Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 175 Ying Zheng’s logic (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 175 Ying Zheng’s logic (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"When the king destroyed Zhao, he spent 50 soldiers, and it took ten years. To destroy Wei, he spent 30 soldiers. Now in Qi and Chu, the land is no smaller than that of Zhao and Wei, and the people are no better than those of Zhao and Han. The people of the land are few in number.”

"The two countries Qi and Chu were farthest from Qin, but they perished the fastest. The root cause was that Qi and Chu had no way to retreat. And Chu State was even more isolated on all sides, and its army was morally disorganized, almost losing without a fight. "

"In the past, Han, Zhao and Wei were adjacent to each other on the left and right, with Qi and Chu on their backs. Therefore, it was difficult for the king to attack."

"But now, when it comes to managing borders, the opposite is true. Because Qi and Chu are the farthest away from Qin, it is difficult for Qin's decrees to be fully and effectively implemented in Qi and Chu."

"This is not the case in Han, Zhao, Wei and other places. After all, they are close to Xianyang. They are frightened by the majesty of the king, so they are naturally obedient."

"Therefore Wang Wan thought that the king could use the system of prefectures and counties to suppress Zhao, Han, Wei and other places. But in the land of Qi and Chu, he should be a separate king."

Wang Wan said.

Among the generals, a strong and powerful man stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, Meng Tian has a proposal."

Meng Wu was naturally surprised when he heard this voice. He turned around and saw that it was indeed his eldest son.

Before Meng Wu went out today, he had already made it very clear to his two sons.

The king has made up his mind to implement the system of prefectures and counties throughout the country.

Once Ying Zheng decides something, no one can change it.

This is their king.

If Li Si and Wang Wan still disagree today, Meng Wu has already told his two sons.Wang Wan competed for Qin's strategy to determine the territory, while Li Si competed for the king's trust.

And who is the king's preference? The answer is already obvious.

At this time, Meng Tian suddenly jumped out, and the officials naturally focused their attention on him.

Ying Zheng's narrow eyes were slightly surprised when he saw this man of similar age suddenly standing up.

"In the lands of Yan, Qi, and Chu, the king did not use more troops in the border areas, and there are indeed many hidden dangers. I think that the king will indeed send a large army to suppress the border areas."

Meng Tian's implication was that he advocated the title of marquis.

Wang Ben couldn't help but look sideways at Meng Tian.

Wang Ben is very optimistic about Meng Tian.

Wang Ben thought that if someone had to take his place in the army, then Wang Ben hoped that this person would be Meng Tian, ​​not the reckless Li Xin.

Meng Yi saw his eldest brother going up to speak for Wang Wan and thought for a while.

Meng Yi did think of a way, but according to the king's personality, he would not listen to it.

Meng Yi thought that the land of Qi and Chu was high in mountains and far away, so it would be better to send capable people to suppress and appease them, manage them and tame the local people, and then the king would slowly take back his power.

However, it takes time.

But the king has always acted vigorously and decisively, and he must carry out the things that have been decided.

At the end of the line of courtiers, there was a slight murmur of discussion.

Ying Zheng fell into deep thought.

What Meng Tian said is correct, the land of Qi Chu died too fast, and there are many hidden dangers in it.

There are too many problems with sending troops to garrison.

But what a politician needs is a decisive word.

The king must make his own decisions, otherwise he will be involved by his courtiers.The suggestions of these ministers are all for themselves.

Ying Zheng made a decisive decision:

"Since the land of Qilu and the border of Jingchu are farther away from the widow, it is even more necessary for those heads of Guizhou to understand that from now on, they have only the widow and one king."

"The purpose of destroying the six kingdoms is to unite the world. All the heads of Guizhou are the heads of Qin. Now that the world has been united, how can we separate them from each other?"

"Regardless of the differences between Han, Zhao, Wei and Qi and Chu, since it belongs to Qin, there is no doubt that Qin's policies should be fully implemented. Only in this way can the world be reflected."

Only by implementing a system throughout the country can we ensure that the world is unified.

Wang Wan and others were speechless for a moment.By this time, all the ministers had understood the king's intention.

Everyone knows that once Ying Zheng decides something, no one can change it.


Three days later.

Xianyang, Huayang Palace.

Watching Ying Zheng leave Huayang Palace, Fu Su stood there for a long time.

Advising Yingzheng to establish a feudal system is an eternal problem.

Without complete preparations, Fusu would naturally not act rashly.

But now, Ying Zheng took the initiative to come to him, and the opportunity had arrived.

When Ying Zheng arrived, he shocked the whole palace. When he drove back to the palace, he also shocked the entire Huayang Palace.

All the people in the palace saluted and stood by the side with their voices and breaths held.

The sun was shining high, and the leaves were all wilted, and their heads were drooping.

"Congratulations to your father."

Ying Zheng walked out the door without looking back.

After this farewell, we have to not see each other for several days...

Fusu heard the chirping of birds and looked over unconsciously.

After seeing off Yingzheng, Fusu still had the intention to engage in "civilization inheritance". He took Xiao He and Shen Yu back to Chongming Hall.

Chongming Hall is the place where Fusu collected books and raised scholars.

After coming to Xianyang for so long, Xiao He also learned a lot about Qin.

The State of Qin is indeed known as the State of Tiger and Wolf.Not only does everyone have a strong and brave spirit, but they all have only one set of behavioral rules for dealing with things, which is the law of Qin.

It has to be said that Qin's ability to unify the world was all thanks to Lord Shang.

However, Xiao He also realized that Qin's problems were handled in accordance with the law, and the administrative efficiency was very fast and very high. However, the fact is that it was often handled carelessly, and acting according to the law would be cruel.

The laws of the Qin State are in direct contradiction to the Confucian benevolence and righteousness and the Taoist policy of nourishing the people.

The three gates of Chongming Hall are opened directly, and there is a small waterwheel model in the hall.

Xiao He couldn't help but think of the prince's nickname.

The prince of Qin already has a nickname - the carpenter prince.

This was started by the common people, although it is somewhat indecent.

But they gave the prince such a name because they received a gift of farming tools from the prince, and they used this to express their love for the prince.Unintentionally, he was also supporting Qin's rule.

Xiao He looked at these little gadgets, and couldn't help showing admiration for the handsome and handsome prince in front of him.

"The prince is young, but he always has some fantastic ideas, but most of what he comes up with are tools that can be put into practice."

"The prince thinks about the people and is really a blessing to them."

Xiao He said sincerely.

Hearing these words, Fusu felt like drinking plain water now.

He is the future emperor, a high-risk profession.Before taking office, he must do everything he needs to do.

Fusu frowned slightly and fell into thought.

When Xiao He saw it, thinking of the king's displeasure in leaving just now, there was a slight timidity in his eyes, and he leaned forward slightly.

"I wonder why the king is here today?"

Fusu looked at Xiao He. He also didn't believe that Ying Zheng came to ask him what was wrong.

"The king and father ask questions about government affairs in this palace."

Asking questions——

Xiao He was also a little curious after hearing this.

Xiao He heard a lot of the prince's lofty opinions, and the one that made him most curious was the strategy of attacking Qi first.

There are people who are eloquent and eloquent, but the only person in the palace who can persuade the King of Qin to win the government is His Highness the Crown Prince.

Xiao He looked at the prince's face and asked cautiously.

"I don't know what you're asking about."

Fusu glanced at Xiao He lightly.

This Xiao He, wearing Confucian skin, holding Legalist books, is thinking about Taoist inaction.

When he came to this palace, Zhang Cang had been making troubles, but he didn't arrive, so his troubles were in vain.

So Fusu sent him to work under Zhang Han.

 In fact, the biggest failure of this book is that in order to increase the IQ of others, the protagonist appears to be useless.

  In order to highlight the correctness of the protagonist, we had to write about the negative aspects of the First Emperor.

  But I will try my best to ensure the objectivity of this negative image based on historical facts.

(End of this chapter)

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