Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 186 Transportation is the mother of industry (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation

Chapter 186 Transportation is the mother of industry (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!)

"Your Majesty, this is the crown prince and several young masters. I must have seen the bright lights in the palace and knew that your majesty was not sleepy, so he refused to leave."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng closed his eyes and meditated.

In fact, when Ying Zheng learned that his sons were visiting him, his heart was always much warmer than usual.

But Ying Zheng didn't want to see them at this time. His sons were young and energetic, and when they got together, they chatted and chatted about trivial matters that had nothing to do with state affairs.

Yingzheng's government affairs are getting more and more onerous, and now there is a major issue that needs to be solved urgently, so naturally he has no time to deal with them.

Zhao Gao understood.

"The servant personally went to persuade you young masters to return to the palace to rest."

Just as Zhao Gao raised his feet, Ying Zheng suddenly said again.

"Fusu stay here."

Zhao Gao was slightly startled after hearing this.

Ying Zheng woke up, his thoughts became much clearer, and his thoughts were smooth.

Fusu's advice in the morning was still ringing in Ying Zheng's ears.

Ying Zheng would like to hear how this bystander clears his mind.


Fusu just wants to break up with some younger brothers.

Zhao Gao walked out.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has summoned you."

Fusu frowned after hearing this.

Then Zhao Gao urged the young masters:
"Sirs, it's late at night, hurry back to the palace."

After hearing this, several people bowed to Fusu, and then left disappointed one by one.

Some hatred is based on jealousy.

Fusu looked at the backs of the people who left in disappointment, and thought to himself, if the conditions were not immature, he would not force himself to let the tiger go.

Brothers are all clear about settling scores, let alone half-brothers.

Don't look at everyone being respectful and humble now, when they really go to the frontier and gain strength, their ambitions will swell.

Entered the palace.

Ying Zheng's complexion has indeed improved a lot.

Ying Zheng is a well-deserved liver emperor.

After Fusu paid his respects and asked about his illness, he thought about it again and again, and Fusu still said:
"Several of the king's younger brothers' caretakers send their greetings to the king's father and ask the king's father to take care of himself."

Ying Zheng heard this and did not make any response.

But when Ying Zheng saw that Fu Su was hesitant to speak, Ying Zheng suddenly had other thoughts about his sons.

An incident that happened last year was remembered by Ying Zheng.

At that time, several of his sons asked to see him one after another. General Lu said that he was going on an expedition and often wanted to garrison Ying City.

Ying Zheng was very annoyed at the time. They seemed to be helping the widow to share the burden, but in fact they were for the seat of the East Palace.

It was at that time that Ying Zheng had the idea of ​​establishing a prince.

But after all, they are all his sons, and their usual behavior is also in line with his wishes.

Moreover, they are all his sons, crown princes, and indeed each of them has a chance.

Not fighting would only prove that they are all a bunch of cowards, but trying to fight would make Ying Zheng feel that his sons are ambitious.

Therefore, after Ying Zheng confirmed the appointment of the crown prince, he quickly put this matter behind him.

But today, these people came again.

Its purpose is also related to his decision-making at the moment.

Ying Zheng originally felt refreshed and in a good mood after catching up on his sleep, but now, thinking of his sons, Ying Zheng's heart seemed to be filled with something.

Ying Zheng thought of his deceased brother, Cheng Jiao.

Seeing the stern look on Ying Zheng's eyebrows and the sharpness in his eyes, Fu Su felt a little uneasy.

The hesitant and hesitant behavior just now was deliberately put on by him in order to make Ying Zheng think too much.

Whether it's counties or enfeoffments, it's not just about your dream of perpetuating a country.

You always have to think about future generations.

One person doing something that took several generations of kings to accomplish will bring down the country.

The hall fell into silence.

The candlelight flickered, shadowy and indistinct.

Ying Zheng suddenly asked:
"That's all?"

Fusu looks good.

"My son, convey it truthfully."

"Looking at your expression, I was quite reluctant to say this just now."

Another casual tone.

"I just feel that even if I convey it to the younger brothers, my father may not listen."

Ying Zheng seemed to be smiling.

"Since you feel that few people may not listen, why should you say it?"

Fusu only replied.

"They're all brothers."

After hearing this, Zhao Gao felt that the young master's answer was not the king's question.

But Ying Zheng listened thoughtfully.

"You go back first."

Zhao Gao wanted to listen again, but the king had already spoken, so he had no choice but to withdraw.

It's not like Zhao Gao has never seen such a situation.

Back then, when Ying Zheng saw Han Fei, he withdrew everything and had a long talk with him.

Under the great favor, he aroused the jealousy of the courtiers, and finally died unexpectedly.

However, compared to Han Fei, the prince's status was extremely special. The more favored the prince was, the more the king valued him.

"You and Wang Wan both advocate the title of king of Qi and Chu."


Ying Zheng didn't wait for further questioning.

Fusu added:
"Father Jun has just completed the great cause of unification. It is the time to win over people's hearts."

"At the beginning, King Wen defeated Zhou and established the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty established the system of enfeoffment and continued Guozuo for 500 years. Now that our Qin Kingdom is ruling the world, it is natural to undertake the mission of the Zhou Dynasty."

"Your father is now the Son of Heaven."

"The emperor entrusts his orders to heaven."

"My father took over the mission of Emperor Zhou, so I shouldn't completely abolish the ancient system. My son thinks that the enfeoffment system should be preserved to show the people of the world that my Qin is the successor of Zhou."

Ying Zheng was stunned for a while after hearing this.

Ying Zheng, who had been stunned for a long time, suddenly said:
"The Son of Heaven is a new title. The Son of Heaven gives orders to Heaven, and few people have heard of it."

"However, as you said, taking over the old system is to prove that Qin took over Zhou's mission."

Fusu nodded.


"But it was precisely because of the enfeoffment system that the emperor of Zhou Dynasty implemented that the vassal states stood side by side and fought endlessly."

I knew Ying Zheng would say this.

It has already reached this point, presumably Ying Zheng has already made plans.

"The king, father, sons and ministers think that the system of enfeoffment is actually the same as the system of counties and counties."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng naturally questioned him.

"The king of Zhou divided the kingdoms into feudal states and established princes. Each prince occupied a territory and had its own fiefdom and army. A few people established counties and counties. The land in the world is not the king's land, and the shores of the land are not the king's ministers."

"In this way, the world will be united. Officials and people will not dare to cause chaos."

This point is not difficult to refute.

"May I ask you, Father Zhou, when the Son of Heaven established the world for the first time, did he entrust him with the intention of making enemies for himself?"

After Ying Zheng heard this, he originally wanted to have a good discussion with Fu Su, but when he opened his mouth, Ying Zheng's momentum lost a bit.

Yingzheng is serious:

"The king of Zhou wants to rule the world together with other kings."

"No. It's a helpless move for the King of Zhou to divide the title."

Ying Zheng was naturally dissatisfied after hearing this.

"Fusu, don't rely on the favor and trust of others to keep telling lies."

"But I will not ignore the facts and watch my father set national policies that are not conducive to governing the world because I am afraid of offending my father and being alienated by him."

Ying Zheng listened, but his thoughts were still unfinished.

Yingzheng likes Fusu very much, and especially likes to talk about state affairs with him.

Ying Zheng was right. Fusu was extremely talented in state affairs.

"Then tell me why the king of Zhou had no choice but to enfeoff."



Fusu replied:

"It is communication. "Guanzi·Du Di" says: 'Mountains and rivers dry up, under the weather and above the earth's atmosphere, all things communicate.'"

"In the ancient world, transportation was inconvenient. For thousands of miles, the only way to communicate was by horse. But in today's world, transportation is better than in ancient times. Only roads are smooth and there are many post stations, so it is faster than in ancient times."

The above question said:
"In your opinion, there is actually not much difference between this ancient time and today."

Fusu nodded.


(At the end of the month, ask for a reward!)
 The word transportation has a long history, so don’t think it is a modern term.

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(End of this chapter)

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