Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 182 The death of Han Fei is an old story (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 182 The death of Han Fei is an old story (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"That's why you deliberately went to the Prime Minister's Mansion knowing that this was disobedient to me."

"I dare not disobey my father's will. But I have my own reasons for doing this."

"What reason?"

"Recently, when Fusu was playing chess, he realized a truth. Those in authority are confused, but onlookers know clearly."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng's expression softened slightly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"When dealing with a matter, the person who decides the matter often thinks too much about the pros and cons of the matter, and his understanding is not comprehensive. On the contrary, he is not as clear as a bystander."

After Ying Zheng heard this, he held the sword tightly with his right hand.

Anger was suppressed in his heart.

Ying Zheng's words were slightly sarcastic.

"You often speak out."

"I just have an opinion. I just hope that your father will not be confused by the authorities."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng naturally felt uncomfortable.

"So, you are the bystander and you see it more clearly than others?"

Fusu didn't answer, not daring to say yes.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng snorted coldly and shook his sleeves.

"At such a young age, he is so self-righteous, arrogant and arrogant."

Fusu bowed and bowed.

"If your father thinks that your minister has done something wrong and wants to punish him, he will do so, but Fusu doesn't want to accept it."

Conflict, naked conflict.

But Ying Zheng calmed down after hearing this.

Ying Zheng sat in the upper seat, tapping the hilt of the sword on his waist with his index finger.

Fusu's face was calm, with fatigue on his face, but he met Ying Zheng's eyes, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Among the others, you are the only one who dares to speak to me like this."

After hearing this, Fusu bowed respectfully.

"I have offended you, please forgive me."

Ying Zheng looked at Fusu, he was too nervous today.

"All right--"

Ying Zheng's deep voice came.

"As a prince, you don't need to be so cautious. Besides, you are neither Wang Wan nor Li Si. There is no need to act like a courtier in front of me."

Fusu was moved when he heard this.

With that said, Ying Zheng added another meaningful sentence.

"If you are not my own son, and you are a little older, I might be able to worship you as my prime minister."

Fusu was surprised.

Ying Zheng stepped back and asked Fusu to sit in front of him.

"Tell me what Wang Wan said to you."

"It is imperative to ennoble the border areas."

After Ying Zheng heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

But Yingzheng was still very patient with his eldest son.

Fusu is still very young.

"Since you are going to ask the ministers for advice, why ask Wang Wan alone? Li Si is also a talented person."

Fusu stared at the table with burning eyes.

"President Wang is dedicated to the country. But Li Si may not be there."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng felt that his son had suddenly become stupid.

It would be unwise for a dignified prince to express his displeasure with a certain courtier in a private conversation with the king.

But today, Fusu wanted to point directly at Li Si.

This old man had a great influence on the Qin State. Even though he was a sinner through the ages, he did not serve the country.

In history, didn't he also have a share of 'credit' for the destruction of Qin?

Seeing Fusu's indignant expression, Ying Zheng did not lose his patience.

"It is true that Wang Wan works for me, but Li Si also works for me, and even solves my problems. Why do you only agree with Wang Wan? Could it be because I gave you his daughter as your concubine."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was obvious that Ying Zheng trusted Li Si very much.

Probably because he often played chess with Li Si, he developed feelings for her.

"I would never think like this. It's just that after thinking about it, I feel that it is absolutely imperative to enshrine the border lands. But why does Li Si raise objections?"

"Fu Su thought about it and felt that Li Si's strategy was not good for Qin. Since it was bad for Qin, it can't be said that he was dedicated to serving the country."

Ying Zheng straightened his body and looked at Fusu glaringly.

"It's not good for Qin? You are only eighteen years old. How can you talk nonsense about the great political affairs of the country?"

These words were obviously reprimanding Fusu for his lack of insight into political affairs.

"The world is suffering and fighting endlessly, so there are princes. Lai Zongmiao, the world was initially settled, and the country was restored. This is to build soldiers. It is not difficult to seek peace for them!"

Zhao Gao got the news and came to congratulate Ying Zheng, but was blocked from outside.

Ying Zheng's loud voice just happened to reach outside.

Zhao Gao wanted to continue listening, but there were many ministers standing outside, and Shangshu Ling was also waiting outside.

Zhao Gao had no choice but to give up.

After Fusu heard this, he naturally wanted to refute.

"The territory of the Qin Kingdom now extends thousands of miles. Your father, using the method of governing Qin in the past, wants to secure the world, how can he achieve anything?"


Just as Zhao Gao was about to leave, he heard a roar coming from inside.

Zhao Gao laughed heartily, he did not expect that the prince would actually go against the king.

Things are about to get interesting when the prince joins the argument.

Fusu quickly stood up and retreated to Ying Zheng.

"Looking at the world, if the widows can't accomplish things, who else is there? Could it be you? You are so young and talkative. It is because of the law of the ancestral temple that the widows have unified the world. Now you want to abandon the law of your ancestors."

Ying Zheng's chest was filled with anger, and he burst out in one breath.

But Yingzheng soon remembered what Fusu had said to him before about the idea of ​​governing the Qin Dynasty for thousands of miles.

"It turns out that the first thing you have to do to govern a country thousands of miles away is to abandon Qin's laws?"

Fusu knew that if he told Ying Zheng his theory in one breath, Ying Zheng would definitely not be able to accept it.

No, after just saying that the old Qin laws were not enough to govern the world, Ying Zheng became very angry.

But facing up to the difficulties, isn't that what Ying Fusu has to do?

Fusu remained silent and listened quietly to Ying Zheng's reprimand.

Shangshu Ling Yu Yang was also frightened when he heard the sound coming from inside.

He has served in the palace for many years and has seen a lot, but this is the first time he has seen it.Probably only the prince could make the king so angry.

Zhao Gao smiled and said nothing, waiting quietly outside the palace gate.

But later, there were not many noises from Qi Nian Palace, Zhao Gao and Yu Yang Bai waited for half a day.

Ying Zheng scolded him and helped Su stand on the ground, bearing the quarrels of Ying Zheng alone.

It is estimated that in Ying Zheng's eyes, his problem is too big now.

The law of abandoning the ancestors has been spoken out.

Fu Su waited for Ying Zheng's rage to subside a little.

"I know that my words made Junfu very angry, because Fusu was unfilial. But I still said that I had to say it. I wonder if Junfu still remembers Han Fei?"

Hearing the name, Ying Zheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then motioned Fusu to continue with his eyes.

"Then Father Jun naturally knows about Han Fei's death."

This is a restricted area.

"This is your trick to bring up old things at this time."

Ying Zheng looked stern.

"It's an old story. Although things have changed, Fusu thinks it can't be forgotten."

"Han Fei was the master that Jun's father appointed Fusu himself in the past, and his teacher's kindness is unforgettable. But Fusu thought that it was not his fellow apprentice who killed Han Fei."

These words, like a huge boulder sinking into the lake, immediately stirred up waves in Ying Zheng's heart.


"In Fusu's view, the person who killed Han Fei is right in front of Fusu."

This time, Ying Zheng did not say Fusu's nonsense. On the contrary, the thousand waves immediately calmed down in Ying Zheng's heart, without any waves rising.

In fact, Fusu's words were indeed correct.

Ying Zheng later learned that it was his love for Han Fei that had harmed him.

"So, this is why you hate Li Si?"

Fusu shook his head.

"Why is that?"

(It’s almost the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket to support me, thank you!)
(End of this chapter)

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