Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 176 should be defeated! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 176 should be defeated! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

But you, Xiao He, have always let nature take its course.

If Ying Zheng came in person today, he looked unkind, Xiao He finally asked.

Fusu was still wondering, how long will you, Xiao He, want to 'let nature take its course'?
Fusu sat upright in the upper seat.

"Fusu once said to Junfu that the way of governing Qin in the past can only govern a land of thousands of miles, not a border of thousands of miles."

After hearing this, Xiao He couldn't help but his eyes sparkled and his body trembled.

This argument is undoubtedly a huge temptation for Xiao He.

On the surface, Xiao He looks solemnly dressed and elegant in appearance. He is a well-read poet.

Compared with the great Confucian among the 72 doctors of Qin State, Xiao He is not outstanding.

But under Xiao He's calm and calm appearance, his heart had already begun to be turbulent.

Xiao He did not have any big ambitions at first. He just wanted to find a position for himself at first.

Xiao He's original setting for himself was that if he could be a swordsman and penman in the future, cultivate himself and manage his family, it would be good to be able to do both.

But Xiao He never expected that he would be appreciated by the Crown Prince of Qin.

In the words of the prince, he has reached the sky in one step!

Obviously three years ago, he watched the demise of the Wei Kingdom with his own eyes, but three years later, he was serving the Prince of Qin in Xianyang Palace.

At this time, Xiao He also began to think about the prince's destiny.

But as the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not seek to govern.

Now that he was a close minister of the prince, Xiao He began to think differently.

The people and things I come into contact with naturally change.

He has begun to slowly understand the king of Qin.

King Qin Yingzheng is unknown to everyone in the world.

Xiao He already understood all about his ambition and courage in politics.

Therefore, when Fusu told why Ying Zheng came, the word 'why' came to Xiao He's mind.

"Junfu asked me, what is the way to govern the territory of thousands of miles?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao He immediately thought of the hotly discussed topic in the palace recently, the political dispute between Prime Minister Wang Wan and Tingwei Li Si.

Xiao He also gradually understood Ying Zheng.

Qin Wangzheng is indeed the hero of the world.

However, Ying Zheng is a person who will never hesitate when encountering problems.

Once King Qin makes a decision, he will definitely implement it.

It was Ying Zheng's will and strong execution that made Qin so powerful.

When all the kings in the world see King Qin, how can they not feel ashamed?

But everyone already knows that Qin Wang Yingzheng has made up his mind.

But why do you still come to ask the prince about the national policy.

Although the prince is very talented, the fact that Ying Zheng asked Fusu about this matter means that Ying Zheng has not actually made a decision.

Shen Yu knew everything, whether it was about Ying Zheng, Fu Su, or matters above the court.

"Shen Yu privately thinks that the emperor is still hesitant about whether to grant the title of king to the border land."

Fusu listened and nodded knowingly.

However, Fusu is actually happy in his heart.

It was Ying Zheng's proactive arrival that made Fusu realize that his chance had come.

Ying Zheng, he was hesitating, and this was an excellent opportunity for Fusu to attack.

As expected, everything has two sides.

It all starts from last year.

At the beginning, Fusu also thought about the risk of first persuading Ying Zheng to attack the Qi Congress.

Qi is like a sheep in wolf's clothing, and a sharp arrow from the Qin people is enough to kill them.

Therefore, the difficulty is not to attack Qi, but to attack Qin from Chu.

Fortunately, it was the Meng family and his son who were in charge of Chu State, and Yang Duanhe was guarding Wei State.Only in this way can it be guaranteed that Qin Guo's attack on Qi will be safe!
However, the destruction of Qi State, while eliminating countless obstacles for Qin State to attack Chu State, also planted many hidden dangers for the suppression of Chu State.

Qin did not defeat Chu and Qi into submission!Beaten to fear!Beat him until he cries for father and mother!

Unlike the Battle of Changping, Qin did not wipe out the effective forces in Qi and Chu this time.

But now, this great threat to Qin's unification has instead helped Fusu.

Because he hindered Ying Zheng from implementing the system of prefectures and counties in the world.

Who is Ying Zheng? He has been in politics for many years, so he has naturally considered the hidden dangers.

So now, Ying Zheng is also worried.

As for Ying Zheng, to Ying Fusu, he has always been a mountain-like existence.

Not the mountain of father's love.

But it is a mountain with a king's command.

Once Ying Zheng makes a decision, no one in the world can pull him back except himself.

It's not that Ying Fusu didn't want to persuade the King of Qin to win the government, but the result was that attacking Qi and Chu was an excellent strategy for governing the country based on benevolence and righteousness.

But Ying Zheng only adopted his strategy of attacking Qi first.

This is Ying Zheng.

The country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change.

Fusu knew that he could not change Ying Zheng at all.

So it's not that he wants to stay in Huayang Palace and do nothing, but that he can't do anything except stay in Huayang Palace and wait for the pie to fall from the sky.

Ying Zheng is a typical obsessive-compulsive disorder patient.

He hoped that the world would unify and implement Qin's system of prefectures and counties, so as to declare to the people of the world that the world is one country and this country is Qin.

Therefore, it is impossible for Ying Zheng to allow the existence of the parallel system of prefectures and states.

But now, things are different.

The turnaround came.

Xiao He was still very interested in the prince's national policy of governing the territory of thousands of miles.

"I dare to ask Your Highness, what is the national policy for governing a territory thousands of miles away?"

Fusu glanced at Xiao He lightly, and then looked at the water wheel on the lacquered table.

Xiao He saw that the prince refused to say anything, so naturally it was not easy for him to ask again.

But in fact, Xiao He had an answer in his mind.

The prince should not be in favor of enshrining the king in the border area.

After all, if you want to be crowned king, you have to choose among the princes.

The Second Young Master, the Third Young Master, the Fifth Young Master, the Seventh Young Master, etc. are all talented, and they have all passed the age of tying up their hair and are gradually becoming proficient in political affairs.

For the prince, the princes are his absolute rivals.

Fusu faced the wide open palace door and suddenly drew out the sharp sword at his waist.

Fusu thought of an idea.

Why not do the opposite.

After making up his mind, Fusu was about to get up and go out. He wanted to find Wang Wan.

At this time, he, the prince, had to stand up openly and stand with Wang Wan.

After all, it was Ying Zheng who asked him.

However, he would have to wait.

Because it's hot.

You have to wait until the heat is over at noon before going.

Fusu was sitting in the upper seat and suddenly remembered that he had been scolded by his father just now and compared him with Hu Hai.

"Today, when Father Jun came to Huayang Palace, who else did he meet?"

"I will go and inquire for you now."

Shen Yu went out to make inquiries, because the place where the incident occurred was not far from Huayang Palace, and Shen Yu had always known that the prince seemed to care about the eighteenth prince.

So Shen Yu came back soon.

When Fusu learned the whole story, his expression froze for a moment.

No wonder he was scolded, Hu Hai was careless.

Fusu suddenly had a bad idea.

"Find a master for my eighteenth brother..."

Shen Yu couldn't help but feel strange when he saw that the prince was so concerned about Hu Hai's affairs.

Right now, there are matters far more important than the eighteenth prince.

"Your Majesty, now in the court, Prime Minister Wang Wan and Tingwei Li Si are arguing endlessly about the enfeoffment and prefectures. Why is your Majesty still in the mood to care about the Crown Prince?"

Fusu raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Yu.

"In your opinion, it's wrong to care about the younger brother?"

After hearing this, Shen Yu realized that he had said the wrong thing.

"I made a mistake, please forgive me."

In fact, Fusu had to care about Hu Hai. He had to let some people with ulterior motives go to ruin this little seedling.

As for the other younger brothers, Fusu also has to care.

(End of this chapter)

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