Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 163 You can write such a good poem just by thinking about it casually (please give me a mont

Chapter 163 You can write such a good poem just by thinking about it casually! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

It was afternoon when we returned to Xianyang.

At this time of year, it is rainy in Xianyang, with green and yellow colors, and all kinds of colors, but it is always desolate and cold. Today is a sunny day, and it is relatively warm outside.

Wang Lin was dressed a little more heavily today. Seeing that the person she had been thinking about for months finally met today, joy almost overflowed from her almond-shaped eyes.

Standing on the palace steps from a distance, Wang Lin could see Fusu walking towards her like flying, her face was full of joy.

Fusu is like a horse that has let go, walking very fast.

My innocent girl, I'm back!
Fusu approached, and Wang Lin bowed profusely.

"The concubine pays homage to the son."

"How polite, madam."

When Fusu saw Wang Lin, joy and sweat flowed down his face.

Fusu wanted to carefully help Wang Lin stand up, but Wang Lin took her hand back.

Wang Lin smiled warmly, very dignified and generous.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. It looks like the young master has lost weight. He must be very hardworking both in public and private matters."

Fusu felt slightly jealous after hearing this.

"Thank you for your hard work, madam."

Then Fusu lowered his gaze to Wang Lin's belly and wanted to step forward again.

Suddenly, Wang Lin's face turned red as pig liver, but the smile was clear in her eyes.

Wang Lin motioned for Fusu to look behind him, and Fusu stopped.

Fusu Dingding looked at Wang Lin and saw that she had matured a lot, her face had a softness that she had never seen before, probably because she became a mother.

They have been husband and wife for several months, and now they have the blood and flesh connecting them to each other.

The young couple just looked at each other and understood each other's feelings.And there are so many pairs of eyes staring at this occasion.

Feng Jie removed his armor and sword, and then followed Fusu. When he saw Mrs. Chonghua, he looked at Fusu with a look of surprise and admiration.

Feng Jie bowed and said, "I have met Mrs. Chonghua."

Wang Lin smiled calmly and motioned for Feng Jie to get up.

"General Feng, get up."

Fusu's eyes were exceptionally soft, just like the day they got married.

Fusu said again.

"Madam, please return to the palace first."

After hearing this order, which was neither light nor serious, Wang Lin hesitated to speak, and then slowly walked away with a little disappointment.

After walking a few steps, he looked back at Fusu.

When Zhao Gao met Mrs. Chonghua, he was puzzled. The lady seemed a little unhappy.

She should be the happiest when the young master comes back.

In addition to doubts, I quickly figured out the reason.

No hurries?
After all, she is a woman, short-sighted.

The person that the king relies on and trusts the most is Wang Wan, and he will not abandon Wang Wan all of a sudden.

Looking at Wang Lin's back, an unknown emotion surged into my heart.

Fusu calmed down and looked into the hall. Through a screen, Fusu seemed to see Ying Zheng sitting inside.


Zhao Gao reminded in a low voice and motioned for Fusu to go in.

Fusu looked back and saw a clear sky with clear clouds and clear wind.

Fusu straightened his clothes and quickly walked into the hall.

As soon as Fusu walked around the screen, he saw Ying Zheng sitting upright, with one hand on the sword and the other on his knees, his body straight.

That kind of kingly temperament that is calm and authoritative is really something that ordinary people can't imitate.

And he is obviously still very energetic, a man in his prime!
However, Fusu could not see much joy on his face.

Fu Su looked around, at this time, there should be many people in Zhangtai Palace, but now there is only one Zhao Gao around.

Obviously, Ying Zheng must have specially ordered not to see any officials today.

"My son, I pay homage to your father."

Feng Jie naturally felt nervous when he saw Ying Zheng's solemn appearance.

"My minister pays homage to the king."

Ying Zheng didn't even look at Feng Jie, and said directly to Fu Su:
"I heard that you recruited a lot of useful people in Linzi and brought a few people back."


"But I remember that in your memorial, you only said that the purpose of asking for advice was to select subordinate officials."


Fusu lowered his head and didn't stand up yet. He only answered two words every time. Ying Zheng couldn't hear any emotion.

Zhao Gao was a little surprised. This was different from the warm scene of father and son reunited and having fun that he had expected.

Even a little depressing.

Ying Zheng suddenly straightened his back again.

"Then why did you bring them back instead of leaving them behind when they also participated in the consultation?"

"Fusu thought that these three sons were all great talents and could help his father. So Fusu brought them back."

"Great talent?"

Ying Zheng asked leisurely.

Fusu felt that he was right. Judging from their historical achievements, the three of them were indeed great talents.But why did Ying Zheng's tone seem to be filled with contempt and ridicule.

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

"Be flat."

Ying Zheng spoke, then stood up and walked to Fusu.

Fusu and Feng Jie stood up straight.

Ying Zheng took long strides, walked to Fusu, and turned around.

"The mountains never get too high, and the sea never gets too deep. The Duke of Zhou vomits food, and the world returns to its heart. How come I didn't know before that you still have such great ambitions?"

Fusu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Why does Ying Zheng know everything?

Feng Jie was also surprised. From the sound, the king was not very angry.

He secretly glanced at Ying Zheng. It was really strange that the king was smiling.

"Father, please don't make fun of me. I drank too much at the time and read it casually because I was in a mood."

After Zhao Gao heard this, his mouth suddenly opened wide, this...

Read it casually?

After hearing this, the palace musicians wondered whether they still had the dignity to stay in the palace.

But when he was drunk, he could casually read such a tasteful poem, the young master is really a genius!

Ying Zheng was also surprised for a while after hearing this.

Read whatever you want...

This is what it says!

It turned out to be composed casually. Those music officials who racked their brains and couldn't come up with a song for the emperor's ceremony heard this and wanted to worship you as their teacher.

Ying Zheng made a deep voice.

"Fusu, you should be more humble."

Fusu raised his head suddenly, as if he wanted to complain.

Am I still humble?

Thinking that I have time traveled to this day, I have basically never used my old job of eating, except for a few words from Jia Yi.

If given the chance, he would definitely read through all the Three Hundred Poems, Chu Poems, Han Fu, Tang Poems, and Song Ci.

He will become the highest peak in the history of Chinese literature, and it will be the kind that no one can surpass in the next 2000 years.

All the ink in his stomach was filled with ink, and today he only squeezed a little bit from others. Moreover, he was very careful with his words. He said that he read the poem, but never said that the poem came from him.

However, Fusu knew that from the moment he read that sentence, he was the author of "Dan Ge Xing".

In the future, there will be more famous authors.

Ying Zheng looked at his expression of wanting to defend but was unable to do so, and immediately asked again.

He had been confused.

Why didn't he realize that his eldest son had the talent to write poetry.

Moreover, as soon as it was written, its conception was higher than that of three hundred poems.

Duke Zhou vouched for the return of the world, and Fusu simply read out his heartfelt wishes.

"Why doesn't the widow remember that you can write poetry?"

Fusu was a little surprised when he heard this.

"My son is not talented, he only knows a little bit."

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Ying Zheng knew that as his eldest son, he had always been humble, but today's humble words made Ying Zheng feel uncomfortable.

Ying Zheng only felt that Fu Su was showing off and showing off.

(It’s just pretentious, but it’s a pity that the First Emperor didn’t know such fun modern words.)
Ying Zheng looked Fusu up and down again, holding back his joy before letting out a heavy sound.

"You are modest."

This is of course an irony.

Fusu lowered his head and just smiled wryly.

 Thanks to [Chief Elder of Sword Sect] for the 10000 starting coin reward and the 6-month ticket
  Thank you [Ferocious Big Dog] for rewarding 100 starting coins

  Thank you [Li Yan no more] 1000 starting point coins reward

  Thanks [twenty and a half] a total of 7 monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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