Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 159 Tanka Xing (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 159 Tanka Xing (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Pieces of snowflakes floated in the air, crystal clear and light, and slowly fell downwards.

Fluttering, flickering.

As the hot wine flows down your tongue and into your intestines, you will naturally feel a little warmer in your stomach.

Fusu took a few sips of the wine, and it was slightly spicy on his tongue. It was actually more powerful than the wine he had drunk in Xianyang Palace before.

"The wine today is quite mellow, very different from the past."

Zhang Cang likes to try new things the most. He also felt the taste of this wine, so he couldn't control it and finished it in one go.

"This wine is indeed strong."

Feng Jie was naturally happy after hearing this.If the young master is happy, then he is happy.

Feng Jie thought he had not done a good job in the last assassination and was still blaming himself.

"Sir, I ordered this wine to be brought out from the cellar of the palace specifically to wish you success in this inquiry and to recruit many talents for the people of the county."

Fusu listened and looked at the young appearance reflected in Juezhong Sake. This was the first time he smelled something close to alcohol.In the past, drinks were mostly water. In fact, most of them were just fruit wine, not as pure and strong as it is today.

It's similar to beer.

Smelling the wine, I was in the warm house in winter, and sitting across from me were all famous people in history, each one more talented than the last.

A wave of poetry came to his heart, and naturally, Fusu's thoughts flew away for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, he helped Su Youyou take a breath.

"Oh? There is such a good thing in the cellar of the palace."

Feng Jie chuckled. Although he was doing something to please him, looking at his honest face that was the color of loess, one didn't feel that he was deliberately trying to please him.

"This wine was made a few years ago by the brewing master of Qi State at the request of Tian Jian, the late king of Qi State. He gathered eighteen virgin girls with corn in their mouths, chewed it repeatedly until it became sour in their mouths, and then spit the corn in. Wine vessel.”

Fusu only felt that something unclean had entered his stomach, but he didn't vomit.

And this brewing method is very common.

He's also been drinking a lot from this practice.

The quilt wine on the wedding day is also made in this way.

"This method of preparing wine is also commonly used in Xianyang Palace. But when you taste it carefully, the difference is still huge."

Feng Jie solved the mystery.

"That's because the wine was sunk into the cellar by King Qi's orders decades ago."

Fusu was a little surprised after hearing this, and couldn't help but take another look at the aged wine, which was indeed as clear as a spring.

Then this wine, in modern times, wouldn’t it be the Lafite from [-]?

Feng Jie continued.

"It is said that the longer the wine is left in a cool place, the sweeter it will be. So after King Qi ordered the winemaker in the palace to brew the wine, he sealed it in a jar and then hid it in a cellar dozens of meters deep. King Qi's original intention was to We have to wait ten years before starting it again to get a taste of it.”

Speaking of this, Feng Jie smiled again.

"Until today, I ordered people to open the cellar and brought up two altars, wishing the young master Wen Ce to be held smoothly, so as to recruit insightful people for the state of Qin."

"I see."

Fusu naturally laughed after hearing this.

Xiao He listened, with worry in his eyes.

Eighteen virgin women were ordered to make wine, which was then put into a cellar and buried for ten years.

We have heard that King Jian of Qi was a drunkard, lustful, and incompetent. However, since he knew that to drink good wine, he had to be patient, why didn't he understand that if he wanted to keep the throne forever, he had to be diligent at all times.

In the final analysis, my mind is still not on the right path.

Then Feng Jie clapped his hands.

The musicians shouted.


Soon, bursts of sound of silk and bamboo came from the palace.

In the past, Fusu felt that ancient music was not very pleasant.But in this world, Fusu discovered that the sound of silk and bamboo was the most beautiful sound that people could make, except for the human voice.

And this sound seems to match the natural melody.

Fusu naturally became more interested after hearing this.

"Since there is good wine today, let's not be formal and let the three of you drink as you please."

Fu Su drank a lot of wine.

As he drank, the alcohol went to the back of his head.

Fusu looked at these big guys who could only see their names in history, but now they could drink with each other, and four-character poems filled Fusu's mind.

Fusu suddenly stood up, danced his sword and sang.

As a young master, sword dancing is the basis of banquet etiquette, and he must learn it.And the original owner learned it very well.

"Wine and song, life geometry!

For example, the morning dew has a lot of suffering.

Generosity should be regarded as generosity, unforgettable worry.

How to relieve worries?Only Dukang.

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.

But for the sake of the king, I have been pondering it so far.

Yo Yo Lu Ming, the Ping of the Wild Food.

I have guests, harp blowing Sheng.

It's like a moon, when can you stop?
Worry comes from it and cannot be cut off.

The moon star is thin, and the black dragonfly flies south.

Three turns around the tree, where is the branch to rely on?
The mountains never get too high, and the sea never gets too deep.

The Duke of Zhou vomits and feeds, and the world returns to its heart. "

After Fusu chanted, everyone in the audience was shocked.

It was Zhang Cang who was the first to realize the beauty of this poem.

"Very good!"

On a whim, Zhang Cang not only applauded, but also slapped the wine master on the case.

Xiao He heard the last sentence, read a few more sentences, and repeated them.

"What a duke of Zhou vomits and nourishes the world and returns to his heart. Unexpectedly, the young master has the ability to compose poetry."

Feng Jie listened and laughed at first, but at the end his expression tightened, and he even gave them a slight glare.

Zhang Cang and Xiao He didn't understand its meaning.

Feng Jie looked at the young master's cheeks blushing slightly. Although Feng Jie didn't read as many books as Xiao He and Zhang Cang, but the Three Hundred Poems was a must-read for enlightenment when he was young.

Feng Jie listened and felt the ambition of a young master. He didn't know what other people would do if these poems were spread, but he couldn't guarantee or be sure whether the king would be angry when he heard this.

Feng Jie naturally didn't dare to praise him.

He hasn't figured out the king's temper yet.

However, one thing was known to Feng Jie. Once he made the king angry, disaster would be imminent.

Therefore, Feng Jie reminded everyone in a gentle tone to Pang You, the chamberlain who was still immersed in surprise.

"Young Master is drunk, why don't you hurry up and get him some hot water?"

Pang You listened and nodded repeatedly, yes, the young master is drunk and needs hot water to wake up.

Xiao He and Zhang Cang also noticed something, so they stopped talking and went to help Fusu together.

Fusu was dizzy, but not completely drunk. Feng Jie's words also reminded him.

It was me who drifted just now.

Then Fusu was invited to sit back by Feng Jie. The maid came forward to wipe his face, and then opened the window to let in some air, which made Fusu's drunkenness dissipate.

Feng Jie quickly stepped forward.

"Young master, we are all ministers, don't you know this wine has such strong staying power."

Fusu shook his head.

Actually nothing.

It is not certain that Ying Zheng will be angry when he hears this.

"General Feng has worked hard."

Fusu looked serious and hiccupped slightly.

Fu Su thought, this hiccup is mixed with the saliva of a girl from ten years ago.

Feng Jie said again.

"The unification of the world is imminent, and the young master is happy for the king. This time asking for advice is really thinking that ordinary people can't think about it, and recruited many officials for Linzi County."

Fusu woke up completely.

Sure enough, hot water is everything.

"This time, Fusu has indeed found many useful people who can be used by our Qin State to govern Linzi. Thinking of this, we would like to toast the Qin State and wish our Qin State prosperity and prosperity for thousands of years."

With that said, Fusu raised his title and faced the west.

Feng Jie followed.

"I wish the Qin Kingdom ten thousand years of prosperity."

Zhang Cang soon followed and raised the wine baron.

"I wish the Qin Dynasty ten thousand years."

Xiao He was still in confusion, and his reaction was always slow, but he still drank the wine that Jue blessed Qin.

Let's drink this second wave of wine.

 Today's chapter will be published in advance. Let's talk about the part about the death of Chu. Have you written it briefly?
  The third volume of Xiang Yu will be published again, because the second volume will have ninety chapters. If I write it in detail, I will have to pick up the characters of Chu State again, which is too tiring.

(End of this chapter)

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