Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 158: Discussing heroes over wine (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 158: Discussing heroes over wine (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"What the king said is absolutely true. Countries are attacking, and the people are suffering from war. The people of the world have been suffering from war for a long time, and they are in urgent need of someone to end this troubled world."

Wang Wan looked at Ying Zheng again, her eyes full of encouragement.

"Looking at the world now, only Qin has the strength to unify the world. And the king of Qin is the great king."

As he spoke, Wang Wan bowed his hands to show his sincerity and respect.

"So the important task of ruling the world rests with the King."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up and his whole person became cheerful.

"No one has ever told me this before. Wang Wan, please tell me more."

Wang Wan was even more satisfied after hearing this.He brushed his short beard and bowed to Ying Zheng.

"I'll tell you in detail, your Majesty."


Wang Wan was sitting in the carriage, thinking about it, and unknowingly, her cheeks felt wet and hot.

Wang Wan immediately wiped away those wet tears with her wide sleeves.

Outside the carriage window, wisps of light came through.

Day after day, year after year, although every day is different, they are all the same.

And every day passes quickly.

The peach blossoms bloomed red, and peaches formed. When the peaches were ripe, they were picked and eaten. Then the leaves turned yellow and fell, then they turned green again, and the flowers bloomed red again...

Wang Wan looked at several peach trees planted next to the road through the curtains of the car window.

Your Majesty will remain true to his original intention and will never relax for a moment in his great cause of unifying the world.

As a master, he should feel gratified by the shared wish of the two of them.

But now, the king's ambition to unify the world is clearly about to come true, but Wang Wan has fallen into new worries.

The thick fog not only fell on the farmland in the outskirts of Xianyang City, but also fell on his heart.

Wang Wan really doesn't know what to do now.

Because Wang Wan understood what the king wanted today.

The king took over the world to enslave the people of the world, not to govern them.

If the king of a country governs with such an idea, then he is laying the foundation for the country's future misfortune.

As the prime minister, he obviously cannot change the king's mind.

The guards on the left and right sides cleared a path for the carriage. The canopy carriage walked along the flat official road. The driver was very skilled, but the carriage still trembled slightly, and the intensive sound of horse hooves struck the stone floor.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

There was a voice coming from outside that sounded very familiar to Wang Wan.

"Xiangguo, we're here."

Then, the curtain on the carriage door was lifted.

Wang Wan walked out with a cat waist.

After getting off the carriage, Wang Wan straightened his clothes. After taking a few steps, he looked up and saw the plaque in front of his door. The eye-catching word "Xiang" jumped into his eyes.

So he stood in front of the mansion for a long time without entering.

After a while, someone came from the mansion to report.

"Prime Minister, Mrs. Chonghua is here. She has been waiting for Prime Minister for a long time."

Wang Wan listened and nodded.

Now, even the king's son, Mr. Fusu, is about to become a father.

Wang Wan then stepped up the steps step by step, but he suddenly repeated to the plaque what the driver had said before.


As they walked, Wang Wan suddenly laughed again.

"It's here."


Linzi County.

The sky and the earth were pale, like the face of a woman who had just had a difficult childbirth, and her face was gloomy.

Pieces of white snow, like goose feathers, flew around and slowly fell to the ground.

The rain is always pattering, but the snow is always silent.

The entire Linzi city was silent, and passersby on the road put their gloves in their sleeves, covering them tightly from head to toe, leaving only one eye exposed.

Countless footprints were left on the ground.

In such weather, the gate of the city seemed quite deserted, with fewer pedestrians coming in and out than usual.

After a while, the earth was covered with a thick quilt.

For the people, this is undoubtedly a good sign.

Fusu looked at the mountains and passes thousands of miles away, all covered with snow.I thought to myself that the scene in the inland Xianyang area is definitely not like this at the moment.

Linzi Palace, in the three-story high pavilion, the fire wall has been heated and the brazier has been burned.

The palace was warm, and the tall candles illuminated the palace with golden light.

Fusu came back to his senses and looked at the two people sitting opposite him, feeling as if they were in a dream.

Talents have been sent to me from heaven!

Fusu naturally didn't expect that God would be so kind to him, giving him Zhang Cang, and also sending Xiao He all the way to his door.

Xiao He and Zhang Cang sat cross-legged side by side in front of the young master. Looking at the young master with surprised and stunned eyes every time he saw them, the two of them lowered their heads in unison.

Chi Wu also saw something was wrong.

The young master has never looked at a man like this.

Even women have never stared so intently and carefully.


Feng Jie felt that it was not good to continue like this and coughed twice.

Only then did Fusu stop.

Looking at Fusu's face, he looked very calm, but inside he was ecstatic.

Regarding Xiao He, Shen Yu had seen the young master's reaction.

That night, the young master was still reading the slips. He looked very happy at first, but as he watched, the young master suddenly jumped up, and then asked someone to bring him over overnight with bare feet.

Xiao He was still dreaming at that time, and suddenly someone pulled him out of bed, saying that the young master wanted to see him by name.

Xiao He thought it was a dream.

When Xiao He woke up, he was driven to the carriage by soldiers. The sea breeze outside came in and froze him awake.

Under the hazy moonlight, Xiao He saw an extremely handsome young man with disheveled hair waiting for him at the entrance of the hall.

For a person who wants to serve as a minister and become an official, it is one thing to be surprised to be received by the princes and grandsons like this, but his heart is naturally as surging as the waves crashing on the shore of the river.

Xiao He never dreamed that he would be where he is today.

However, even though he was so loved by the prince of Qin, Xiao He still maintained his own composure, carrying the breeze in his sleeves.

Feng Jie actually didn't want to come today. He had probably guessed that Xiao He and Zhang Cang would hold any positions in the future, and Zhang Cang would definitely recommend them to the king.

As for Xiao He, the young master loved him so much that he insisted on dragging him along and having long talks with him day and night.

The young master actually asked Xiao He to tell him something about his country affairs.

All this shows that the young master wants Xiao He to be his retainer.

The young master likes these two people, so he wants to chat with them.

He should recuse himself.

However, for the sake of his son who was determined to pass the civil service examination and enter the court, Feng Jie insisted on participating in this chat.

The euphemistic name is to protect the son.

Therefore, Feng Jie naturally sat between the young master, Zhang Cang and Xiao He.

Fu Sulang smiled and said to Xiao He and Zhang Cang.

"This weather is perfect for melting snow and making wine."

As Fusu said, the eunuch brought the wine up.

Fusu said, and then he held up the wine cup with both hands. Feng Jie, Xiao He, and Zhang Cang saw this and quickly followed suit.

The wine masters and judges are naturally lower than him.

It is the basic etiquette requirement of a banquet to hold a nobility while drinking.

Obviously, these people have some education.

Fusu smiled warmly, then raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, and the others naturally followed.

Fusu caught Xiao He and Zhang Cang's every move, and the two of them really hesitated.

It’s easy to find someone to help you in the vast sea of ​​people.

But for the prince of Qin, it is ten times more difficult to find a smart person to help you when you are the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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