Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 183: There is no one who knows his minister better than you (please give me a monthly recomm

Chapter 183: There is no one who knows his minister better than you (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Fusu has always kept his identity in mind. Fusu is not only the eldest son of Jun's father, but also the eldest son of Qin."

"If someone harms his fellow disciples because of his own selfish interests, there are many such things in the world. Fusu doesn't think it's weird and can let him go."

"But now there is someone who wants to harm Qin because of his own selfish interests. Fusu regards this person as a great enemy."

Upon hearing this unfavorable sentence for Qin, Ying Zheng's eyes immediately became sharp.

"It's not good for Qin?"

Ying Zheng knew that the person Fusu was talking about was Li Si, and how could Li Si be detrimental to Qin.

"Li Si has always tried his best to serve me, so how can he be disadvantaged by Qin?"

Ying Zheng's voice was low and obedient, obviously expressing great doubts about this matter.

Fusu asked back:

"Does your father think that Li Tingwei is in charge of counties and counties for the sake of Qin's foundation?"

Ying Zheng was about to blurt out an affirmative answer, but Ying Zheng hesitated for a moment.

Ying Zheng was silent.

The answer is self-evident.

As the saying goes, there is no one who knows his ministers better than the king.

Li Si's past actions came to Ying Zheng's mind one after another.

There have been many things that were even dirtier than this, including killing fellow disciples and in the court.

But the person Li Si harmed was none other than Han Fei.

However, after so many years, if Fusu hadn't directly pulled this matter out in front of his face, Ying Zheng would have almost forgotten this old case.

In fact, Ying Zheng didn't just feel like Li Si as soon as he saw him and put him in a good position.

At first, Li Si was Lu Buwei's servant.When Lu Buwei lost power, Li Si chose to join him.

Ying Zheng could not say that he liked such a person who was seeking honor behind his back, but he still kept him here precisely because of his remonstrance and expulsion letter.

If it weren't for the "Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion of Guests", Li Si would have been expelled as Lu Buwei's disciple at that time, and there was absolutely no way he would have been kept.Today, it is not Li Si who will take the position of Tingwei.

The book of remonstrance and excommunication allowed Ying Zheng to retain Li Si, but Ying Zheng did not immediately reuse Li Si.

The only person Ying Zheng has always loved is Han Feizi.

Only Han Fei understood Ying Zheng.

Until Ying Zheng saw that Han Fei had no intention of serving the Qin Dynasty, he also criticized his hero Yao Jia.

Regarding Han Fei's case, wait until Ying Zheng learns about it.

Han Fei was already dead, and Ying Zheng considered at that time that if he was angry again and killed Li Si and Yao Jia, it would only be more loss than gain.

Therefore, Ying Zheng did not punish Li Si and Yao Jia at that time.

Seeing that Ying Zheng hesitated, Fusu naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

Fusu took the opportunity and said:
"Good medicine is bitter in the mouth and good for the disease, but it is difficult to swallow. Loyal words are unpleasant to the ears and good for action, but hard to hear. Your father has made up his mind, so he naturally feels that what General Wang Xiangmeng and others say is wrong, and he also feels that Li Si's words are in line with your father's wishes."

When Ying Zheng heard this, his face was naturally gloomy.

Fusu didn't know that if he hadn't been Ying Zheng's son and had this level of blood relationship, he would have been dragged out by Ying Zheng's orders.

"As for Li Si, I think it's not that your father agrees with Li Si, but that Li Si agrees with your father."


Outside Qinian's palace, seven or eight courtiers near the palace gathered at the door.

Among these people, Zhao Gao naturally has the highest status, because Zhao Gao is in charge of sending all documents to and from the king, and is also the king's senior legal advisor.

Several people were discouraged from waiting, but suddenly they heard bursts of angry sounds coming from inside, and all of them couldn't help but pricked up their ears.

They were all very curious as to what the Crown Prince had said to make the King so angry.

The minister ordered Yu Yang not to look back, but also not to whisper to others.

Zhao Gao guessed that the matter currently being discussed between the king and the prince was definitely related to Wang Wan and Li Si.

It seems that this time, Wang Wan's decision will finally prevail.

Who gave Wang Wan such a good son-in-law as the prince?

You know, today is a day of great joy for the crown prince to have a son and the king to have an eldest grandson.

But listening to the commotion inside, it is obvious that the prince has made the king angry frequently, but the prince has not been driven out yet.

No one in the world would dare to offend King Qin.

The king has always shown his emotions and anger, and only speaks a few words in front of outsiders. It is difficult for his subordinates to understand the king's thoughts.

But now, he can make the king angry, but prevent the king from punishing him. He is worthy of being a prince.

Zhao Gao was originally worried that if he helped Master Su rise to power, it would be detrimental to him, but now he doesn't have to worry.


In the hall, Ying Zheng's forehead had already been covered with a few shallow lines, his eyes were dark and dark.

"Fusu said too much today. But Fusu never meant to offend Jun's father. Fusu just stayed out of the matter and felt that Jun's father was in a dilemma, so he admonished Jun's father."

"Master, please take a closer look."

Fusu spoke sincerely.


Ying Zheng heard a ridiculous word.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was sitting far away in the upper seat, his slender eyes almost merged into two slits, and his face was stern.

Ying Zhengding looked at Fusu with penetrating eyes.

There was silence in the main hall for a long time before Ying Zheng said this.

"The law is consistent."

"Li Si's proposal is also to allow Qin's national policy to be implemented in the world. If the system is different, how can the world be the same?"

The difference between the county system and the feudal system is actually the difference between Legalism and Confucianism.

The political opinions of Ying Zheng and Li Si are both based on the basic thoughts of Legalism.

Therefore, if you want to ennoble the border areas, you must reform the law. This is what Qin wants to do.

If you take too big a step, your country will be destroyed.

Therefore, the Qin law must be reformed, and the parallel system of prefectures and states must be promoted.

But telling Ying Zheng about reform now will only make Ying Zheng extremely angry. Ying Zheng just said that he has forgotten his ancestors.

Then it would be extremely difficult to mention this matter in the future.

That’s all, let’s stop here today.

The master of this empire must be made aware that Qin's laws must be reformed.

Fusu suddenly changed the subject and showed weakness to Ying Zheng.

"As my father said, Fu Su is young and ignorant, has little talent and little knowledge, and is not qualified to discuss political affairs."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Fusu with interest.

This guy has so many tricks up his sleeve, I don’t know what he has to say.

"However, Fusu thought that your father inherited the legacy of his ancestors, and now he is following the method of legalism to annex the world. Today, it is not easy to get it, and it is even more difficult to suppress it. Fusu dare not ask your father to adopt anyone's strategy, but Fusu Su would like to ask Mr. Jun to think twice before making a decision."

"It should be noted that once the system of prefectures and counties is established, once changes occur in remote areas, and we initiate enfeoffment again, it will inevitably lead to great chaos."

Ying Zheng heard this and asked:
"With only a few people here, who in the world would dare to rebel?"

"Besides, we are going to suppress it with heavy troops in the land of Qi and Chu. We have decided to accept the war from all over the world. After handing over the weapons of those common people, they will naturally be unable to fight against me."

Fusu's face froze after hearing this.

Convincing Ying Zheng is indeed no different from the difficulty of removing Mount Tai.

Fusu's scalp hardened again.

"But on the coast of the East China Sea, there are so many people and a vast area. There are hundreds of thousands of people in a small city. Even if your father puts down his war, he will still be a hidden danger to the country."

"What's more, in the land of Qi and Chu, most of the people were defeated and almost surrendered without a fight."

After hearing these words, Ying Zheng fell into deep thought.

What Fu Su said is true, and Ying Zheng cannot be in vain.

Suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came over him, and then Ying Zheng felt a headache.

"That's it for today, you step back first."

Fusu bowed.

Before leaving, Fusu glanced at Ying Zheng's face, which seemed to be very solemn.

Just because of the light and shadow, Fusu could no longer see Ying Zheng's pale face clearly, and naturally he couldn't tell that Ying Zheng was actually having a headache at the moment.

 Does anyone claim the visitor?

  What about the Yanguan (Left History and Right History)?

(End of this chapter)

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