Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 187: Counties and Countries Parallel (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 187: Counties and Countries Parallel (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Ying Zheng was silent.

Fusu scanned the hall with his eyes from time to time, and in his memory, the sand table in Ying Zheng's bedroom was still in the same place.

"In the past, counties were set up in the land of hundreds of miles in the Qin State; counties were added to the land of thousands of miles in the later Qin Dynasty; counties and counties can make Qin State last for hundreds of years and gradually become stronger because of its narrowness. The official document, three It will be enough to reach Junfu within a day. If there are any changes, it will be enough to detect them as soon as possible."

"Now Linzi, Shouchun and other places are thousands of miles away from Xianyang. People and horses work day and night to deliver documents. It takes five days at a fast pace and ten days at a slow pace. Once changes occur, it will be difficult to control them."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng walked up to the sand table.

The seven-foot Qin sword, in Ying Zheng's hands, is used to guide the country.

Ying Zheng pointed at the land of Jingchu on the sand table with the tip of his sword, and with a slight movement of the hilt, he cut off the model with two protruding cities.

"I have thousands of troops. Now I use 40 heavy troops to suppress the Chu people and 20 to suppress them. When the law is implemented, the people in the border areas will naturally return to me."

Fusu listened, but frowned and shook his head.

Seeing Fusu's expression, Yingzheng looked sideways, and his tone was full of orders:
"You think it's wrong?"

Fusu came to Ying Zheng.

"Fusu is willing to say it, but I'm afraid your father may not accept Fusu's strategy."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"Let's hear it first."

"I dare to ask your father, you have millions of Qin troops in your hands, and those millions of Qin troops are now sending all the main force to the border areas to suppress it. After a long time, won't the border areas not change?"

"You mean, there will be rebellion among our generals?"

After saying that, Ying Zheng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Of all the generals in the court, who dares to betray me?"

Ying Zheng seemed to be talking to himself.

Right now, of course, there is no such thing, but if God really gives Yingzheng another ten years, various problems such as rebellion riots, conflicts between imperial power and prime minister power will be highlighted.

Fusu only said:

"In Fusu's view, the most important thing for a general is courage."

As soon as these words came out, Ying Zheng was naturally startled for a moment.

"Those who are not afraid of death will naturally be able to do anything."

Ying Zheng couldn't refute this.

"So Fusu believed that it was not that the generals did not dare to rebel, but that they did not have the ability to rebel."

Ying Zheng's face darkened after hearing this.

"Do you think that a few people will miss the opportunity for others to rebel? When a person has the ability to rebel, then he has committed an unforgivable crime."

"The mountains are high and the kings are far away, so why do you think that generals who hold heavy troops, who spend their days with soldiers through thick and thin, and who have hundreds of thousands of troops are incapable of rebellion?"

Ying Zheng was naturally speechless after hearing this.

What Fusu said was not without basis.

Zhao Tuo's 50 troops suppressed South Vietnam.

Didn't come to save Qin at the critical moment? Is it because Qin didn't go to ask for help?
After all, it was Zhao Tuo who already controlled an army of 50.Therefore, the second generation's request for help was of no use at all.

The 50-strong army listened to Zhao Tuo, not the Second Emperor.

As Ying Zheng listened, he couldn't help but press the sword hilt a little harder.

Fusu's words undoubtedly blocked the road where Yingzheng sent heavy troops to suppress the border area.

"But enfeoffment and counties are ultimately different."

"You can send people with different surnames to control the frontiers with bare hands and heavy troops, but after all, it is not as good as having the same surname to control the four directions according to local conditions."

Ying Zheng understood that if the county system continued for a long time, the same division problems as those under the feudal system would occur.

However, Ying Zheng was still in trouble.

"It took me 15 years and millions of troops to unify the world, but now we have to continue the old system. The system of prefectures and counties in the Qin State only applies to the counties adjacent to Xianyang, but the remote areas must still be in the form of fiefdoms exist."

After Ying Zheng said these words, Fu Su suddenly floated up.

Fusu also suspected that he was in a dream.

Ying Zheng, the Mount Tai, moved first before he could lift it.

Fusu saw the opportunity and suddenly sighed.

Ying Zheng naturally turned his attention to him.

"Father, I wonder that the land of Qi and Chu is too far away from Qin. I also think that it is safest to establish counties and counties throughout the world."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng was extremely suspicious and looked at Fusu with raised eyebrows.

"You have inconsistent opinions."

Fusu said again:

"Fusu thought that the emperor could first seal the country, wait until the border areas were stabilized, and then withdraw the country and implement all counties."

Ying Zheng naturally raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

Fusu saw that Ying Zheng still seemed unwilling.

"Counties, counties and fiefdoms may not necessarily coexist. Moreover, enfeoffing the border lands will help the father of the king to monopolize the power of the general Jundu."

With that said, Fusu came to the sand table.

Use your own sword to circle Xianyang on the sand table.

"Father, it is a fact that the mountains are high and the roads are far away. The roads are impassable, which makes it even more difficult for us. Now we, Qin, have to implement the parallelism of counties and states."

Ying Zheng also looked at the sand table.

"After all, the roads are blocked."

After hearing this, Fusu immediately surrounded Xianyang with a wooden stick on the side and drew more than a dozen lines in a radial pattern.

After finishing the painting, Fusu circled the original radiation line three times.

Looking at the combination of circular and radial roads, each intersection is a city, Ying Zheng looked at it for a while, and immediately understood the meaning of Fusu.

The two looked at each other without saying a word.

In this way, Yingzheng can firmly control Qin's old territory, and millions of troops will not be transferred to the border areas. With millions of troops in hand, wherever they dare to rebel, the army can follow along The road is straight forward and the rebel forces are extinguished.

"Your Majesty, I think that once all these routes are opened, Your Majesty can implement the system of prefectures and counties across the country."

Ying Zheng looked at the sand table, then at Fusu, and finally said that word.


Fusu felt as if he was in another world when he saw Ying Zheng looking at him with approval.

Ying Zheng agreed to his proposition so quickly.

In addition to being pleasantly surprised, Fusu felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Because, although Taishan moved on his own, he was still Taishan after all.How could his mind be moved by just a few words of his own?

Fusu returned to his palace. It was already midnight, and he looked at his arm.

Perhaps, what made Ying Zheng finally agree with his idea was not only the experience of those younger generations, but also the blood of him.


One day later, there will be a meeting.

The ministers stood in the palace.

Li Si stood alone, and the surrounding ministers gathered around Wang Wan.

Li Si didn't expect to understand that the king, who had always believed in the legalism, would choose to trust his eldest son in this matter.

I heard that the king recovered from his illness the day before yesterday and had a long conversation with the prince late at night.

After a few familiar bells, Ying Zheng was still wearing the same black crown uniform, but today, Ying Zheng looked even more energetic.

Unlike when he was recovering from a serious illness, Ying Zheng's face did not look relaxed. On the contrary, his face was even more serious than before.

Ying Zheng walked into the Dazheng Hall with big steps.

Li Si finally met Ying Zheng.But Yingzheng didn't even look at him, as if Yingzheng didn't know at all that Li Si, the court lieutenant, had asked him to see him.

Every step Ying Zheng takes is very steady, but also gives people a feeling of speed.

Sit on the throne.

The ministers bowed and Ying Zheng looked solemn.

"I have decided to make a king in the border area."

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers would look at each other heartily, and then all bow their heads.

"Your Majesty has made a clear decision."

When Ying Zheng saw this group of ministers, his expression was serious.

Ying Zheng first turned his attention to Wang Ben, and this glance made Wang Ben feel at ease.

In any case, the king finally did not forget about the donkey.

But soon, Ying Zheng ignored Wang Ben and looked straight at Meng Wu.


Meng Wu shook his legs and then stepped forward.

The old general was wearing armor, and when he walked, there was still wind under his steps, making the floor rattle.

"Your Majesty."

"I have decided to make you the Marquis of Andong and go to Linzi. Linzi County, Langya County, and Donglai County will all be under your jurisdiction."

After hearing this, Meng Wu was pleasantly surprised, two lines of old tears welled up from his eyes, covering his wrinkled face.

Everyone looked sideways at Meng Wu.

Meng Tian and Meng Yi were among the courtiers looking at their father.

At this time, the two of them almost had the same thought in their hearts.

Your Majesty has always been a person with clear grievances and grievances, and never treats meritorious ministers lightly.

Having met such a wise master, they should work hard to serve you.

 Suddenly inspiration came to me, and then I finished it.

(End of this chapter)

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