Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 169 The Whirlpool of Power (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 169 The Whirlpool of Power (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Fusu Dingding looked at Zhang Cang.

This is why he must keep Zhang Cang by his side.

Zhang Cang is somewhat similar to Li Si. They both studied under the legalist Xun Qing.

Their eyes followed the interests.

Xiao He didn't understand the reason at first, but the prince said it was destiny, so it was destiny.

"Xiao He, have you figured it out?"

There is a hint of opportunity in these words.

Xiao He heard something behind the words.

"Please sir, please give me some more time."

Fusu turned around and walked into the hall.

Zhang Cang suddenly stopped talking, and Fu Su felt that something was missing around him.

Zhang Cang was talking eloquently just now, as if he knew everything in heaven and on earth.

Fusu had long begun to wonder how he knew so many things.

Those words were not only the details of the meeting in Zhangtai Palace, but also the details of the war.

It was said that it came from the palace's mouth, but how did he know so little.

Zhang Cang spends his days either playing tricks or playing with women, although the more he plays, the smarter his brain becomes.But most of the time he was in the palace as a diner in Huayang Palace, and his only place of activity was in Huayang Palace.

A terrible thought suddenly came to Fusu's mind.

Fusu sat on the upper seat and looked at Zhang Cang expressionlessly.

"Zhang Cang~ How did you learn about the destruction of Chu State just now? How did you learn about it? How did you know so many details?"

Zhang Cang naturally felt an inexplicable coercion, and then he realized that he had talked too much today.

Fusu Dingding looked at Zhang Cang.

Zhang Cang suddenly looked embarrassed, even a little anxious.

Zhang Cang spoke so concretely, as if he had been present at the scene in person. With his current official position, he needed a token to enter and leave the various palaces in Huayang Palace, so how could he possibly enter Zhangtai Palace.

Since he couldn't enter Zhangtai Palace, it was naturally impossible to hear their discussion.

There is only one possibility. Zhang Cang has read the records of Ying Zheng's officials. This is a capital crime!

Zhang Cang seemed to be carrying a rabbit in his arms, feeling very uneasy.

Seeing the anger in the prince's eyes, Zhang Cang knew that the prince should have guessed it.

Zhang Cang suddenly fell to his knees.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Xiao He actually knew a little bit about Zhang Cang's recent relationship with Zhao Gao, so Xiao He quickly thought of the whole story.

Looking at the study room, there are four people in total.Shen Yu was Fusu's personal attendant, and the other two were brought over from Linzi.In terms of closeness, Shen Yu is closer.

Fortunately, there were no others.

Moreover, judging from their normal expressions, they must not have figured it out yet.

Zhang Cang suddenly fell to his knees, his body still shaking.

Fusu Dingding looked at Zhang Cang, but his tightly clenched fists suddenly loosened.

Is Zhang Cang to blame for this matter?
Zhang Cang was just trying to please himself.

Handing Zhang Cang to Ying Zheng would only arouse more suspicion in Ying Zheng.He may not necessarily be able to escape completely when the time comes.

Because Zhang Cang is a retainer of the prince.

Moreover, how could Zhang Cang see the records of Ying Zheng's left and right officials? He couldn't enter Zhangtai Palace.

That must have been given to him by someone in Zhangtai Palace!
In Zhangtai Palace, who would have such courage.

And he let Zhang Cang see this openly.

Apart from that person, Fusu couldn't think of anyone else.

And since someone gave it, naturally there are other people in Zhangtai Palace who will be implicated.

It's best to act like nothing happened.

Of course, Fusu had never known the details.

In fact, Fusu knew it all along.

News from the palace would often reach the ears of ministers outside the palace through some strange channels.

And all the news in Xianyang, and even the entire Qin State, will pass through his hands.

Even Shang Shu Ling Yu Yang, who is in charge of documents and conveying news, has no right to read some confidential documents.

But Zhao Gao can.

Zhao Gao——

This name jumped into Fusu's mind again.

Zhao Gao is repaying himself in his own way.

This Zhao Gao, Fusu now understands him.

When he is close to Zhao Gao, what Zhao Gao does will be a little outrageous, but when he is alienated from him, he will secretly resent himself.

Confucius said: Only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you are close, you will not be inferior to them, and if you are far away, you will be resentful.

Why can Ying Zheng use Zhao Gao so easily?

Just because Zhao Gao always gives Ying Zheng advice and is ruthless in doing things...

Fusu thought about it.

No matter what, this matter cannot continue to ferment like this.

Before the major issue had even begun to be resolved, such a thorny problem suddenly appeared.

Fusu thought that if he did nothing, he would be good, but in fact, he was also in a whirlpool of power.

Inexplicably, he was involved in a murder case involving countless people.

It seems that he still wants to stand at the center of power.

Zhao Gaotai jumped, especially when he became the prince.

Fusu clenched his palms, he had to find a chance to meet him.

And this Zhang Cang, Fusu never expected that he would do such a bold thing.

It seemed that he really couldn't keep him in this palace any longer.

Zhang Cang requested again.

"Zhang Cang is guilty, please punish him."

Xiao He thought for a long time, and then he suddenly figured it out, and his face naturally turned pale.

"You have planned well, but keeping you here is a waste of your talent. Besides, I see you doing nothing all day long."

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhang Cang froze on the spot.

According to Junhou's wishes, he wanted to get him out of the palace.

But asking for help from the king will soon mean death.

After hearing this, Zhang Cang looked at the ground and felt that something bad was going on.

I think he still has so many books to read...

Although Fusu was talking about Zhang Cang, Xiao He also felt ashamed.

Xiao He knew that compared with Zhang Cang, he was not good at planning, had less experience than Zhang Cang, and had nothing to do all day long.

Fusu said, looking at Zhang Cang whose eyes were full of pleading, but all the past deeds of this man who was indolent and indolent emerged in his mind.

Fu Su suddenly thought of a person.

Zhang Han——

Zhang Han was strict and it was most appropriate to hand Zhang Cang over to him.

Zhang Han is the most feasible method to control fried dough sticks.

Fusu looked serious and tapped the paint table with his fingers, seeming to be making a difficult decision.

Because this would mean that Fusu sent Zhang Cang to his official career.

From now on, Zhang Cang will no longer be under his control.

"The grand ceremony of proclaiming the emperor is already under preparation. I have been appointed as a planner to record all the money used."

Zhang Cang heard this, this is what he is good at.

And I heard that the young master wanted to let him go.

Xiao He also felt that this was a good idea.

Shen Yu was naturally extremely happy after hearing this.

Suddenly, Fusu said again.

"The current general is Shaofu Zhang Han. He used to be in charge of the fifth school of prisoners. For this ceremony, he is responsible for building the tower."

Zhang Han, Zhang Cang has never heard of this name.

was demoted.

Zhang Cang thought to himself.

"Then, your lord, what will happen after it's done?"

"Of course I'll just listen to Zhang Han's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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