Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 180: Disaster is coming (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 180: Disaster is coming (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Although Li You is not as knowledgeable as his father about the past and present.

However, Li You entered Qin in his early years, studied both civil and military affairs, and was very familiar with the laws and regulations of Qin.

With the status and reputation of his father Li Si, and because Li You was indeed talented in both civil and military affairs, Li You was indeed valued by Ying Zheng.

Li You looked stern, but when he saw his father still drinking in the pavilion, he couldn't help but feel even more worried.

In fact, in the past few days, Li Si was very happy.

Li Si is gaining more and more trust from the king, and this time, he, Li Si, is one of the few people who stands by the king's side.

I believe that after this incident, he will be more respected by the king.


Seeing Li You's anxious expression, Li Si asked himself.

"You'er, why do you look so hasty?"

Li You glanced around and ordered:

"Wait, get back."

After everyone retreated, Li Si also looked solemn.

"But what happened?"

Li You sat down beside his father, not knowing where to start.

"Today afternoon, the prince went to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

After hearing this, Li Si stroked his beard, still unmoved.

The relationship between the prince and Wang Wan was well known throughout the court. Li Si also knew that Wang Wan's daughter, Mrs. Chonghua, was about to give birth.

Li Si asked, not knowing what was going on.

"Is it possible that the prince has a son and goes to report the good news to the king?"

Li You shook his head violently.

This is an impossible thing.

"Father, this matter has nothing to do with Mrs. Chonghua."

Li You saw that his father still didn't look worried about this matter, and was surprised to know that his father didn't understand what he said at all.

"Why is your father so leisurely? You must know that the prince cannot go to the king for no reason."

After hearing this, Li Si put down the jue in his hand.

"Yu'er, what happened? Why are you so panicked by this matter?"

Li Yousurong.

"Father, nothing is happening right now. The important thing is that something big is going to happen. And I'm afraid it will happen to my father."

After hearing this, Li Si frowned naturally, and then sat up.

Li You helped Li Si stand up, and then the two stood in the pavilion looking at the moon.

"Father, do you know where your son came back from today?"

Li Si glanced sideways at Li You. Li You was an official in the palace, so he was naturally in the palace.

Li You said this.

"I heard that the prince was scolded by the king today."

Li Si was surprised when he heard this.

But Li Si still didn't take it seriously. The prince was being blamed. What did it have to do with Li Si?

Li Si warned Li You earnestly.

"The king is the king, and the prince is the successor. It is best for you not to interfere with the identity and relationship between these two people. Doing things in the palace is no different than at home. You have to be careful, listen more, watch more, and talk less."

"This son knows. But the prince's training has something to do with his father."

Li Si was puzzled.

"What does it have to do with me? I've been sitting at home all day today."

"But this disaster is about to fall from the sky."

Under Li Si's training, Li You has always been steady in his work and will never cause trouble.

Today, Li You said many incomprehensible words one after another, and also said that disaster would befall Li Si, which made Li Si feel terrified.

Li Si frowned.

"In the end what happened?"

"My son heard from the palace people that at noon today, the king went to Huayang Palace to ask the prince for advice. The matter he asked was related to the court meeting three days ago. The prince could not answer, so the king returned to Zhangtai Palace in despair."

Li Si was suspicious.

"Is there such a thing?"

Then Li Si twirled his long beard, and doubts arose in his gleaming eyes.

"Isn't Your Majesty already determined? Why would you ask the Crown Prince for advice?"

"My son also thought it was strange, but then I thought about it. The prince has always been thinking of strange moves, so the king must have gone to try his luck."

Hearing this, Li Si felt as if a deer had jumped into his heart, jumping wildly.

Li Si quickly connected a series of things Li You said.

Li Si has always been shrewd, he and Li You soon thought of the same place.

"You mean that the prince wants to side with Wang Wan."

After hearing this, Li Si couldn't help but feel that the prince was still young and impulsive.

You actually went to see Wang Wan at this time.

Behind Wang Wan, there are countless ministers and generals supporting him.

He, Li Si, took a fancy to the situation that the king faced that day when everyone was outnumbered, so he was able to support the king.

When Wang Wan and so many civil servants and military generals have opinions contrary to Ying Zheng's, they are already a thorn in the king's side.

If he supports the king in this matter, his status in the king's mind will be higher.


After all, the prince was still young, yet he stood openly with Wang Wan under such circumstances.

This is undoubtedly provoking the king.

Li Si made a quick decision.

"The overall situation has been decided, the prince's move will only arouse the King's resentment."

Li Si is an old man, nearly sixty years old.

For young people, Li Si has always disagreed with him, just as Li Si did not agree with himself when he was a teenager.

He thinks he was playful and wasted too much time when he was young.

If he had understood the difference between high and low when he was young, had learned skills from a teacher early, and entered Xianyang early, then today, the prime minister of Qin would be named Li.

However, the past has passed, and we can only make up for the regrets of our youth now.

In Li Si's eyes, being young means being ignorant.

In fact, Li Si and the prince had very little contact.

Li Si didn't understand the prince, he only knew that the prince was a winner.

But now it seems that this prince is not a completely wise man.At this time, if such an issue related to national policy comes up, I am afraid that it will make myself miserable.

Li Si was calm and composed, and he opened his mouth to make a judgment on the matter.

Li You, he is not like Li Si.

Li You is in his prime and does not look down upon young people so much.

In particular, he admired the prince very much.

"I'm afraid that things are not that simple. A king who can't afford to be a crown prince suddenly makes him a prince and also grants him a fief, and he will never go to the prime minister rashly."

"What's more, the king's intentions are now known to the entire court. The crown prince is in the palace, so how could he not know what his majesty's mind is. The crown prince went to look for the king at this time, either on purpose, or because he was in a hurry and rushed to the doctor. .”

"But the latter will not happen to the prince. After all, this matter has nothing to do with the prince."

After listening to this, Li Si naturally realized that what Li You said made sense.

The prince is young, but it is not that simple.

"You'er, you mean that the prince went to find the prime minister on purpose."

"It's not impossible. In short, my son thinks that my lord father made a plan early on."

After hearing this, Li Si looked up at the rising moon in the sky again.

The vast darkness of night makes people feel lost.

Prince, there is no such thing as a holiday.

However, Wang Wan and him had it.

Li Si couldn't help but feel nervous when he thought about Wang Wan and Fu Su's relationship as son-in-law.

The prince wants to go against him?
It is very unwise to become a prince, but want to get involved in the power struggle between the DPRK and China.


Huayang Palace, Chonghua Palace.

Returned to the palace and had dinner.

Fusu accompanied Wang Lin for a walk. When he returned to the palace, the moonlight was already moving westward.

Fusu sat on the couch and looked at Wang Lin's bulging belly.

Listen carefully, people inside are moving.

Wang Lin held her belly and stood in front of Fusu.

As the delivery date approached, she seemed a little anxious.

"The doctor said the baby is a girl."

Fusu was happy after hearing this.

Fusu carefully touched Wang Lin's belly.

"Hello girl, I like my daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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