Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 178: Strong alliance (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 178: Strong alliance (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

But those who have no family background are sent abroad, which is a naked exile. With such a small salary a month, they cannot afford to support their wives and children, and they are exiled and leave their hometown.

I would like to ask those who have been sent abroad how they can not resent Ying Zheng if they have not received any benefits for a long time.

The prosperity of the world is all for profit.

Not only that, but also those troops.

In order to guard the border, the Qin State emptied its entire family. What was the result?The troops are scattered and there is no way to get them back when you want to use them.

Ying Zheng had a big heart, but unfortunately, facts proved that he was wrong.

Ying Zheng's death was just the last straw that broke Qin's mind.

Fusu suddenly raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

At the beginning of the great unification, there were so many problems.

Take your time. First, the parallel system of counties and states must be determined.

Nowadays, among the people in both the government and the public, the main person who opposes the idea of ​​establishing a monarch in the frontier is Ying Zheng.

Only he can deal with this man.

However, there was another person that Fusu had to pay attention to. Li Si advocated the system of prefectures and counties in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.The purpose is to satisfy Ying Zheng's desire for great achievements.

Li Si is just a vassal.

But if this old man, who is accustomed to vassal power, blocks Qin's way, then the only choice is to kick him away.



In front of the Wang family's door, black clouds covered the sun, but in fact, the flag of the Qin State was fluttering, covering the sky.

Rows of tiger soldiers, all tall and with stern faces, stood outside the palace, forming a circle of iron barrels.

A canopy carriage stopped at the gate of the palace.

The prince's visit to the Prime Minister's Mansion is a big event.

Heavy troops supported the canopy-covered carriage and slowly left the palace. Although the ceremony was very simple, when the tiger troops came out, they naturally showed extraordinary momentum, with flags fluttering and covering the sky.

After all, it was the prince traveling.

Pedestrians on the road looked sideways.

Those who should be alarmed were alarmed.

Fusu did it on purpose.

Black armor stood in front of the palace. Wang Wan put on his regular clothes and went out to greet them.

Why did the prince suddenly come to see him?

What Wang Wan was thinking about, Ying Zheng was also thinking about.


You know, Ying Zheng had just left Huayang Palace for an hour when he heard the news that Fu Su had left the palace to find the Prime Minister.

(One hour in ancient times is two hours in modern times)

What does Fusu want to do with Wang Wan?
Doubts came to mind, but Ying Zheng raised his head and looked at the bamboo slips piled up in the Zhangtai Palace. Without saying anything, he picked up his pen and started marking the memorial slips.

Zhao Gao has been waiting quietly.

It was obvious that the prince wanted to get involved in this matter.

That's great.

The king has made up his mind to implement the system of prefectures and counties throughout the country.

At this time, the prince went to find the Prime Minister Wang Wan, and he would never have anything to do with this matter.

And just now, the king took the initiative to ask the prince many questions.

Political gambling has the highest risks and the highest benefits.

This time, Zhao Gao decided to stand as the crown prince.

Because the combination of the prince and the prime minister is the most powerful combination Zhao Gao has ever seen in the court.

But looking at the king, the king seems to be completely unaware.


"Wang Wan pays homage to the East Palace."

Fusu looked solemn, and when Wang Wan saw it, he felt even more nervous.

"The Prime Minister is so polite."

The two entered the house one after the other.

Seeing that the prince mobilized troops and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion with great fanfare, Wang Wan was puzzled.

But in fact, Wang Wan had some idea.


At Fusu's insistence, Wang Wan took Fusu to his study.

"Your Majesty, my Lord, this place is humble and has only one desk. Please come and take a seat."

Fusu shook his head and just smiled:

"Why must the Prime Minister be so polite today. You and I are private, and that is Weng's son-in-law."

Wang Wan was suspicious and rolled her shining eyes.

"As for the public, ministers are ministers, and princes are princes."

Fusu smiled heartily after hearing this.

"Prime Minister, if that's the case, then you and I will stand and make an agreement."

Wang Wan listened and stared at the prince for a long time.

The person in front of him didn't even have a beard on his face.


"The prince may be too busy, so he is depressed and comes to me to have fun."

As Wang Wan said this, he actually shook off his sleeves, turned around, and walked towards his bookshelf.

Help Su Surong to stand up straight.

"Actually, Fusu came here today to ask Prime Minister Wang for advice."

Wang Wan turned back to look at the prince.

"Then what do you want to ask the prince for?"

Fusu looked around.

Wang Wan also looked around.

Wang Wan was confused.

"Do I and the prince still have any secrets to discuss?"

Fusu said nothing.

This is a silent command.

Wang Wan was also slightly intimidated by the prince's seriousness.

Wang Wan took a breath.

But he still retreated, and there were only two people left in the study for a while.

The birds outside began to chirp again.

Fusu said directly to Wang Xiang:

"Today, my father came to Huayang Palace to ask Fusu for advice. Fusu didn't know the reason, so he had to come to ask the Prime Minister."

This——Wang Wan shook his shoulders.

Wang Wan's hair on her temples seemed to be whiter.

The older this man gets, the more solemn and calm he appears, but his eyes are still sharp.

Wang Wan heard that the prince was coming to his house. In fact, he had already speculated that it was about the title of king.

In fact, if Your Majesty really establishes the system of counties and counties, it will naturally be of great benefit to the prince.

Wang Wan originally thought that the prince came for other things.

Lin'er gave birth. It didn't make sense. The prince would not come here personally for such a thing, but it seemed even less possible for court affairs.

And with such a big fanfare, His Majesty should already know.

Therefore, when Wang Wan heard Fusu's statement, Wang Wan's expression completely froze. His face was rosy before, but this time, it suddenly turned livid.

Today, Fusu's relationship with Wang Wan was completely different in the past.

Wang Wan treated Fusu as if he were his own children and grandchildren.

But today, he had a vigilant look on Fusu's face.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary people came to visit, and Wang Wan kept beating a little drum in her heart.

Wang Wan hesitated for a moment, then forced a smile on his face and asked with a smile:
"I wonder what your Majesty is asking about? You actually want the prince to come and ask me in person."

"The matter of ennobling kings in border areas."

After Wang Wan heard this, he accidentally knocked over the bamboo slips he had just been flipping through on the bookshelf behind him.

Fusu was not surprised to see Wang Wan like this.

Yes, probably no one expected it.

He, Ying Fusu, would get involved in this matter.

Moreover, it was against Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng's words have already been spoken, and everyone knows that King Qin has made a decision to implement the county system throughout the country.

Moreover, Wang Wan also knew that this matter had directly affected Ying Zheng's handling of the surrender of the two countries in Yan Dynasty.

Fusu suddenly moved his steps, causing Wang Wan to be slightly startled.

Then, Fusu walked up to Wang Wan, bent down, picked up all the bamboo slips, and placed them on the bookshelf.

A total of five volumes fell, and Fusu picked them up and handed them to Wang Wan.

Wang Wan looked at Fusu, the surprise in his eyes disappeared.

If you throw a stone into a lake, the larger the lake, the smaller the ripples will be, and the smaller the lake, the larger the ripples will be.

Telling a person who has wider knowledge and deeper experience an extremely shocking news is like throwing a stone into a big lake.

Wang Wan was already very calm.

What a good boy, how dare you do the opposite at a time like this.

Wang Wan took the book Fusu handed him and placed it on the bookshelf.

This is a very meaningful action.

The person in front of Wang Wan was indeed the prince.

More importantly, the prince has proven to everyone that he is not a simple boy.

To put it simply, Wang Wan ruled out the possibility that the prince came to his house not to commit stupidity.

"The prince is granted the title of king in the border area. What objection does the prince have?"

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(End of this chapter)

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