Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 184: Overworked and sick, the Liver Emperor is sick (please give me a monthly recommendation

Chapter 184: Overworked and sick, the Liver Emperor is sick (please give me a monthly recommendation!)
Fusu just wanted to light the fire, and then he had to continue fanning.

Fusu left the hall first, but he looked calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

Zhao Gao and others naturally felt strange when they saw it.

I don’t know what the prince said to the king that made the king so angry, but when the prince came out, he looked calm and without fear.

After Fu Su left, Zhong Changshi, Shangshu Ling, and Taishi Ling all rushed in, only to see Ying Zheng's face turned ashen.Ying Zheng's complexion has softened a bit, but he wants to go to Zhangtai, where there are many memorials waiting for him to deal with.

A group of people looked at the king's still angry look, and everyone suspected that they had just seen it wrong.

Someone actually made the king angry and escaped unscathed.

Everyone knew in their hearts: The prince is really favored!
Zhao Gao couldn't help but glance at the black figure that had disappeared outside the palace.

This prince is really tall.

Ying Zheng stepped back and leaned on his seat. He was in the palace, but his heart drifted to the East China Sea.

The land of the East China Sea is rich and populated.

This is what Fusu has seen with his own eyes, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Yes, the land of Qilu has a vast and prosperous people.

Ying Zheng thought about it and fell into one problem after another.

It seems unwise to establish counties and counties in the border areas, but if not, how can Qin policy be implemented.

When Yingzheng was in trouble, Ye Zheling came in to report.

"Your Majesty, Court Lieutenant Li Si asks to see you."

Ying Zheng frowned after hearing this.

Zhao Gao saw this and approached Ying Zheng again. Seeing that Ying Zheng's face was slightly pale, he understood and said:

"Your Majesty, does it mean you have another headache? I will summon a doctor for Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng nodded, but suddenly stood up and walked into the hall.

There are always bookshelves on display in Ying Zheng's bedroom.What was on the bookshelf was none other than Han Fei's articles, and of course, several articles from "Lü Lan".

Ying Zheng looked at Han Fei's article and naturally thought of some things in the past.

Han Fei, Li Si, Yao Jia.

Unexpectedly, nine years have passed so quickly.

Ying Zheng opened the bamboo slips that were carefully wiped by eunuchs every day. He was already familiar with the articles inside.

After opening it, Ying Zheng glanced at it a few times. He even remembered clearly where the sentence was on the bamboo slip, so Ying Zheng quickly closed it again.

A wave of dizziness hit him again, and Ying Zheng had no choice but to sit on the couch.

A group of people surrounded Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty has worked too much, so you should rest today."

Ying Zheng smiled bitterly:
"I didn't even leave the palace today. How can such a king rule the world?"

After hearing this, all the ministers looked at Ying Zheng with admiration.

But Ying Zheng closed his eyes slightly, and fell asleep soundly not long after.

The eunuchs are not in a hurry to call doctors.

They all know that your Majesty is overworked.

His Majesty has to deal with official duties every day, and the memorials he answers every day weigh 120 kilograms.

Not only that, His Majesty also has to meet with courtiers, discuss matters with ministers, and have court meetings.

All kinds of things, all the attendants saw it in their eyes and obeyed them in their hearts.

Zhao Gao suddenly realized when he saw the king looking so tired.The whole country has a system of prefectures and counties, so the king alone is really too busy.


Li Si waited outside the door for a long time.

The hot sun was baking him.

Li Si found it a little strange that the report took so long this time.

After a while, Yezhe Ling, who was wearing a brown robe, walked out slowly. He looked nervous and said slowly to Li Si:
"Li Tingwei, Your Majesty has a headache. Please come back another day, Tingwei."

When Li Si heard that the king refused to see him, he naturally felt a small drum beating in his heart.

But when he heard the news about the king's headache, Li Si still asked with concern:

"I wonder if your headache is serious? Can you call a doctor?"

The visitor comforts nature:
"Li Tingwei, don't worry. Your Majesty is overworked and has headaches from time to time. Your Majesty is in the prime of his life, so it's not a problem. It's just a minor problem. Later, the doctor arrived and prescribed some calming medicine for the king. The king was very happy. He will recover soon."

After hearing this, Li Si was doubtful, but still withdrew from Xianyang Palace.

On the carriage back home, Li Si sat extremely uncomfortable all the way, and entered the palace in vain, all kinds of signs were unknown, but things related to him happened at the same time, making his thoughts race.

The prince went to look for Wang Wan yesterday, but today His Majesty is ill.

For a moment, it was difficult for Li Si to connect the two things.

But Li Si couldn't help thinking.

Who let the prince get involved in this?

Based on Li Si's understanding of Ying Zheng, Li Si believed that Ying Zheng would not suddenly change his mind.

The Qin State relies on the laws of the Shang Dynasty to establish the country. It is absolutely impossible for Your Majesty to suddenly decide to establish a monarch in the border areas overnight.

This prince, what is he doing to interfere with the affairs of the border areas?

The relationship between the king and the prince is very delicate.But the prince actually openly participated in this matter.

Li Si believed that he, Li Si, would know, and now other courtiers also knew.

The prince's move, unintentionally, sent a signal to those who supported Wang Wan.

And why did the king suddenly have a headache today?

It would be too much of a coincidence.

Back at the mansion, Li Si looked gloomy.

As soon as Li Si returned to his house, he met his eldest son Li You.

Li You couldn't tell that he was worried, but he didn't expect that his father would come back so soon.

In the long wooden corridor, Li Si walked towards him with his hands behind his back.

"Father, don't you have something important to go to the palace to meet with your Majesty today? Why did Father come back so early?"

Li Si sighed.

"Your Majesty suddenly had a headache, so I didn't see you."

"I heard that your Majesty has been having headaches lately."

"Your Majesty has many things to do every day, and he became ill due to overwork."

"This is not a long-term solution and should be eradicated."

Li Si nodded.

"You and I are ministers, and we should share more of the worries of our Lord."

Regarding Ying Zheng, all the ministers were afraid of Ying Zheng, but everyone admired the king's perseverance and vowed not to give up until the goal was achieved.

After hearing this, Li You suddenly sighed helplessly.

"If the whole country is unified today, and the whole country is counties and counties, His Majesty has to deal with the affairs of the whole world. He has to work hard and become sick from overwork."

In fact, Li You was also starting to back off.

His father single-handedly controlled the county system this time, while other ministers stood behind Wang Wan.

What's more, now another prince has appeared.

Why not let the king be the king in the border area, otherwise, my father will be the enemy of the ministers in this matter.

After hearing this, Li Si felt that what he said was not very good.But Li Si firmly believed that the whole country was counties and counties, which is what the king wanted.

Ying Zheng is an unprecedented king, with unprecedented diligence and high achievements.

Li Si believed that the king must insist on the county system.Because he understands the King, and the King wants everything under his control.

Seeing Li Si's face darken, Li You did not dare to say any more.

On the contrary, looking at his father's serious expression, he must not have known about the happy event.

"Father, do you know that Mrs. Chonghua gave birth to a son for the prince last night?"

Li Si was naturally surprised when he heard this.

"It's actually the crown prince."

Li Si remembered that one time the king and the courtiers were chatting in the palace. At that time, one of the courtiers mentioned that Mrs. Chonghua was pregnant and congratulated the general on having a grandson.

So the king sent someone to Chonghua Palace to diagnose Mrs. Chonghua's pulse, but the doctor said that Mrs. Chonghua was carrying a daughter.

His Majesty was very dissatisfied with the doctor's diagnosis at that time.

Wang Wan was also present at the time, and Li Si remembered that Wang Wan's expression was not good-looking.

After recalling old things, Li Si asked again:

(End of this chapter)

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