Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 18: I think Fusu’s ambition is not small (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 18 I think Fu Su’s ambition is not small (please vote for recommendation!)

[This chapter is under revision, Loading]

Wang Wan was sitting cross-legged on the edge, taking a nap while listening.

Ying Zheng saw behind the screen that Old Prime Minister Wang Wan was already dozing off.Ying Zheng knew that he had no intention of getting involved in the matter of establishing a prince at the moment.

Fu Su stood in front of Ying Zheng and could only look at Ying Zheng. He was not allowed to look around, so he didn't know that Prime Minister Wang Wan was coming.

Ying Zheng took the brush, moistened the ink, and then spread out the memorial.

"That's what you want, I won't force you. I have appointed Chunyu Yue as the Grand Priest, and will be in charge of the rituals of the ancestral temple in the future."

King Qin Zheng suddenly announced this matter, which was beyond Fusu's expectation.Ying Zheng saw every move and showed no ambiguity at all.

"Fusu thanks you, father."

After speaking, Fusu wanted to leave.

"Although this matter is over, you are still responsible for the affairs of the Lishan Hall."

"Wei. Fu Su resigns."


After Fusu left, Ying Zheng stood up and walked to Wang Wan.

Wang Wan vaguely noticed that someone was coming, and naturally woke up. When he saw it was Ying Zheng, he hurriedly bowed:
"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"Pingshen, come with me."

Wang Wan followed Ying Zheng into the palace.

"I wonder what the Prime Minister thinks Fusu is like?"

With a smile in Wang Wan's eyes, she said to her:
"Why did your majesty ask me this? If your Majesty wants to organize food and grass, recruit talents, and govern the people, I can handle it for you, but I can't answer this matter. The old minister and the young master have only met a few times. Answer to His Majesty, and please don't blame the king."

[About the pre-Qin title, there are very few scientific introductions, but in Li Si's "Book of Remonstrance and Chasing Guests"]

Ying Zheng personally asked Wang Wan how his eldest son was doing. For Wang Wan, there were only two answers, good or bad. However, Wang Wan refused to answer, which showed that Wang Wan had no intention of participating at all.

"The widow summoned Fusu today and asked some questions. After hearing his answer, the widow feels that Fusu's ambition is not small. What does the prime minister think?"

"The king thinks so. The eldest son must be a man with great ambitions."

"I think Chun Yuyue is no longer suitable to be Fusu's master. Does the Prime Minister have any other recommendations?"

Wang Wan said respectfully:

"Your Majesty wants to train the eldest son. It is human nature. It's just that the eldest son's status is different from ordinary people. If you want to become a master for the eldest son, I'm afraid this matter will reach the point of deliberation among the ministers."

"Your Majesty?"

Wang Wan is serious:


Wang Wan spoke out to test Ying Zheng.Are you really planning to set up a reserve, or are you just shelving this matter as you did in the past?

Now that the matter of establishing a crown prince has been brought up, let’s take advantage of the lack of recent events and decide on this matter together to prevent changes in the government in the future. If you don’t plan to establish a crown prince, then your majesty can decide this matter yourself. That's it.

After hearing this, Ying Zheng looked up and stroked his beard, lost in thought.

How could it be so easy for me to be the crown prince? I have not yet finished testing Fusu.Now, to discuss the matter with the ministers, it is really to mobilize the troops and mobilize the masses, but it is easy to cause trouble.

"Why bother to discuss matters that are trivial to the ministers?"

Wang Wan immediately said:

"Since your majesty thinks this is a trivial matter, I would like to ask your majesty to recall Chun Yuyue and resume teaching the young master."

Ying Zheng was not happy when he heard that, he stared at Wang Wan and said:
"Chun Yuyue, in the final analysis, was born in Confucianism. Now that Fusu has completed the six arts, I want to replace him with a better master. I think the prime minister is worthy of this job."

Wang Wan knew that Ying Zheng would say that, but he first showed a shocked look, and then shook his head quickly.

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible."

Yingzheng's eyebrows were long and narrow, his face was naturally cold, and his cheeks seemed to be cut out by a knife. His eyes darkened immediately, and the king's aura suddenly appeared. Wang Wan felt the pressure.

Ying Zheng clearly insisted on letting Wang Wan intervene in this matter. Seeing Qin Wangzheng's momentum, Wang Wan knew that this matter could no longer be solved by just refusing.

"Your Majesty, please listen to the minister, and it will not be too late to make a decision at that time."

Seeing that Ying Zheng remained silent, Wang Wan hurriedly said:

"Your Majesty, I am the prime minister of a country after all. Now that your Majesty calls me the eldest son's master, this matter will definitely cause waves in the court. Furthermore, I used to be your majesty's teacher, and now I am the eldest son's teacher. Although it is a big deal, It is an honor, but it is not in line with etiquette."

If the father and son of the royal family both worship the same person as their teacher, it would be a joke if word spread.

Ying Zheng stroked his beard, his eyes shining brightly.

"What you said makes sense. I won't appoint Fusu's master for now, but if Fusu wants to ask the Prime Minister for advice in the future, the Prime Minister can't refuse."

Wang Wan felt something was wrong, so she asked:
"Why did your Majesty say this?"

"Fusu is already seventeen years old. I want him to join the court so that the ministers can serve as supervisors."

After hearing this, Wang Wan could only say yes.

"Wang Wan, although I don't appoint you as Fusu's master, I hope you can give him more guidance on the specific handling of official affairs."

Wang Wan thought, he is the king's confidant, and after being troubled by the future prince, he will inevitably have a relationship with the king in the future.The subordinates of the princes of all dynasties are the fringe courtiers of the great king of the current dynasty. Only in this way can the new king cultivate his own power.

Wang Wan felt that the king may be really a good king in terms of politics, but he had never cared about the matter of setting up a heir, but now that he is, it is not appropriate to handle it.

Thinking this, Wang Wan said:
"I heard that the king asked the eldest son to build the palace. Is this true?"

"it is true."

Wang Wan felt that if this was the case, he would borrow the donkey himself. He did not want to put the future of the Wang family on the eldest son so early.The King of Qin in front of him was still full of energy.

Since the eldest son just said that he wants to give up the throne and do what he can, why doesn't he follow the eldest son's wish.After all, it was His Majesty who called him here to 'eavesdrop'.

"Since the eldest son is going to do these things, the minister thinks that Prime Minister Zuo Kui Zhuang is worthy of the job. Prime Minister Kui Xiang is responsible for the measurement of utensils and the escort of grain and grass. If there is a major event in the court, it will be Kui Zhuang who arranges the distribution. Execution. Your Majesty, why don't you entrust this matter to Kai Zhuang, so that you can start from small things, start from small details, and over time, you will surely achieve something."

Ying Zheng thought about it and realized that this was indeed true, but what Fusu lacked most now was not the ability to deal with things.

"Fusu has been honest and cautious since he was a child. I won't worry about what he does. It's just that I think Fusu lacks something else. It concerns my eldest son. I hope that only the prime minister knows about today's events."

"Don't worry, your majesty. I just came to the palace today and took a nap. I don't know anything else. It's my great luck that your majesty is generous and didn't punish me."

"Go back."


Wang Wan bowed and quietly walked out of the palace. When he got home, he let out a long sigh of relief.

 This chapter is really poisonous. I will change it.

(End of this chapter)

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