Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 177 Endless hidden dangers (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 177 Endless hidden dangers (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Once he was a prince, Fusu's only competitor was the prince.

However, no one can be younger than Hu Hai, so no one can be as favored as Hu Hai.Therefore, Hu Hai is his number one target of attention and education.

Since the incident happened near Huayang Palace, it is natural that Fusu would know about it.

Moreover, some people shouted out that they also wanted to live in Huayang Palace, so Fusu had to treat it with caution.

"Practice the temperament, so that people can cultivate themselves. The eighteenth brother is too naughty, and needs to be taught by the rhythm."

Fusu said.

"You can pass it directly to Zhao Gao on my behalf."

Shen Yu heard this and felt it was appropriate.

Accustoming yourself to music is indeed a good way to change your habits.


"Has the rooftop sacrifice platform been repaired?"

Shen Yu was a little surprised when he heard this, but he couldn't help thinking to himself that the prince still remembered this matter.

The prince had not cared about the emperor's ceremony for a long time, and left all these matters to the general's young master Zhang Han.

Shen Yu hesitated for a while and then came to his senses.

"The rooftop sacrifice platform has been completed as scheduled."

This means that the proclaiming emperor ceremony will be held soon.

The grand ceremony of proclaiming the emperor required sacrifices to the mountains and rivers of the world. In the past, only the Emperor Zhou held such a grand ceremony.This ceremony is very important.The completion of the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony is only the first step.

Royal families and clans all pay great attention to etiquette.

However, Fusu asked this because the punishment for that person was over.

After much deliberation, he was most suitable to be Hu Hai's master.

There is no free lunch in the world, let alone fine food and clothing.

"Zhang Cang, once worshiped under Xunqing's school, and was a brother of Ting Wei Li Sinai. Although Zhang Cang is young, he is extremely talented and good at rhythm."

Shen Yu bowed.

"The servant understands."

Hu Hai must be educated slowly.

Back to the big issue of setting basic national policies.

"How is the situation with King Yan and King Dai?"

"Your Majesty wants to see the sincerity of King Yan and King Dai. Let them destroy Momen."

Fusu's eyes darkened after hearing this.


That is a school of thought that advocates that people should have their own arms.

I have to say that it is very democratic, but it can also become a factor of social instability.

Fusu had to reiterate something that Ying Zheng often said.

"Confucianism violates the law with literature, and chivalry violates the law with martial arts."

This sentence was first said by Han Fei.

Ying Zheng has always liked Han Fei's talent and his articles.

The fact that Ying Zheng was able to choose him as the crown prince had something to do with the fact that Ying Zheng saw Fusu reading Han Fei's articles with his own eyes.

"'Confucianism disrupts the law with literature, and chivalry violates prohibitions with martial arts.' This sentence comes from an article in "Five Beetles" written by our late master Han Fei. However, in Fusu's opinion, this article is a bit biased."

Shen Yu has always been a believer in Legalism. More importantly, Shen Yu discovered that Han Fei combined the three elements of magic and force, and was undoubtedly the master of Legalism in his mind.

Among hundreds of scholars, Shen Yu admired Han Fei's articles the most.Not only because of Han Fei's talent, but also because of Han Fei's life-saving grace.

Hearing Fusu say such words, Shen Yu was naturally full of doubts.

"A few days ago, Your Majesty, weren't you still reading Mr. Han Fei's articles?"

Fusu glanced at Shen Yu lightly.

Materialist dialectics, even if you explain it, you won’t understand it.

Fusu directly quoted and praised:

"The so-called government has existed since ancient times. One person drives all the people away, which is government."

"The article "Five Beetles" claims that its scholars claim that the way of the former kings is based on benevolence and righteousness. Borrowing from external forces to achieve their own selfishness, while leaving behind the benefits of the community. Those who carry swords gather disciples and set up moral conduct to show their names, and violate the prohibition of the five sense organs. Those who suffer from imperialism accumulate in private gates and sell their goods. Bribes are used to pay attention to people, and to relieve the labor of sweat and horses. The people of the merchants repair the tools of suffering, gather the wealth of the waste, and save it for the time, and the profits of the farmers. These five are also the beetles of the state. If the ruler does not get rid of the people of the five worms, and does not support honest people, then even if there are ruined countries and ruined dynasties in the sea, don't be surprised."

"If scholars, talkers, sword bearers, sick charioteers, merchants and workers are really targeted as punishment, then it would be a narrow-minded way to govern the country."

"Meng Ke once said: The people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the least. The vitality of the broad masses of the people is what the country should pay most attention to."

"And now that the world has been settled and the war has ended, the techniques of Legalism are only suitable for wartime use, how can they be used in today's Qin Dynasty."

When these words were spoken, Shen Yu was naturally stunned for a moment.

Xiao He listened and asked tentatively.

"You think that Han Jun's laws are not enough to govern Qin?"

Not only is Han Jun's law not enough to govern Qin, but Shang Jun's law is not enough to govern Qin.

Fusu raised his eyebrows and said no more.

Xiao He did not dare to say any more, this was a sensitive topic.

Legalist techniques were the foundation of the Qin State.

However, seeing the prince's expression just now, Xiao He felt slightly reassured.

Moreover, the prince said it himself when he questioned Han Fei just now.

The biggest harm of Qin State's governance of thousands of miles is the law of Shang Jun.

Xiao He gradually felt confident.

Han Fei's method can be used by kings to govern ministers, but it cannot be used to govern people.

It is good for Han Fei to combine magic and power, but this will hit the scholars, workers, merchants and knights in society, who are all the lowest members of society.

Deny the existence of these people and combine all the forces in society to cultivate the land and fight wars.Obviously, Han Fei's proposition only applies to wartime.

Han Fei was a man who lived at the end of the Warring States Period. I wonder if he would overturn his previous judgments if he could live to this day.

However, Miemomen, this is not good news for the people of the world.

The Qin Dynasty's great cause of unification destroyed countless cultures, and it is an ironclad fact that they used books and orders.

Ying Zheng and Li Side have to take the blame.

Now that Mo Sect is gone, wouldn’t Confucianism be next?

A king who is not supported and obeyed by the people of the world is not qualified.

But if you destroy them with killing, it will only lead to more severe revenge.

For creatures like humans, the last thing they can afford to offend is humans.

Maybe you never know how much energy is contained in your flesh and blood body.

When the rulers persecute the people, the people will naturally find opportunities to retaliate.It’s just a matter of who takes the lead.

Ying Zheng, it is impossible for him to work diligently and love the people.He has a true heart for the world, but he can't even talk about being kind to the common people.

An ominous premonition filled Fusu's heart.

Ying Zheng will definitely embark on the path of tyranny.

Violence is actually the most effective method, but it is also extremely destructive.

Although violence is used to intimidate and threaten opponents, the process of violence can also cause harm to the perpetrator.

Can’t the county system be implemented in China?
can do it!
But how much national power, material and manpower was wasted!

Build national roads, set up post stations, issue official documents, station troops, and send Qin officials to implement Qin laws.

But the reality is that in front of you, the traffic is even worse, and those with four hooves who can pant can't run on four wheels, let alone those who fly in the sky or float on the water.

The county system can indeed be implemented, but only when the material conditions are basically mature.

To suppress the people in the border areas, it is necessary to send troops to garrison and a large number of officials.

Let's talk about these officials first. These officials left their hometowns to become officials for a little salary.It's better to be closer to Xianyang and have a family to depend on.

 At present, all Zhang Han's transfers were promoted step by step by me after checking the history.

  There were too many people who built the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, including Wang Wan, Li Si, and Wei Zhuang. These people really held many positions. Not to mention Li Si, they were on missions, served as court captains, designed Wang Lin, and participated in government affairs.

  Many people wear multiple hats.

  Zhang Han is an authentic old Qin man, capable of both civil and military skills.Literary means understanding the law.

  From now on, if I have something to do, I will come here to learn about the truth about history.

(End of this chapter)

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