Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 179: It’s not good for Qin, it’s our biggest enemy (please give me a monthly recommendation

Chapter 179: It’s not good for Qin, it’s our biggest enemy (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

"Fusu strongly supports the Prime Minister in the matter of the border area being crowned king."

Fusu's eyes showed unprecedented determination.

After hearing this, Wang Wan couldn't help but look at Fusu again with surprised eyes.

"Qing Junhou moved to speak."

Wang Wan led Fusu to the inner room of the study and closed the window sash himself.

The place where Wang Wan studied was quiet and quiet, and there were only a few people there.

But this inner room is more exquisite and grand than the furnishings outside.

There are still piles of classics in the inner room, but the decoration of these classics is extremely high-quality.

In the outer room, Fusu was bored just now. He looked around and saw that besides bookshelves, the only thing that stood out was a building.

The outer room of the study is dry and cool, which means that a humble room is not shabby, elegant and unique.

The inner room gives people an even more luxurious feeling, and since it is an inner room, there is only one door for entry and exit, which makes it seem a bit secretive. From this point of view, this place looks like a treasure room.

When Fusu came in and saw this scene, he couldn't help but praise it.

"The Prime Minister's inner chamber is truly a unique place."

Fusu thought Wang Wan was going to show him some treasure.

"Please take a look, Prince."

Wang Wan walked to the bookshelf and picked up the rightmost volume on the rightmost bamboo shelf.

Fusu naturally went over and before he opened it, he saw the two characters "Lü Lan" written on the upper right side.

Fusu couldn't help but perked up, and then quickly walked around the bookshelf, opening a few books at random, all of which were chapters of "Lü Lan".

"Lü Lan" is a writing compiled by Lu Buwei at the end of the Warring States Period after he gathered the opinions of his ministers and experts.

The world only knows that "Lü Lan" is a book written by Lu Buwei's disciples, but they don't know that it also contains the thoughts of Lu Buwei who compiled the book at the time, including Lu Buwei's desire to unify the world.

Wang Wan is one of the editors of "Lü Lan".

Unification, he wants unification more than the king.

Cultivating oneself, managing one's family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world are the dreams of Confucian scholars all over the world.

"It turns out that the books stored in this inner room are all "Lü Lan"."

Fusu said with surprise on his face.

In modern times, these things are just small paper books.

What the ancients called five chariots of learning and wealth was nothing more than five chariots of bamboo slips. In this way, he, Ying Fusu, and all of you who are currently studying, have all learned and prospered thousands of chariots.

Wang Wan brushed his beard, recalled the past, and looked at "Lu Lan" full of love in the room.

That look was quite like watching the crops in the field ripen.

"When I was young, I also had great ambitions."

"The wish of the king and prime minister must coincide with the wish of the king and father. Now that the world is unified, the king and prime minister must be as happy as the king and father."

Wang Wan listened with a calm expression.

"Fusu traveled east last year and knew how difficult the attack would be. However, after being detained in Linzi for several months, Fusu also knew that managing the border areas was not easy."

"Fusu thinks that defending the world is more difficult than conquering it."

Wang Wan couldn't help but smile with relief after hearing this.

"The prince can understand this. It seems that traveling eastward has benefited the prince a lot."

"The living customs of the people in the border areas are very different from those of the officials and people of Qin. Applying all Qin policies will inevitably lead to resentment among the people."

Wang Wan sincerely bowed to Fusu.

"The fact that the prince can see this is a blessing for the Qin Dynasty." As he said this, Wang Wan changed the subject, "But it's too late for the prince to ask me for advice."

"not late."

Fusu said seriously, his eyes flashing with determination.

"Fusu has already said that it was Junfu who asked Fusu about this matter. This shows that Junfu is still hesitant."

Wang Wan looked down at her feet, stroking her long beard, and fell into deep thought.

"I didn't expect that Your Majesty would be hesitant about this this time."

Fusu directly told the key.

"This Qi Chu died too quickly. It's normal for Jun father to be hesitant to make a decision."

Wang Wan looked at Fusu, her eyes full of recognition.

"So, the prince also sees the problem, so he agrees with me?"

"Does the Prime Minister believe that Fusu is on the Prime Minister's side?"

I came to the inner room just to speak clearly.

"The prince is the prince, and he is named Dongyang Lord. Naturally, he must be chosen from among the princes. Is the prince really happy?"

Fusu was a little surprised that Wang Wan was worried about this.

Moreover, what warmed Fusu's heart was that Wang Wan was actually considering his prince's position.

"There are seventeen royal brothers in this palace. The older ones are all married and gradually familiar with political affairs. Fusu thinks that they can guard one side."

Wang Wan only found it funny after hearing this, but looking at the prince's solemn expression, he couldn't laugh.

The prince is serious.

Wang Wan's expression also became solemn.

If the crown prince had to choose a method just for the purpose of making a mission to the king, then Wang Wan only felt it was a pity.

Because the prince has chosen the wrong one.

But looking at the prince's seriousness and thinking about the prince's previous actions, Wang Wan had to believe that the prince had the overall situation in mind, so he supported him.

For an emperor, the breadth of his mind is related to the size of his world.

And the prince's ability to advocate for the title of king in this kind of matter is tantamount to a strong support from Wang Wan.

Wang Wan looked troubled and spoke in a leisurely tone.

"But you are afraid that you have come to the wrong place? Your Majesty has made up your mind. Today, you should go see Li Si, the court captain."

"In front of Wang Xiang, Fusu didn't shy away from speaking."

Wang Wan had a smile in her eyes, waiting for Fusu to continue.

Fusu Zhengse:

"Wang Xiang, you and I both know that Li Tingwei has always been the emperor's father, and Li Si absolutely dare not say anything."

After hearing this, Wang Wan felt indignant and naturally formed an alliance with Fusu.

Junhou is right.

Li Si did not care about the overall situation and just obeyed the king's wishes.

For the sake of power and position, it can be said that he does not care about anything.

Seeing Wang Wan's silence, Fusu knew that the alliance had been achieved.

"In any case, Junfu is still hesitant. Fusu believes that there is still room for change in the border policy."

Fusu Dingding looked at Wang Wan, his eyes full of hope.

"With the prince's words, Wang Wan will definitely spare no effort to admonish the king." Wang Wan said, and then suddenly said. "It's just that, behind the emperor, there are still some courtiers who are trying to maintain the system of prefectures and counties."

These courtiers actually refer to Li Si.

Fusu looked solemn, with a cold light in his eyes.

"If someone betrays his sect, Fusu can turn a blind eye. But if someone wants to harm Qin due to his own selfish interests, then that person is my biggest enemy."

After that, Fusu made a promise to Wang Wan.

"Fu Suyan stands here, the king will wait and see."

Wang Wan listened and froze in place.

Isn't this Li Si who betrayed his fellow disciples?

The prince wants to touch Li Si?


"There is no need for the Prime Minister to say anything. Fusu knows what the Prime Minister is going to say. Fusu has his own sense of proportion in this matter. This matter concerns the world. Extraordinary matters rarely require the use of extraordinary methods."

Fusu's tone was very firm and his expression was serious.

When Wang Wan's words came to his lips, seeing the firmness in the prince's eyes, he had no choice but to put away his suspicions.

The birds outside started chirping again.

"At this time, the sun is setting and the birds are returning to the forest. It's time for Fusu to return to the palace."

After hearing this, Wang Wan didn't keep Fusu any longer, but just sent Fusu out of the palace in person.


The news of the prince's visit to the king spread throughout Xianyang city that afternoon.

At that time, Li Si was still enjoying the shade in the pavilion at home.

A cup of tea is placed at home.

A slender middle-aged man wearing a high crown walked through the corridor and came to Li Si's pavilion.

This person is Li Si's eldest son-Li You.

(This month is coming to an end, please give Bo a reward. Thank you all, the ones who insist on reading are the most handsome!)
(End of this chapter)

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