your Majesty send an envoy to ask It’s clear. By the way, let’s see if King Yan really wants to be a minister.”

Ying Zheng's eyebrows relaxed after hearing this.

"Good. Just do it."

Feng Quji bowed his hands.

"Your Majesty made a clear decision."

There was a hint of boredom in Ying Zheng's eyes.It was you who came up with the idea, and you still say such compliments.

"This matter has been settled for now. Please step back later."

Dunruo didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Regarding the issue of enfeoffment or counties, no one has ever made it clear.

Because the land of Yanqi has not yet been captured, it is too early to discuss these matters now.

However, Dunruo had foreseen that the king and the prime minister had differences on this matter.

As for the prime minister Wang Wan, she is the husband of the young master Fusu.Mr. Fusu's views must be consistent with Wang Wan's.

(Hugong, wife’s father.)
With Dun Ruo's understanding of the young master Fusu, once the time comes, it is time to have to discuss this issue.

Young Master Fusu was afraid that he would side with Wang Wan.

As for Li Si, despite what he said nicely, he would not offend both parties. In fact, he was the best at understanding the situation.Even if the young master and Wang Wan stand together, the king is the one with the highest power.

Therefore, Li Si will definitely stand by the king when the time comes.

Feng Quji was the one who promoted Li Si step by step back then.Feng Quji is naturally on the same side as the king.

As a result, the faction that advocated the system of prefectures and counties had completely overwhelmed the enfeoffment faction in terms of arrogance.

Originally, the alliance between Wang Wan and the young master had no chance of winning at all, but Qi Guo and his party suddenly got to know the young master Fusu.

Now, Dun Ruo has doubts about this matter.

When Mr. Fusu comes back, he will definitely give Qin some new things.

(End of this chapter)

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