Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 168 It is destiny for Qin to destroy six kingdoms! (Please give me a monthly recommendation

Chapter 168 It is destiny for Qin to destroy the six kingdoms! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Therefore, it is necessary to promote Li Xin to check and balance the Wang family.

Presumably Li Xin simply wanted to serve Ying Zheng wholeheartedly, but he didn't know that he had already been involved in this whirlpool of power.

Being in the whirlpool of power, it is impossible not to be affected.

"Your Majesty, you know that the King actually agreed after hearing Li Si's memorial."

Zhang Cang continued, he indeed admired Li Si.

Fusu started talking to himself.

“Chu State—Chu State actually surrendered?”

Such a powerful state of Chu actually surrendered.

Zhang Cang was still in high spirits.

"So, General Li Xin has made a great contribution. General Li led a thousand cavalry and went straight into the Shouchun Palace of Chu State, and captured the King of Chu alive. It is said that the King of Chu was still drinking in front of the map at that time."

"Then General Li suddenly broke into the palace. Everyone saw that General Li suddenly flew out a sharp sword with one hand, and the sword landed on the ground next to King Chu's butt. The tip of the sword was three inches into the floor!"

(The sword here is a short sword)

"The king of Chu immediately leaned back in fright, and the other people saw General Li glaring at him, and they all ran away in fright. Then General Li picked up the king of Chu like a chicken, and then put He was put into a prison van."

Fusu felt that Zhang Cang talked too much today.

Fu Su was walking at the front, while Zhang Cang was chirping and cheering behind.

Zhang Cang really used his strength to explain that humans evolved from monkeys.

Xiao He couldn't get in the conversation, he didn't know anything about these things.

Xiao He felt that when doing things in the palace, one should be more careful in everything.Xiao He was very decent in his dealings with others.

But at the same time, in this center of power, his behavior made the channels for his news much narrower.

Zhang Cang told him many things.

But Xiao He didn't have much enthusiasm for these things.

Xiao He believed that if the prince of a country does not put his mind on the country, but on some trivial things that are not beneficial to the country.

Such a prince will never have a future.

Xiao He followed Fusu, but his eyes were fixed on the sword on the prince's waist.

Even if the sword is kept in the scabbard, it will rust.

So are people.

What the prince did in Linzi County was gradually to appease the people. In Xiao He's view, those measures were truly beneficial to the people and conducive to stabilizing the country.

On the other hand, the prince returned to Xianyang and had nothing to do.

What surprised Xiao He was that although His Highness the Crown Prince was married, he was still young and still needed a tutor. However, the King of Qin did not designate a tutor to the Crown Prince.

This is not to say that Xiao He claims to be an emperor's master, but that the prince really needs a strong back-up.

So far, Xiao He has not seen any faction behind the prince.This means that no one in the court will support the prince's claim.

Xiao He has been following the prince for four months and has done nothing, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Fusu glanced at Xiao He intentionally or unintentionally.

"It seems that I have kept the Chollima in a cage for too long. Xiao He, is that true?"

After Xiao He heard this, his thoughts were answered and he was no longer unhappy.

Zhang Cang spoke with great joy, not noticing the expressions of the prince and Xiao He at all.

Hearing this sound, Zhang Cang became quiet.But he was still immersed in the joy of Qin's victory over Chu.

"I remember that Chu State has a general named Xiang Yan. Also, during the battle between Qin and Chu, why did the two generals not show up? Old General Meng Wu suppressed the main force of Chu State. What about Xiang Yan?"

Zhang Cang scratched his head.

Things here are a bit vague.

The news coming from such a far away place was originally vague.

But Zhang Cang still knew more or less.

"Long before General Li launched the raid, there was internal strife within the Chu State. Junhou, you know this."

"Later I heard that there was a dispute between General Xiang Yan and Warlord Song Yi. Then the King of Chu tested General Xiang Yan, and then Xiang Yan disappeared. The Chu army was leaderless, and Li Xin took the opportunity to attack the city."

"However, everyone said that Xiang Yan fled Shouchun overnight with his son."

Fusu listened and felt that it was very chaotic inside.

But no matter what, it is a good thing that Chu State lost.

But Xiang Yan ran away, which was definitely not a good thing.

But Xiang Yan, how could he escape?

Xiang Yan, like his son, committed suicide after defeat.

Moreover, Xiang Yan was not only a noble, but also an upright general. Such a person would not suddenly flee on the eve of a war.

Xiang Yan, who escaped from battle and only took his own son to escape, would never be able to teach a son like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu.

Presumably he died from assassination.

The person who went to assassinate him was definitely not Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng didn't bother to do such a thing, and only Yan Dan would do such a thing.

The person who is carrying out this assassination now must be one of Chu's own people.

This matter is not surprising. Considering that when the Qi State was destroyed, the Chu State was isolated and helpless on all sides, and people within it must have been panicked.

Often it is not the opponent that is fatal, but the teammates.

Fu Su went up to the second floor, stood with his hands behind his hands, stood on the floor and looked through the window at a clear pond to the west of Huayang Palace.

This place is imitated and renovated according to the appearance of a Korean palace.

Dusk came over, and suddenly a piece of orchid appeared on the lake, and the sound of golden light still lingered in the air.

"The emperor's son descended to Beizhu, his eyes were dim and worried. The autumn wind was blowing, and the waves in the Dongting were under the wooden leaves."

So, who is the true gentleman?

Ying Zheng, Jing Ke, Yan Dan, Xiang Yan, Xiang Yu?
No matter how you look at it, it seems that Ying Zheng and Xiang Yan are the most worthy of being called gentlemen.

After hearing these two sentences, Xiao He couldn't help but feel that these two sentences were suitable for the occasion.

"Unexpectedly, Junhou actually read the late Dr. Qu's works."

(Sao is poetry.)
"There are hundreds of schools of thought, and there are many. If you should take the essence and discard the dross, you will benefit in the end."

When Fusu said this, he looked at Xiao He.

"Your Majesty has the heart to take over the theories of all schools and use them together. He is truly a great talent, and Xiao He admires him."

Fusu's nostrils let out a slight breath of cold air.

"I heard that you often read the history of Qin in the study room. Have you gained anything?"

Xiao He should bow his head after hearing this.

"Speak straight."

"Xiao He wants to know why the seven kingdoms in the past are now dominated by Qin, instead of Chu, Yan, Zhao, Qi, etc."

"So you found the answer?"

Xiao He looked at the lake and said calmly.

"The method of Lord Shang."

Fusu raised his head and looked at the sky.

"No, the reason why Qin was able to conquer Liuhe and unite the world was because of destiny!"

Xiao He was naturally a little surprised after hearing this.

"Heaven has given great responsibilities to the king and father, so the king and father have inherited the destiny! Therefore, the Qin State marches eastward, and there will be no disadvantage in any direction. Wherever the sword points, it will be invincible."

"That's the answer."

Zhang Cang understood immediately after hearing this.

"What the Lord said is that it is destiny for Qin to destroy the six kingdoms!"

(End of this chapter)

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