Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 17 The Little Female Cat in Spring (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 17 The Little Female Cat in Spring (please vote for recommendation!)

Chunyu Yue thanked him and then left, but Ying Zheng ordered the visitor:
"Go to Prime Minister Xuan quickly and pick him up."

"Your Majesty, who is the Prime Minister?"

During this period, Ying Zheng was still surrounded by two prime ministers, the left and the right.

Ying Zheng thought for a while, and it is not appropriate to publicize this matter at present.

"King Xuan, come here."

Wang Wan, that was the real imperial master, one of Ying Zheng’s masters when he was young.

This day Wang Wan is very leisurely. He has nothing to do. He is just sitting at home and lying on the mat.He was only accompanied by his little daughter.

She is said to be the youngest daughter, but she is just the youngest. His eldest brother's daughter is now as tall as her.

Wearing a crimson gauze skirt, her hair was slightly tied up and hanging behind her waist, she looked very gentle.The girl bowed and played the music very carefully. The sound was pleasant to the ears and could satisfy the prime minister.Just on this table, there was a raccoon slave lying on its back, rolling around.

[Raccoon slave, cat. 】

The sound of the piano was very soft and moving. Instead of scaring away the raccoon slave, it actually made it lie down next to it.Outside the wall, a male cat climbed up the wall and just showed his face. When the female cat saw it, she ran away after him.

His daughter Wang Lin couldn't help laughing when she saw him.

Wang Wan looked solemn when he saw it.

It's just that a middle-aged daughter is different, so Wang Wan likes this youngest daughter more than his granddaughter.

He is in his 50s, has many children, holds the position of Prime Minister, has all the power in the government and the public, and is deeply trusted by the emperor. Now there is nothing important in the court, and he is now happy and relaxed.

But these days, there is one thing that worries him.

The youngest daughter who is playing the piano in front of her is not only the youngest among her brothers and sisters, but also the daughter of her first wife. Now that she is old, she will naturally be full of love. If he is not here, she will stay in her room every day. I understand.

Wang Wan was worried about keeping her at home again. After a long time, she was afraid that something would happen.

Moreover, male colleges should be married and female colleges should be married, even the prime minister's daughter is no exception!

Wang Wan is worried about this matter now.

If you marry off, you won't be able to bear it, but if you keep her, you'll be harming your daughter.

At this time, someone came to the palace, and it was Zhao Gao, the commander of CRRC.

One is the head of the internal ministers, and the other is the head of the foreign ministers.Of course, the prime minister is much more beautiful than the CRRC Fuling.

Received the emperor's summons, Wang Wan naturally packed up in a hurry and was about to leave.

Zhao Gao only got to see Wang Wan's daughter, so he took a few more glances at once.

When Wang Wan saw it, he couldn't help but look solemn.

"I've seen the CRRC's official order, but I haven't paid my respects yet."

Wang Lin had heard the name of Zhao Gao, the commander of CRRC, and he was not a good person.Moreover, the status of Zhongche Fu Ling was still much lower than that of his father, the prime minister.Wang Lin felt embarrassed when she saw him looking at her. She often behaved shamelessly in front of her father. Her clothes were a little messy and she was very out of character.

[In ancient times, the requirements for neatness of clothes were very high. Even a single pleat should not be messed up. The clothes here are messy, which means that the clothes are wrinkled and cannot be lifted up. 】Wang Lin Yingying bowed,
"My daughter pays homage to the order of CRRC."

Before Zhao Gao said a few words, Wang Wan scolded:
"After seeing you, hurry back to your room."

Zhao Gao suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and Hezhu just gave him a thin noodle to kill him.

Seeing that his father was unhappy, Wang Lin naturally wanted to run away quickly.


Although Zhao Gao was not treated politely, he had long been used to it, and now, when his daughter was looked at twice by the opposite sex, he would react the same way.He is also a father who will have a daughter to marry, so now he understands the prime minister Wang Wan better.

"With such a beloved daughter, the Prime Minister is afraid that if she holds it in her mouth, she will melt; if she holds it in the palm of her hand, she will fall."

Wang Wan smiled after hearing this.

"It's rare to have the same views as the CRRC Fuling. Now I only have this unmarried daughter, and she is still a prostitute. I really hate her."

"I also have a daughter. Now that she is old and about to get married, I don't know who can be my matchmaker."

Wang Wan heard the meaning behind Zhao Gao's words, and said calmly:

"Although this important matter of marriage is ordered by the parents, it also needs the words of a matchmaker. But I don't know who in Xianyang City can be a matchmaker for this old man. Although this old man is a prime minister, he is also worried about this kind of matter."

After all, he is the prime minister of the dynasty, so he is naturally not an ordinary person.

After Zhao Gao heard this, he stopped talking about it.Zhao Gao still wanted to save face. If he kept talking, the Prime Minister would definitely get angry over this kind of thing.

Wang Wan, the leader of the three dignitaries, acted as a matchmaker for a hidden official. This was too low a price.If Wang Wan agreed to find a husband for Zhao Gao's daughter, there would be a storm in Xianyang City.

Zhao Gao's biggest dream in his life is to get rid of his slave status and be able to stand upright as a foreign minister and stand in the court.

Now that this dream is getting closer, he must not waste all his past efforts just because of a moment of anger! …



Xianyang Palace, Zhangtai.

Ying Zheng had already arranged everything, and as soon as Wang Wan arrived, he was invited by the visitor to enter the palace through the back door.

Wang Wan didn't understand the reason, came to the hall, but stayed in front of the screen again.

The visitor said in a low voice:
"Prime Minister, Your Majesty, please ask the Prime Minister to wait here for a moment."

Wang Wan had no choice but to sit and wait while others withdrew.

Wang Wan saw Qin Wangzheng talking to a young man from a distance behind the screen.

Wang Wan wondered, listening to the voice, it seemed like a son.That should be the eldest son.

King Qin Zheng asked: "I heard from your master that you think that without God's help, you are not qualified to be king."


"Such words are purely unheard of. I have been king for 22 years, and the foundation I have created far exceeds that of previous kings, but I have never had any help from destiny."

"Father, the destiny mentioned by Fusu refers to the right time, favorable location, and harmony. This is the way for military strategists to win, but Fusu believes that it is also the way for a wise king to govern the country. Fusu thinks that he does not have these strengths, so I don’t want to fight, I just want to leave the opportunity to become a king to other brothers.”

Ying Zheng deliberately avoided talking about the crown prince, but he rose to the challenge.

In this way, Ying Zheng felt oppressed by his own son.

Establishing a reserve is a major event related to the future of the country.At this time, Ying Zheng was still a wise and decisive monarch, and he would not be confused about the importance of what Fusu said.

But the matter of establishing a crown prince has always been a threat to the throne.

The little wolf cub said this to himself in public, and he looked fearless. If the person in front of him was not Ying Zheng, other kings might think that Fusu was thinking about plucking the tiger's hair.

Outside the screen, Wang Wan listened quietly, frowning at the scene.

At a young age, he thought about giving up his throne to other brothers, either those who had no desires or desires, or they were thoughtful and wanted to test the king.The king will not be unaware of this.

But calling him, an old guy, to listen in, the original intention was to let him also help as a staff member.

Ying Zheng sat in the upper seat, and he probably understood his son's complaint.

Yes, Fusu actually came to complain to King Qin today.

If you don't give me a chance, how can I prove that I am a person who can take on great responsibilities? The so-called help of destiny is nothing more than the support of various forces behind the scenes.Ying Zheng, who walked step by step on the road to becoming a king, saw the issue of Fusu better than anyone else.

 From now on, it will be updated at [-]:[-] in the morning and [-]:[-] in the afternoon.The author is working hard to save the manuscript

  Warmly welcome old readers to the return of the reborn boss!

  I would also like to thank several readers and friends of Xiaoyao for their recommendation votes for the book title ending in 8804, Just a Fool Who Loves You.


(End of this chapter)

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