Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 174 Enfeoffment VS Counties (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!)

Chapter 174 Enfeoffment VS Counties (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!)

Only such a long, sharp and unique Qin sword can match Ying Zheng's demeanor of dominating the world.

When Feng Quji saw the king like this, his eyes showed even more pride.

He firmly believed that the king would definitely adopt his and Li Si's opinions.

Ying Zheng suddenly said:
"The old debt between the widow and King Yan can be wiped off."

This sentence caught Feng Quji unexpectedly.

Feng Quji paled slightly.

Wang Wan said hurriedly:

"Your Majesty has a broad mind and is truly a blessing to the people of the world."

Ying Zheng was in a condescending position, so the expressions of everyone below him could be clearly seen.

Seeing Wang Wan speak, Ying Zheng only said:
"But Confucianism disrupts the law with literature, and chivalry violates the law with force."

"The land of Yan and Zhao has always been home to rangers. I destroyed the Kingdom of Zhao, and the Momen of Zhao disappeared. Unexpectedly, they began to appear in Yan again, and even attacked my son."

"If such a rebellious act is not punished, what authority do I have to govern the world?"

After hearing this, Wang Wan didn't know what to say anymore.

"The chivalrous man is the scourge of the country. I will never allow such people to exist in my kingdom."

"Tell Yan Xi and Zhao Jia that if they really want to surrender to me, they will eradicate the Momen first."

The ministers listened,

But after hearing this, several Confucian doctors couldn't help but feel refreshed. Everyone in the Qin State only calls themselves Legalists.

Mohism could not exist in Qin, but Confucianism...


Alas, Prince.

When Chunyu Yueben heard that the prince had brought back several people from Qi, he thought that the prince wanted to go back, but he didn't expect that they all went to discuss Legalism.

Wang Wan felt that if King Yan Xi wanted to continue to enjoy his noble position, he could only show his sincerity to the king.

Let King Yan destroy Momen and attack the rangers, naturally to show King Yan's sincerity to the king.

The reason why he held on to King Yan and King Dai was for another reason.

Something that almost got him fired.

Wang Wan thought about it again and again, but decided to go ahead.The matter was uncertain, and he felt uneasy returning home.

In today's court, Li Si, Feng Quji and others have formed their own party and are extremely prestigious among the court and the opposition.

But the methods used by these two people to rise to power are very similar.Speculation is bad.

The most egregious one is Li Si, who is willing to harm his fellow junior Han Fei for the sake of power and position.

At that time, he felt that Li Si would either never reach a high position in his life, or he would be a very popular minister and then fall into the clouds.

People who can easily abandon the righteousness of human relations for the sake of power and position will only suffer the consequences in the end.

Wang Wan stepped forward:

"Your Majesty wants to use this matter to see how Yan Xi and Zhao Jia feel. I think your Majesty can also tell King Yan and King Dai. Your Majesty intends to make them king to guard Yan and Dai."

When Ying Zheng heard this, his eyes flashed coldly, and he looked at Wang Wan with some disappointment.

"I think that since the king now controls the world, he should grant titles to all the princes and meritorious ministers to guard the border areas."

As soon as this remark came out, there was another discussion in the court.

Obviously, Wang Wan's proposal made the generals' hearts skip a beat.

Sima Xin only felt like a bird was flying in his heart.

After fighting for half a lifetime, I finally have a piece of territory.

The faces of other ministers who had not yet been crowned kings also showed joy.

Meng Wu and Wang Ben, several generals with great military exploits, remained silent.

They have been made kings, and Wang Wan's proposal is neither good nor bad for them.

Only Meng Tian seemed eager to give it a try and moved his lips.

But in Ying Zheng's eyes, the joy on the faces of this large group of generals was a naked threat.

"Another enfeoffment? It seems that if I don't resolve this matter, the Prime Minister will not let it go."

Ying Zheng strangled Wang Wan with his eyes.

Wang Wan showed no fear on his face.

Wang Wan knew what he was doing now.

He is the prime minister of the king, and even more so of the state of Qin.It is impossible for him to violate his responsibility to Da Qin just to comply with the king's wishes.

Wang Wan's expression was solemn and his back straight.

Right now, every silver thread on his forehead is shining with a light of wisdom.

Some generals even looked at Wang Wan like a reborn parent.

Wang Wan's proposition undoubtedly relieved some of the generals in the court who had not yet been crowned kings.

They worked hard to serve Ying Zheng, just so they could have a fiefdom.

What's more, the king now has a land thousands of miles away. Can one person manage it?
Li Si stepped forward.

"His Majesty--"

"When the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty implemented the enfeoffment system, the princes became independent and became kings one after another, but the Zhou royal family declined. That's why there was a melee between kings for nearly 400 years in later generations."

"When we look at the ancients, we know that the enfeoffment system implemented by the emperor of Zhou is not enough to control the world. Besides, the new dynasty must have new laws. If the old system is continued, it will only repeat the same mistakes. I ask the king to set up counties in the world. "

Ying Zheng couldn't help but frown even more after hearing this.

But Ying Zheng felt that Li Si was right.

After Li Si said this, many people in the government and the public looked sideways at Li Si.

However, people like Meng Wu, Wang Ben, and Li Xin, at such a critical moment, chose to remain silent as the most able to speak in front of Ying Zheng.

So far, they don't have much to say.

Whether it is enfeoffment or counties, it has nothing to do with them.

On the contrary, others became anxious.

Ying Zheng looked at Li Si with approval.

"What Li Si said is true. If the system of enfeoffment is revived, then what is the purpose of a few people uniting the world?"

And Wang Wan was not surprised to hear Li Si's remarks that conflicted with him.

He knew that while he was away, Li Si and Feng Quji were courting the king every day.

It's a pity that Wang Wan is back.

The reason why Wang Wan opposed the establishment of counties in remote areas was naturally not to oppose Ying Zheng.

Those who opposed Ying Zheng almost all risked their lives.

Wang Wan did it for the good of Ying Zheng, for the good of Qin, and for his own dream of unification.

Self-cultivation, family order, rule the country and the world.

Now he was just one step away from completing the last thing. He also wrote a letter to become an official.

Wang Wan knew that the old forces in the remote areas were intertwined. Even if the king wanted to take control of the overall situation, as time went by, after those who had subjugated their country, they recovered, gathered strength, and summoned their old troops, they would definitely pose a threat to the king.

Li Si knew that the king wanted to rule the world with one person, so he deliberately followed the king's wishes.

But can this strategy make the world last forever?
Wang Wan stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Xianyang is thousands of miles away from Yandi and Daidi. If the king does not use the old system, he may not be able to stabilize the frontier."

Ying Zheng frowned when he heard this.

Wang Wan knew that the king would do this.

However, he had experienced the failure of his last persuasion. The reason why he proposed it in court this time was that he was naturally prepared.

 Please reward me!
  I may have to take a day off this month. I'm so tired and want to go out and relax.

(End of this chapter)

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