Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 173: Xia uses force to break the ban (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 173: Xia uses force to break the ban (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Three days ago————

Xianyang Palace and Dazheng Palace.

morning meeting.

At the beginning of the Mao hour, a little fish belly white appeared in the sky. With the sound of a few small bells, people in Xianyang Palace got up one after another. Everyone came to the Dazheng Hall with a gold basin filled with water, and swept and wiped the steps in front of the Dazheng Hall. Every brick and stone in the Dazheng Palace was worked by both hands and feet.

The golden light first fell on the eaves of Xianyang Palace, and the glazed roof tiles shimmered in contrast, complementing the green leaves, creating a unique and dazzling look.

The hour of Chen has passed, and the hour of Si has arrived.

The heat is coming.




The big bell was knocked hard three times by five palace servants.

All the ministers have entered the Dazheng Hall one by one.

After the worship, a vigorous and powerful voice sounded in the hall.

"His Majesty--"

"Now that Yanxi and Zhao Jia have invited themselves to be their ministers, they have avoided fighting. This move is really in line with the king's desire to unify the world, and it is also a blessing for all people in the world."

"I request your Majesty to appoint Yan Xi and Zhao Jia as ministers as soon as possible so that they can continue to appease the people in Yan and Dai. This can also show to the world that the king is kind to all the people of the world."

"When the people hear this, they will feel the kindness of the king."

As soon as Wang Wan said these words, whispers broke out in the court.

The court hall was always solemn and solemn, and everyone's face was calm and solemn.

There are many powerful generals on the left, and many civil servants on the right.

Although there are military commanders and civil servants, most of them are both civil and military, and all of them have extraordinary momentum.

These ministers who live in Xianyang and can go to Xianyang Palace to meet Ying Zheng every three to five days are all full of knowledge and extraordinary temperament.

As courtiers of King Qin Yingzheng, they have always paid great attention to their words and deeds.

Now Wang Wan only said a few words, which aroused discussion in the court, which shows Wang Wan's prestige in the court.

Li Si listened and looked at the king again.

The king was silent at this time, presumably because he was dissatisfied with Wang Wan's policy.

Wang Wan's powerful voice echoed in every corner of the Dazheng Hall.

Ying Zheng was sitting on the throne, his forehead was shaking slightly, and it was difficult for the officials to see Ying Zheng's facial expression clearly.

Seeing that the king was silent, the ministers said a few words to each other and soon stopped talking.

Chao Zhongyi restored the previous silence and solemnity.

Li Si stepped forward.

"Your Majesty Li Si has a memorial."

Ying Zheng visibly straightened forward.

"Your Majesty, all the land in China today is the land of the king."

Above the court, every word and every word has a hidden edge.

What's more, Li Si is a good eloquent and well-written article.

When Wang Wan heard what Li Si said, he roughly knew what Li Si was going to say next.

The great king's achievements are not only higher than those of the previous kings, even when Emperor Zhou divided the world, he did not have such a large territory now.

Li Si was obviously flattering the king.

Lis continued:
"Now in China, there are only two countries, Yan and Dai, so the king of Yan and the king of Dai asked themselves to be ministers. This move is really forced by the overall situation. If the king allows them to continue to live in their place, time will gradually get worse. If there are too many, it is difficult to guarantee that King Yan and King Dai will not feel rebellious."

"Li Si, in your opinion, what should I do?"

Li Si looked calm.

Nearly sixty years old, his eyes are still sharp.

"Since King Yan and King Dai are willing to surrender, the king might as well summon them to Xianyang to serve the king in Xianyang."

After Ying Zheng heard this, he only asked his ministers:
"What do you think of what Tingwei said?"

Li Si's meaning is very obvious, that is, he cannot continue to allow those kings of Yan and Dai to stay in Yan and Dai.

This makes sense, but it's stupid.

Wang Wan couldn't help but smile after hearing this:
"Your Majesty, Wang Wan thought that if Yan Xi and Zhao Jia were left in Dai, they would be under pressure from the king and not dare to act rashly. But if the king wants to call them back to Xianyang, I think that this move may be counterproductive. "

Ying Zheng naturally asked:
"What do you mean by this, right minister?"

"I'm afraid that if the king orders them to come to Xianyang, Yan Xi and Zhao Jia will have second thoughts. The north of Yan is thousands of miles deep. I think that King Xi of Yan has at least made two preparations. If the king refuses, If he recognizes his position as the Lord of Yan Land, then the King of Yan will definitely continue to expand northward."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng narrowed his long and narrow eyes.

"The king ordered the two of them to come to Xianyang. For what purpose, the two of them will not think for the best. As a result, they will have no choice but to continue to resist. In this way, the king's great cause of unification will be delayed again."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng naturally began to rethink the matter.

Wang Wan was right, Yan Wangxi and Dai Wangjia were not fools.

How could he obediently come to Qin State.

Moreover, Wang Xi of Yan and Wang Jia of Dai had obviously discussed it. They expressed their willingness to submit to Qin, but in the surrender letter, the implication was that the widow would let them stay in Yan Dai.

But Li Si firmly believed that the king would never agree to grant Yan Wang Xi and Dai Wang Jia as ministers where they were.

Li Si understands Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng is broad-minded.

However, no matter how broad-minded a person is, there will be no room for sand in their eyes.

Because the sand hurts my eyes!
And Yan Wangxi and Dai Wangjia are the sand in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Your Majesty, I think that leaving King Yan Xi and Dai Wang Jia where they are is a real threat to your Majesty. Your Majesty has been working hard for more than ten years to unify the world, and today the world is about to be unified, but the land of Yan Dynasty has left them Old master."

"Doesn't this tell the people of the world that there are still two places and other counties in the king's land? How can this embody the unity of the world?"

Shangqing Feng Quji took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, I believe that what Li Tingwei said is absolutely true. Now that your Majesty has unified the four seas, you should implement the Qin policy in a unified manner throughout the four seas. Otherwise, how can the heads of Guizhou and Qi Chu be subdued?"

"What's more, the old Han and Zhao clan who intend to resist the rule of the emperor are still making trouble."

"I heard that Dong Gong was assassinated in Linzi City that year. After several investigations, it was found that the people who caused the rebellion were not only exiles from Han and Zhao, but also Mo Mo from Yan."

"In the land of Yan and Zhao, there are many knights. But now, most of the people from the Mo clan come from the land of Yan."

"His Majesty often says: 'Confucianism disrupts the law with literature, while chivalry violates prohibitions with force.'"

As soon as these words came out, Chunyu Yue waited for Pu She to hear, his face turned dark.

You know, the person who said this was Legalist Han Fei.

Now that these words were mentioned again in the court, the faces of the ministers from Qilu were naturally ashamed.

But above the court, it's all open and insidious.

Feng Quji dared to say this, not only because he was the prime minister, but more importantly, there was no place for Confucian scholars to speak in the Qin Dynasty court.

"If Your Majesty allows King Yan and King Dai to stay where they are, wouldn't it be a danger to tigers?"

Feng Quji's words were sonorous, and everyone in the government and the public listened, and no one could argue with him for a while.

The State of Yan had many conflicts with the State of Qin.

Of course, among the six countries, any country has a lot to do with Qin.

Now the Five Kingdoms have even formed a feud with Qin to destroy the country.

However, their current king had had 'close contact' with the Yan people.

There is Yan Dan in the front and Jing Ke in the back.

Sure enough, Feng Quji brought up the past again, which brought back Yingzheng's memories of the past.

"Yan Kingdom——"

Ying Zheng called this place suddenly, then sat up abruptly.

Ying Zheng held his long sword and walked slowly on the steps.

Although Ying Zheng has the No. 1 sword in the world, Tai'a, it is just one of the famous swords he holds.

Later, he ordered the craftsmen to use the best materials to build the best Qin sword for him.

The seven-foot Qin sword is Ying Zheng's sword.

(End of this chapter)

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