Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 162 The son and minister pay homage to the king and father (please give me a monthly recomme

Chapter 162 The son and his father pay homage to the king (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"Boom boom boom——"

"Boom boom boom——"

The neighing, the sound of horseshoes, the sound of the collision of the baggage, the sound of the wheels crushing the hard ground, and all kinds of small and fine human voices are all mixed together and unified into one tone.

"Boom boom boom——"

Fusu opened the curtain and looked at the leaves of dead trees flying outside.

The endless falling trees rustled...

Xue Ji has never walked such a long distance before. She has been running around for days and is tired from traveling and traveling, and her face looks even paler.

The closer we got to Xianyang, the stronger the wind seemed to be. But what followed was a dry cold that Xue Ji had never felt before.

Fortunately, she was hiding in the carriage with a warm tub in it. Xue Ji wrapped herself in a fox fur and listened quietly to what was going on outside.

Outside, the new wind has risen, but the wind is gradually weakening.

Chi Wu controlled the horse, his eyes looking at the map spread out on the horse's back from time to time.

Closer and closer.

There is a mountain in front of it, and there seems to be a dense forest inside, Chi Wu can see it clearly.

The four sides are also flat, with occasional rolling hills.

Chi Wu looked to the west, almost with longing.

Comparing this mountain top with the one on the map, Chi Wu couldn't help but sigh.

"We are finally arriving in Xianyang."

Xianyang - Hearing the name of this place, the white-clothed piano player in the carriage almost shed tears.

Xianyang is the place where Brother Jing died and where Ying Zheng lives.

Ying Zheng is indeed a name known to all the seven countries.

For his own selfish desires, countless wars were set off, countless families were destroyed, and his wives were separated.

After hearing this, Feng Jie also controlled his horse and came over. His face was stern. After hearing this, the wrinkles on his brows disappeared a lot.

Along the way, the wind and rain hit him, and his face had long been frozen into a monkey's ass, and Chi Wu was not much better.

The two men looked at each other while holding the horses. Although they were said to have higher official ranks and higher salaries, they were exposed to the sun, rain, and wind along the way. Neither of them got any better, and their skin became rough again. .

Fusu couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Fusu lazily poked his head out of the carriage. When he saw this disgusting scene, he showed an expression that I knew well. He even clicked his tongue a few times, and then leaned back into the carriage.

Xue Ji was sitting at the other end. She didn't know the situation here and couldn't help but be curious.

"What did the young man see?"

"gay love--"

Xue Ji was puzzled.

"Ji Qing?"

Compared with Chi Wu, Feng Jie has more to worry about.

When he came, Feng Jie didn't think too much.And the young master also means a light chariot and a fast horse, the faster the better.

But this time, after experiencing a robbery and murder, Feng Jie became much more alert.

He was very tired along the way.

Apart from not having to worry about anything falling from the sky, Feng Jie had to take everything else into consideration.

This time I went back, although I didn't announce it to the outside world, I took the official road all the way. The road was flat and the drive was fast.

But since we don’t have time to clear the roads in advance, we sometimes encounter people with unknown origins.

But after understanding the methods of those Koreans, Feng Jie was most worried about what was below the ground.

He wished he could become a horse and have four legs, so that he could feel what was under the ground.

Only when they have to go to the inn in the city for supplies will they reveal their identity and enter the city.

Fortunately, this time, he also brought back a musician from Linzi City.

The white clothes are fluttering, and he is unusually cold and arrogant. Although he is a musician, he has a very determined look in his eyes, almost like a soldier who is looking forward to death.

They Qin people like this kind of people, because this is the personality of their Qin people. They regard death as home and are not afraid of anything.

And Mr. Zixu also has such a look in his eyes.

Especially after Feng Jie heard him play "Mountains and Flowing Waters", from then on, the lingering sound was always lingering in Feng Jie's ears.

Such a skilled musician, Feng Jie must be dedicated to the king alone.

That was presented by the current Linzi County Sheriff before leaving.He originally wanted to offer it to the young master, but he stopped him out of fear of protecting the young master, so the young master didn't know.

But after finding out his identity, Feng Jie took this person all the way to Xianyang soon.

If Qi is destroyed, the king will definitely hold a celebration banquet as usual.Your Majesty is fond of listening to sounds to relieve fatigue. If you bring this person over, your Majesty will surely be pleased.

This person's skill in building construction is superb and rare in the world. Even Gao Jianli, the music sage of Yan State, would definitely be inferior to him if he listened to his music.

When he goes back, the king will definitely make him the music saint of Qin.

Mr. Zixu then became the sage of music in the world.

However, he didn't tell the young master about this.

Because of the young master's thoughts, Feng Jie still doesn't understand it.

But Feng Jie knew his own thoughts very well.

He, Feng Jie, didn't want to be stationed at the border or be assigned.

He, Feng Jie, has feelings for the king!
He would rather just be a doctor in Xianyang all his life and stay by the king's side than go and guard Linzi.


As soon as Fusu arrived at the gate of Xianyang, the people in the city cheered in the streets.

After hearing this, Fusu felt that his own merits would not cause the people to behave like this.

But suddenly he thought that he was the son of King Qin. This fact alone was enough to make everyone in the world worship him.

He is the eldest son of Qin Wang Yingzheng.

Fusu lowered the curtain and ordered the driver to enter the city quickly.


"Your Majesty, the young master has entered the city."

After Ying Zheng heard this, the character that was about to be placed on the slip was only half drawn in the end.

Ying Zheng left Jian behind and decided to do nothing and wait for him to come over.He had saved up many things to ask him.

"Call him to me."



Qingyang Palace, Chonghua Palace.

Wang Lin's belly has bulged slightly.

She was now half uneasy, half anxious, and half happy.

"Isn't it here yet?"

replied the maid.

"Chang Shi Zhao said that the young master must go to see the king first."

Wang Lin's eyes darkened after hearing this.

"Then I'll wait outside Zhangtai Palace."

After hearing this, the maid said timidly.

"Madam, the young master also brought back a woman."

Wang Lin was speechless for a long time after hearing this.

"Madam, don't you say anything?"

Wang Lin made a faint sound.

"I've already thought of it."

A man of his status and identity will have many women in his life.


Fusu walked on the bluestone slabs of Xianyang Palace and felt a sense of solidity that he had never felt before.
Every step is extremely slow.

When he got out of the palace gate, he saw the young master coming to greet him and told him that the king had been waiting for him for a long time.

However, he still walked slowly.

Feng Jie and Chi Wu still followed behind.

When he arrived at the palace, Chi Wu saw familiar faces, with expressions as if he had escaped from the cold winter and walked directly into spring.

This is why the ancients missed home.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, so the carriage travels very slowly.

As for Feng Jie, he felt uneasy.The assassination in Linzi County was a major case.The king is bound to ask about it, and he has to deal with the rhetoric.

When they arrived at Xianyang Palace, Zhao Gao had already come out to greet him.

Zhao Gao was still the same, but seeing him this time, Zhao Gao was obviously happy from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Gao bowed respectfully to the young master.

"My subordinate Zhao Gao pays homage to the young master."

"Get up. Zhao Gao, is everything okay in the palace?"

"Come back to me, sir, everything is fine."

Then, Zhao Gao said again.

"The king has been waiting for you for a long time."

Turning to the front of the palace gate, Fusu recognized Wang Lin at a glance.

Her petite body looked extremely weak compared to the huge number of garrison guards.

The swollen belly was very eye-catching. Seeing this, Fusu suddenly felt impulsive and wanted to go over and touch it.

This was the result of his momentary happiness brewing.

(Congratulations to Fusu for returning home.

Then, does anyone identify the county guards from various places?
Type the name of the county, followed by your own name (recommended false name))

(End of this chapter)

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