Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 161: Dao Zhang Xianyang (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 161 Returning to Xianyang (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Usually in front of the king, the ministers discuss matters.

The two Prime Ministers, the Tingwei, other ministers, and the officials discussed the issue one by one.

Feng Jie might not have any ideas at first, but as he listened, he suddenly got inspiration and came up with something.

But today, he was alone, racking his brains and couldn't think of anything.

Xiao He looked at Fusu's back and fell into deep thought.

The root cause is that the land of Qilu is too far away from the state of Qin. Such an area really needs powerful people to come and suppress it.

Moreover, in fact, hundreds of years ago, when the Central Plains were unified, the Emperor Zhou had already made a decision to solve this problem.

The fundamental purpose of the Zhou king's enfeoffment of the world was to protect the rule of the Zhou royal family.But the final result was that the princes established themselves as kings, all the heroes came together, and the war lasted for hundreds of years.

The princes established themselves as kings, which was obviously not the outcome the Emperor Zhou wanted to see.

The Qin State has always implemented the system of prefectures and counties.

However, the enfeoffment system cannot be completely negated because of this.

Both of these have advantages and disadvantages, if they can be combined.

Isn’t that wonderful?
Fusu raised his head and looked at the falling snowflakes.

A single snowflake melts easily. Only when countless snowflakes fall on the ground will they collectively retain their crystalline state and become a snow scene.

He can't be alone in that matter.

Fusu turned around, stared at Feng Jie seriously and said:

"Actually, Fusu has thought of a solution."

When Feng Jie heard this, he became even more serious.

"Please show me, my lord."

Fusu looked at Feng Jie carefully, his eyes full of appreciation.

"In fact, if a borderland like Qi State can be suppressed by people like General Feng, then Fusu believes that the chaos in Xinzheng will never happen again in Linzi City."

After Feng Jie heard this, he immediately shrank.

The two lips suddenly turned white and moved up and down. He was surprised for a long time.

What does the young master mean, let him stay in Linzi?

But the officials have arrived, and the leader, Chen Ang, is the new county governor.

Could it be that the young master wanted him to lead troops to garrison in Linzi.

There are two things that a young and strong general like him fears most, one is going to the battlefield and losing the battle, and the other is being sent to a remote place to garrison a fiefdom.

Feng Jie's face quickly turned pale.

Guard the frontier.

A series of miserable scenes of living in the frontier land appeared in Feng Jie's mind.

He will be stationed here for at least three to five years, and Xianyang is his home.

Born here, raised here, died here...

After Feng Jie heard this, he suddenly felt scared for a while.

Fusu saw that Feng Jie was scared, so his goal was achieved.

In fact, even Wang Jian was said to have been sent by Ying Zheng to guard the land of Chu, but he was already in his twilight years at that time.

Moreover, the land of Lingnan is extremely remote and has not been developed at all.At present, I heard that there are still savages in the land of Lingnan, and if they catch people from the Central Plains, they will cook them and eat them.

The wilderness is backward and it takes a lot of time to develop.

Moreover, it is said that they are sending troops to suppress it. In fact, this is tantamount to deporting the old Qin people to the border.

Fusu's words caused a layer of sweat to form on the back of Feng Jie's neck.

Feng Jie composed himself and smiled in his eyes.

"I am favored by the Young Master, and there are indeed many hidden dangers in Linzi City. I should take the lead and ask to be stationed in Linzi. But I am afraid that I will live up to the Young Master's love."

"How can Feng Jie, who is so helpless, be able to undertake such a big thing as suppressing Linzi County? It is better to obey the king's orders in everything."

When Feng Jie said the last sentence, he was obviously more confident.

Fortunately, this is just the young master's idea. If the king thinks so, then this matter will really be finalized.

Fortunately, in Feng Jie's opinion, the king really would not send him as the governor of Linzi County.

For one thing, the governor of Linzi County has already decided on a candidate, and he will take office as soon as the young master leaves.

On the other hand, Feng Jie knew that he did not have the ability to manage an entire county.

Therefore, it is impossible to be ordered to be a county guard, but to become a garrison general, all that is left is hard work.

And to do hard work is in no way comparable to the function of establishing an army to get him to be crowned.

Feng Jie thought about it and still felt that the young master's idea was a bad idea.

Linzi County may have been suppressed by military force and become relatively stable, but it was as if he had been demoted.

Feng Jie's eyes suddenly became much darker, like a bottomless cold pool.

Fusu caught a glimpse of the displeasure on Feng Jie's face, but ignored it and continued loudly:

"General Feng is Jun's father's subject, not Fusu's bodyguard. The purpose of dispatching General Feng is to see Jun's father's wishes."

After hearing this, Feng Jie felt that there was something in the young master's words.

Yes, he is the king's minister, and the young master is the king's son.

If the young master really said in front of the king that he was suitable to suppress Linzi City, then wouldn't he...

This breath still lingered in Feng Jie's heart, making him neither dare to be happy nor to be worried.

Fusu looked at Feng Jie's trembling expression and knew that his goal had been achieved.

Feng Jie was worried, but Fusu suddenly changed the subject.

"Although Fusu lives in Linzi, he always remembers that Jun's father in Xianyang was very worried and worked hard day and night for the great cause of unification, never stopping."

"But now you have also seen that the overall situation of the world seems to have been decided, and the day of unification will be when Chu is destroyed. And Fusu's trip eastward has revealed that there are still many problems within the Qin State."

"This time, when Fusu returns to Xianyang, he will tell the truth about the situation here in order to stabilize the Qin Dynasty's ten thousand-mile territory."

After Feng Jie heard this, he couldn't help but look at the young master in shock.

The son is indeed full of ambition.

"I will escort you back to Xianyang safely and safely."

Fusu listened and did not react at all to this sentence.How could there be no twists and turns on the way back to Xianyang?

When Feng Jie saw the young master's indifferent expression, he felt that the cold snow outside had also fallen on his heart.

Could it be that Young Master has already made up his mind?

In early November, the heavy snow had just stopped, and Fusu and his party were finally returning to Xianyang.

Linzi County is a pilot area for the implementation of the New Deal chartered by Ying Zheng, and everything will be implemented in accordance with Fusu's previous arrangements.

Everything is settled, but there is one more thing, which is the legal issue of Linzi County.

The codification and promulgation of the law will take at least several months to complete.

Moreover, the law is the means by which the king maintains his rule.

The laws implemented in Linzi County must be approved by Ying Zheng.

In any case, it is necessary to bring Hu Wujing and some other Legalist scholars from Qidi back to Xianyang.

Fusu looked at the think tank he brought back to everyone. Hu Wujing, Xiao He, and Zhang Cang were all knowledgeable people.

The curtain of reform in Great Qin begins now.

The State of Chu was confined to the southeast, and now the State of Qin had formed a situation of surrounding Chu State on two sides.To the south of the Chu State was the barbarian land, and to the east was the sea.

Such a situation of being surrounded on all sides made it seem that the outcome of the war between Qin and Chu had already been decided.

Fusu's only worry is Li Xin.

It is true that Li Xin led his troops in battle, destroying everything like a fierce tiger, but he was indeed too reckless.

And Xiang Yan, as well as the nobles of Chu State, must be united now and ready to work together to face the enemy.

Fortunately, we considered attacking Chu in winter, when Chu was extremely wet and cold, especially Wu Yue.

Moreover, the area around the Wuyue Water Town was densely covered with water networks. For the Qin people, who had always grown up on flat loess land, they would not be looking for an advantage by attacking the Chu State in winter.

Ying Zheng also decided to wait until next spring to attack Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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