Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 160 This is Qin’s problem (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 160 This is Qin’s problem (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Fusu suddenly placed the wine prince on the table, and then let out a long sigh.

He lowered his head and started to drink wine again.

Feng Jie quickly persuaded him to stop.

"Master, please control yourself."

Xiao He came back to his senses.

"Why did the young master sigh suddenly?"

Fusu raised his head, hesitated to speak, then got up again and wandered around the hall.

The others didn't dare to sit still and got up one after another.

Xiao He was confused.

"Now that the unification of the world is in sight, why is the young master not happy but worried?"

Zhang Cang liked Master Fusu very much because he had very different ideas.

Zhang Cang has decided to follow the young master from now on.

But looking at what the young master did, it seemed that the young master liked Xiao He more.

Zhang Cang decided to get close to each other.

"Young Master, all of you here are not outsiders. Moreover, Xiao He and I intend to serve the Qin State. Your business is also my business. You may as well tell me your worries. Although I am not talented, But it may help the young master solve one or two."

Only then did Fusu speak.

Fusu glanced at Feng Jie, he asked him to come here on purpose.This middle-aged man Ying Zheng trusted very much.

It’s also something to strive for.

The snow is falling higher and higher, and it is chilly outside.

Fusu looked outside with a heavy tone.

"Xinzheng is not a strange place to you."

Several people were silent and stood on the ground, looking at me and you.

Xiao He felt as if his neck was being grabbed by something.

"I believe you all know what happened in Xinzheng a few months ago?"

"And this is the reason why Fusu held an inquiry."

Xiao He actually admired the young master very much, because he really treated the virtuous corporal, and he himself was indeed thirsty for talents.

However, it was not until Prince Fusu brought up the Xinzheng rebellion.

Xiao Hecai wanted to thoroughly understand the real intention of Young Master Fusu Wence.

There are really many problems in Qin.

So Xiao He wanted to go to Xianyang. He wanted to remonstrate with the King of Qin, but he had no choice.

He is not like Zhang Cang.

Zhang Cang was a student of Xun Qing, and he was from the same school as Li Si, the important minister in front of the current King of Qin. Not only that, there were many people in Xianyang City who were also Xun Qing's apprentices.

Therefore, Zhang Cang only needed to repair a few letters, and he was originally from Jixia Academy, so it was easy for him to enter Xianyang Palace.

Even though he is full of knowledge, in comparison, he is just a commoner.

Fortunately, God suddenly gave him another opportunity to see Linzi County's announcement.

As for the young master Fusu, in fact, the young master's attitude towards him is not as enviable by outsiders.

Others saw the young master chatting with him at night by candlelight.

But Xiao He feels that the young master seems to have never seen a countryman, because he always pulls himself to ask himself about the things in the country.

Xiao He was forced to reveal everything about him and his old friend Liu Ji, and the young master laughed when he heard that Liu Ji was still alone.

For Xiao He, these things were really strange.

Anyway, he now feels that maybe the two tentacles of the snail can really talk.

Fusu continued.

"As a son of a man, Fusu naturally has to find ways to relieve his father's worries."

"General Feng——"

Feng Jie came to his senses.

"The minister is here."

"My father's greatest wish is to unify the world."

Feng Jie made a bow.

"What the young master said is absolutely true. This is not only the wish of the king, but also the wish of all the kings of Qin."

Fusu continued in a loud voice:

"But now that the world has been unified, the overall situation has been decided. But the rebellion in Xinzheng has just subsided, and Fusu traveled east this time and is now based in Linzi. He is deeply aware of the many problems in Qin's newly expanded border areas."

"Feng Jie is not sure, please let me know."

Fusu turned his back to Feng Jie, and when he heard this, he just curled his lips.

"In this Linzi city, except for the tens of thousands of our Qin troops, the rest are the common people of the former Qi state. And this Linzi county is thousands of miles away from Xianyang. For example, the city in Xinzheng has been occupied by our Qin state for several years. , and can suddenly rebel overnight. Not to mention Linzi County, Jiaodong County, and Langya County, which are more than ten thousand miles away from Xianyang."

Feng Jie couldn't help but look solemn after hearing this.

The young master is right.

Feng Jie clasped his fists.

"I understand."

"I accompanied the young master all the way from Xianyang to Linzi. The journey is long and rugged. I and the young master have the same experience. The king is conquering all directions and wants to bring peace to the world. But in places like Linzi, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, so it is still necessary to exchange news. It takes a few days. It’s really inconvenient to manage.”

As Feng Jie talked, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the mountains were high and the rivers were far away, and the king's whip was beyond his reach. It would have taken more time to issue the decree, and for the Qi people whose customs were completely different from those of the Qin people, it would be difficult to implement a little bit. They have already begun to complain about Qin's laws, let alone other things.

and also!

He has not yet wiped out all these rebellious officials and traitors.

Feng Jie was angry.

"Not only that, but there are still traitors in Linzi City who are causing trouble. They actually intend to assassinate the young master. How audacious! The crime cannot be punished!"

"I have ordered the whole city to be under martial law and set up a dragnet to catch those rebels!"

Zhang Cang only heard about this incident after the fact, so it is not surprising that the banquet that was originally supposed to be held for the apprentices who were finally selected to participate in the consultation has been cancelled.

Feng Jie said, his face became darker.

Because of this matter, the king must have known about it. If he failed to protect the young master and something went wrong, he would definitely be held accountable.

Although the king has many children, he only has one eldest son.

And the Qin Kingdom has only one eldest son, the future prince of the Qin Kingdom who was announced by the king himself in the court.

If the young master hadn't personally proposed to take a road around the city that day, I'm afraid something would really happen.

Because on the Black Ice Platform, after following the clues, we finally found many strongholds, which were located on several main roads throughout the city.

Thinking hard.

After all, it wasn't my own territory originally, and it had only been occupied for a month, so there were everyone in the city.

Linzi seems to be the busiest, but there are many dangers hidden below the ground.

Xiao He only knew that there were problems with Qin's laws in the past, but now, he heard that Prince Fusu had also been assassinated.

Then the perpetrator.

Qi people, Han people, Zhao people, Wei people, and Yan people are all possible.

This is Qin's problem.

Qin has destroyed many countries. The more enemies it conquers, the more enemies it makes.

After hearing this, Fusu strode forward with a stern look on his face.

"General Feng, do you know that Fusu wants to return to Qin day and night, but Fusu does not dare to return to Qin for a moment."

Feng Jie was naturally surprised after hearing this.

"Why did you say that, son?"

Feng Jie actually had a vague answer in his mind. Could it be that the young master was afraid that someone would happen on his way back...

Fusu said.

"The dignified Lord Qin is in Linzi City, and there are still people who dare to openly assassinate him. If Fusu returns to Xianyang and someone else is in charge, we don't know what kind of chaos the city will become."

After Feng Jie heard this, his cheeks suddenly bulged, but his mouth was tightly closed.That's because you are too young, sir.

However, at that moment, Feng Jie thought that the person in front of him who was talking about these important matters with his back turned was his king.

Feng Jie wanted to persuade the young master that with time, Linzi city would be stable.

Moreover, those who cause trouble will sooner or later reveal their clues as time passes.

But just now, the young master mentioned the matter of Xinzheng.

Feng Jie searched Kuchang and thought for a long time but came up with no idea.

(Ask for a tip tonight.)
(End of this chapter)

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