Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 155: The theory of bastards is nonsense (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Chapter 155: The theory of bastards is nonsense! (Please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

The king and the prince actually had different political views.

When the young master comes back, there will probably be a big drama in the court.

The ministers turned around and walked away, but they heard a voice from behind.

"The right Prime Minister will stay."

Wang Wan paused after hearing this.

Naturally, the other ministers also heard it. Dunruo looked at Wang Wan with a look that clearly understood the world, his eyes were shining, and then he calmly walked away.

The other ministers walked out one by one and scattered at the palace entrance.

Ying Zheng no longer had a straight face, his expression was relaxed, as if all the dark clouds in the sky suddenly receded, revealing a sunny sky.

"I wonder what the king is talking about?"

Ying Zheng just said.

"Give your right minister a seat."

Soon, the palace maids and eunuchs took small steps and gently carried the lacquer table and seat in.

In the Zhangtai Palace, the fire wall has already been heated, and the palace is warm. The clear sunlight shines in and shines on the red candles on the palace platform.

(The fire wall is very similar to today's heating, which is to pass a pipe through a hollow wall and heat the wall from the inside. When the wall is hot, the room will be warm, and there will be no smoke, killing two birds with one stone.)
The scarlet furnishings mixed with the light in the palace, making the palace warm and bright.

But Wang Wan looked at the extravagant and beautiful scene in front of him, and his heart was now like a spring with a stone slab blocked at the spring's eye.

Wang Wan couldn't be happy.

"sit down."

Wang Wan hesitated for a moment and finally sat down.

"Giving wine."

Wang Wan couldn't sit still, but still held the wine in his hand.

Seeing Wang Wan fidgeting and trembling, Ying Zheng asked directly, with a relaxed expression.

"Does the right minister still remember Fan Yuqi?"

Wang Wan was a little surprised when she heard the name.Old things are like the wind, they will be blown away and they will come back again.

Immediately, Wang Wan's face felt as if it had been hit by October frost.

"Of course I remember."

Fan Yuqi betrayed the king and the entire Qin State.

He actually ran to Yan State carrying the scandal of the Qin royal family.

He also publicized the matter and made it known to the whole world.Such scandals naturally brought shame to the Qin Ying royal family.

That scandal was about the affair between the king's biological mother and the eunuch Lao Ai, who had two sons.

This matter was brought forward by the king again, and Wang Wan's heart suddenly jumped.

Because this thing is related to another thing.

That is the theory that the king is Lu Buwei’s bastard.

This matter also involved Empress Dowager Xia and Chang'an Jun Chengjiao.

The DPRK and China have always been turbulent, and the struggle for power has never stopped.

There are overt and covert struggles, undercurrents, and behind all seemingly absurd things are the struggles of various forces.

Wang Wan lowered his head and looked at the sake in the wine cup.Reflected in the sake was a man with gray hair on his temples.

This man is very old.

"Then the Right Prime Minister must also remember Yan Dan."

Ying Zheng's tone was calm, making it impossible to detect any of his emotions.

Based on Wang Wan's understanding of Ying Zheng, when the king shows no emotion or anger, he usually wants to do something big.

Wang Wan was still holding the wine prince with both hands in front of her chest.

"Yan Dan once entered Qin as a hostage, so I naturally still remember it."

"What a pity - Yan Dan broke the promise I made to him. He was still a widower, and Yan will never be an enemy of Qin."

Regarding this matter, Wang Wan complained.

In fact, the king is still to blame for this matter.

I don’t know if the king was too drunk that day or what happened.Yan Dan came to ask the king to let him go back to his country, but the king told him that he would let him go back when the crows turned white and the horses grew horns.

Doesn't this make it clear to others that the king will not put him back?

That's why Yan Dan ran away secretly.

Wang Wan lowered his head and thought about things silently.

Ying Zheng couldn't see Wang Wan's expression clearly, so he could only look at the empty palace.

"And after Yan Dan returned to China, he actually sent people to kill me. That is a name that I will never forget in my life."

Speaking of this, Ying Zheng suddenly stood up and walked around the hall with his sword.

When Wang Wan saw the king standing up, he immediately stood up too.

However, Ying Zheng walked up to Wang Wan and pressed Wang Wan's shoulder with one hand, "The Prime Minister is old, so we'd better sit down and talk."

Wang Wan was sweating profusely, but she had no choice but to sit obediently.

Ying Zheng strode up to Wang Wan.

"I wonder, what does the Prime Minister think of these three sons?"

Ying Zheng turned to Wang Wan and asked casually.

Wang Wan moved his mouth but said nothing.

But Wang Wan knew very well that if the king insisted on brooding over these three old things, then he would naturally not be able to achieve this position today.

And the more powerful the enemy resists, the more the king wants to defeat him.

"These three sons are enemies of the king, and are naturally enemies of the Qin State. If such rebellious ministers and traitors appear again, I will take the lead and eliminate them for the king."

"Good. As expected of the right minister chosen by me personally."

After hearing this, Wang Wan became even more suspicious as to what the king was going to say.

"Now that Fusu was assassinated, and Yan people were involved, what does Wang Xiang think?"

Wang Wan was naturally ashamed.

He just thought that Ying Zheng had forgotten the past, but he did not expect that the king was very disgusted with the people of Yan.

"King Yan will not change his nature and will become an enemy of your Majesty."

"Then why does the right minister think that Yan Xi will be willing to be a minister of others?"

After hearing this, Wang Wan gently put down the wine jue and walked to Ying Zheng.

He is the Prime Minister, and he is the person who knows the king best in the entire Qin Kingdom, and he also understands Ying Zheng's shortcomings best.

This child really wants to be a promising man.

It is good to be a capable king and to be diligent and decisive.

However, the king's biggest problem now is that he is too hasty.

After the idea of ​​destroying Qi first was put forward, he heard that the king had stayed up all night and looked at the sand table all night.

He originally thought that the affairs of Qi State would not be finalized so quickly. Who knew that Qi State looked wealthy, but was actually a bag of mud.

Now, the king is even more eager.

However, Yan Qi replaced Chu, which was too far away.

Even if it is captured, the king may not be able to guarantee that those remote places will still belong to Qin a hundred years later.

"Your Majesty, I don't mean this. Yan Xiji's surname is Yan. Although she has the same origin as Qin Ying's clan, they are definitely not from the same clan. The current times are different. My strategy is just a tactic to delay the war."

"Once the state of Qi is destroyed, the state of Yan has no other choice but to become a vassal. Otherwise, who in the world today can stop the king's thousands of troops and cavalry. If the king is willing to exercise benevolence and righteousness to the world, the world will The people will be grateful to the king."

"Young Master once said that it is easy to win the world, but it is difficult to win the hearts of the people."

"When King Yan is pleased to declare himself a minister, the king summons him to Xianyang. After all, at that time, the king is the king and Yan Xi is the minister. At that time, the king can do whatever he wants."

Wang Wan said sincerely, every word was sonorous, and after saying these words in one breath, Wang Wan lowered his head again and waited for Ying Zheng to make a decision.

Ying Zheng listened and squinted his eyes naturally in the end.

Wang Wan was a good master and a good prime minister of the Qin Dynasty.

"I have only recently been enlightened. The real threat from me is not the common people of the world. Those common people cannot even read and are just headless migratory birds. The real enemies of Qin are the nobles of the six countries."

"At this point, I think Fusu, an uncrowned young man, is more conscious than you, Prime Minister. The survivors of the Six Kingdoms must be cleaned up. And those common people, without their old master, will naturally crawl under my hands."

Ying Zheng said with a stern look on his face. He shook his sleeves vigorously and returned to his seat.

After Wang Wan heard this, the king actually had no intention of sparing King Yan Xi's life.

No wonder, the king just listened to their advice.It turns out that the king has long made up his mind to destroy the Yan State after finishing the Chu State.

 This article has two male protagonists, so it’s not too much to write more about Ying Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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