Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 188: How can it be reasonable to monopolize the world (please give me a monthly recommendati

Chapter 188: How can it be reasonable to monopolize the world (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"The veteran general has your Majesty's trust and will be loyal to you to the death."

When Ying Zheng sees the Meng family father and son, his eyes always show earnestness.

Especially now.

Meng Wu was the first to be granted a land, and the places he was awarded were the three counties of Qi State, which were extremely wealthy.

For a time, everyone turned their envious eyes to Meng Wu.

Zhao Tuo and Tu Wei looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

They all saw that the situation had turned around today.It seems that the rumors outside are true. His Highness the Crown Prince is urging the enfeoffment of border areas.

So His Majesty suddenly changed his mind and stopped establishing counties.

The prince is really good at it. After causing a stir, he actually made the king change his mind.

If he really wants to fiefdom, then he is also a leftist general after all, so he can get a piece of the pie.

The king decided to make Meng Wu a prince and grant him a land. To put it bluntly, Meng Wu is now half a king.


It was at that moment that the two looked at each other again.This time they looked at each other in panic.

Because the king never said from the beginning to the end that he wanted to entrust the land to Meng Wu, but the king only asked Meng Wu to be in charge of the affairs of the three counties.


It seems that all the Qi Kingdom has been granted to Mengwu, but the emperor has no intention of withdrawing the counties.

After Wang Wan heard this, he also thought it was strange.

He thought carefully about Ying Zheng's intentions and couldn't help but cast admiring glances at Ying Zheng.

Even if the prince openly sided with Wang Wan, the most he could get in exchange was an arrangement like this.

On the contrary, Li Xin became worried.

An old Mongol general commanded three counties by himself.

What's more, there are also the Wang family and his son, the Yang family, the Sima family, and other powerful military families.

The king is quite generous.But if the seal is sealed like this, the brothers under Li Xin will lose their territory.

News came out from the palace that the prince advised the king to implement a system of enfeoffment in the border areas, and the king readily agreed.

So he told his men at that time that if he was granted the title of king, he would definitely give small fiefdoms to the brothers who followed him through life and death.

And Wang Ben was frozen in place.

His father Wang Jian told him from the beginning that the king would never allow anyone to become king in his land.

Sure enough.

But an ominous premonition flickered on Wang Ben's jumping and flashing eyelids, and he thought Ying Zheng glanced at him as soon as he entered the palace.

Wang Ben lowered his head.

Ying Zheng glanced at Wang Ben again, and then looked at Li Xin.

"Li Xin——"

"I have made you a marquis. You will be responsible for the suppression of Sishui County and Xue County."

The generals listened quietly.

By this time, Wen Chen had probably lost all hope.It seems that this title of king has nothing to do with them.The king only granted land to generals who had meritorious service.

For a moment, there were some uneasy sounds among the generals. The sounds were very subtle, but the general feeling was that the subtle noises conveyed excitement.

Today's Qin State Dazheng Palace is no less than the scene where Zhou Tianzi entrusted the princes for the first time.

Meng Tian, ​​it was only now that he realized that today's title was given by the emperor, and it always felt weird.

"Wang Ben, you and your father have made great contributions to our country."

"My father and my ministers are all ministers of the emperor. The ministers share the worries of the emperor, which has been the case since ancient times. I dare not talk about my merits."

Ying Zheng listened, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

"I have decided to make your father a Marquis of Wu Cheng."

Wang Ben was naturally overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately knelt down on one knee to thank Ying Zheng.

Sure enough, your Majesty still remembers his old father.

"I would like to thank you on behalf of your father."

Ying Zheng knew very well that the land that Qin expanded was generally conquered by Wang Jian.

"Wang Jian has contributed to our unification. I will naturally not forget it. In addition, I am determined to let General Wang live in Xianyang until his death."

When Wang Ben heard this, his heart tightened.

"Your Majesty has been very kind to my father. When my father finds out, he will definitely be grateful to the king."

Ying Zheng immediately said again:

"Wang Ben, you conquered the flooded beam and achieved extraordinary feats. I have decided to make you the Marquis of Tongwu."

Wang Ben naturally couldn't believe his ears after hearing this.

After hearing this, the courtiers cast envious glances at Wang Ben.

It is rare in the court to have one door sealed and two rooms sealed.

After Wang Ben was surprised, he naturally looked overjoyed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You will be in charge of Jiujiang County and Kuaiji County."

"I understand."

Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng only awarded three military generals.

Moreover, at first glance, this military commander sounded so glorious that he thought he was a king. Meng Tian felt more and more something was wrong.

The military generals go to deal with the affairs of the counties, so this military power.

Your Majesty clearly took away the military power of his father, Wang Ben, and Li Xin by asking them to temporarily take charge of the counties.

Meng Tian couldn't help but look at Wang Ben.

Your Majesty is still wary of the Wang family, so he previously ordered Wang Jian to retire in Xianyang.

The ministers and generals who understood the deep meaning of the decree all lowered their voices and held their breaths.

Therefore, even though it was the day when the generals were awarded the title, the palace was solemn and there was no joyful atmosphere.


Huayang Palace.

Butterflies flutter among the flowers.

Fusu walked around the flowers and walked along the wooden corridor towards Bibo Lake.

Shen Yu walked over unhurriedly, and told Fusu General Yingzheng's decree in detail.

Fusu was throwing small meatballs into the lake to feed the fish, but when he heard the news, he was naturally stunned.

Fusu almost laughed in anger.

He really deserves to be Ying Zheng!

Only he can do this.

Fusu thought he had persuaded him, but he didn't expect that Ying Zheng would show mercy to everyone.

This enfeoffment is simply false.

Li Xin, Meng Wu, and Wang Ben just took higher-level civil servants.

Ying Zheng is still the same Ying Zheng, authoritarian and domineering.

One person wants to occupy the world and regard all the civil servants and generals as his tools.

As for Ying Zheng, the world is a big pie. Everyone works together to help you get the pie, but you want to eat it all.

How can this be true?

Those generals who have not benefited from it are afraid that such a fuss will be all in vain.

If the distribution of benefits is unbalanced, something big will happen sooner or later!
Such a result is most beneficial to Ying Zheng's unification of the world.

This new system has a certain degree of flexibility.

Thinking about it, it was Ying Zheng who figured it out on his own, why not let them handle government affairs for Ying Zheng in the name of being a lord.

National policy matters can no longer be touched for now.

Things are obviously not over yet...

One of Ying Zheng's sons has grown up now.

He, Ying Fusu, is destined to be a tool as long as Ying Zheng is there.


Zhangtai Palace.

Today, Ying Zheng left Li Si alone.

"Li Si, I heard that you have something to ask for."

"Seeing that His Majesty rewarded the ministers today, the ministers will be fine."

Ying Zheng's narrow eyes were sharp.

"You go back."

Li Si was stunned for a moment, and then bowed.

"My minister retire."

The four doors of Zhangtai Palace opened wide, and Ying Zheng watched Li Si exit the palace.

Li Si left the palace and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Li Si's guess was correct.

But Li Si always felt that the way the king looked at him just now seemed a little colder than before.

Ying Zheng was facing a pile of memorials in the palace and had no interest in reviewing them at this time.

Ying Zheng came to the sand table.

The few will not give anyone a chance to rebel.

Those military generals all want to acquire land. Could it be that the salary and rewards given to you by me are not enough to match their merits?

The world is in constant suffering, and if the Emperor Zhou made a mistake, I will never make it a second time.

Any compromise is a sign of incompetence, and I will never give anyone a piece of land.

Everything under the heaven is the land of the few.

When Ying Zheng thought of this, he suddenly wanted to teach Fu Su a lesson.

Fusu said a lot of truth to him, and the fundamental purpose was to get his royal brothers to be banished to the border areas.

The widow really gave birth to a bunch of good sons, and in this matter, they actually worked together to commit the crime.

(End of this chapter)

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