Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 189: Misfortune arises from Xiao Qiang (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 189: Misfortune arises from Xiao Qiang (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

(Misfortune arises from Xiao Qiang: it means that disaster occurs at home; it is a metaphor for internal disasters; it also refers to people around you causing disasters. From "The Analects of Confucius·Ji Shi")
The next day.

Huayang Palace, Bibo Lake.

The summer heat is in full swing, and in the pavilion, two figures, one black and one white, sit opposite each other.

Fusu was wearing dark clothes, and Feng Changan was sitting opposite him.

A chessboard was placed on the low table between the two of them.

Fusu is someone who has played on the 27-way chessboard. Naturally, he can win easily on the [-]-way chessboard.

Knowing that the overall situation had been decided, Fusu naturally felt depressed.

If you are in a bad mood, you will want to vent your anger, so you have to kill all sides on the chessboard.

Fusu's expression was stern, and Feng Chang'an was naturally a little uneasy when he saw the prince was in a bad mood, especially when he saw the prince's 'killing intent' in the chess game.

Feng Changan had asked to see Fusu many times before, and he finally met Fusu today.

However, for the Feng family, it was already too late for the crown prince to announce his meeting with Feng Changan.

After hearing the news that the prince supported the border kingship, the Feng family naturally wanted to do something.

But Feng Quji had always been on good terms with Li Si.

In terms of national policy in the border areas, Li Si advocated the system of counties and counties.

Feng Quji did not agree with this matter.Because most people in the court supported Wang Wan, and Feng Quji also fantasized, hoping that he could be sealed off a piece of land.

After all, the Feng family is a wealthy family and they work hard for the King of Qin.

Feng Quji was also highly trusted by Ying Zheng. He once served as the Shaofu and later became the Minister.

But the matter has not yet been completely settled. The Feng family neither wants to lose the opportunity to be crowned king, nor does it want to lose its own allies, the Li family.

So Feng Quji chose to remain neutral in the court.

On the one hand, Feng Quji wanted to prevent an ugly fight with Li Si, and on the other hand, he didn't want to miss the opportunity to get a piece of the pie, so he set his sights on Feng Changan, who was currently just a minor official in the Shangshutai.

Feng Changan had a long-standing friendship with the prince.

This friendship originated from Feng Quji.

For the position of Shaofu, one must be deeply trusted by Ying Zheng to hold this position.

The Shaofu serves in the palace, and it is very convenient to enter and exit the palace.It was only through Feng Quji that Feng Changan had the opportunity to get acquainted with his former son Fusu.

After the prince went to visit the prince, the Feng family became anxious. They were originally worried about finding a name for Feng Changan to visit the prince.

But they didn't expect that Mrs. Chonghua would suddenly give birth to a child. They thought it was God helping them.

So Feng Changan came to Huayang Palace in person that day to congratulate him, in order to ask the prince to say something good to the Feng family.

At that time, the Feng family also prepared a great gift for the prince.

But now, there is no need to give this big gift.

Because His Majesty has issued an edict, no one can get a share of Qin's vast territory.

Even the three generals with outstanding merits did not get any benefits, let alone others.

Although the overall situation has been decided, Feng Changan has to come forward in this situation, otherwise it will appear that he is not sincere in his treatment of the prince, and secondly, their previous behavior will be exposed.

Blue birds are chirping, and there are a few green willow leaves on the blue wave lake.

Fu Su holds the white piece, while Feng Changan holds the black piece.

Seeing that all the anger in Heizi was blocked, Feng Changan held up his hands and smiled at Fusu:
"Your Highness is very good at chess. Chang'an lost again."

Seeing that Feng Changan was sweating profusely while playing chess, Fusu stopped.Fusu threw the chess pieces into the chess box, and then ordered someone to collect the chess board.

Fusu originally thought that Feng Changan came to see him to congratulate him, but now, Feng Changan no longer thinks so.

Because the gift from Feng Changan was nothing special.

Naturally, there is no shortage of anything in the palace.

Therefore, when his ministers give him gifts, they usually have to be creative.

What's more, this is the birth of his eldest son.

But the gift from Feng Changan was not outstanding at all.To put it simply, such a gift can be delivered by someone, and there is no need to come in person.

Come on, it's embarrassing.

But he asked to see her several times, but only to say hello in person and send congratulatory gifts.

Fusu no longer believes this.

Because he is the prince.

Fusu was vaguely aware of Feng Changan's intention. To be precise, it was Feng Quji's intention.

Look, everyone wants a piece of the pie, but no one in Ying Zheng gives it.

Fusu held his chin with one hand.

The sun was strong, and the red walls in the palace conveyed a more anxious mood under the sunlight.

A burst of children's laughter reached Fusu's ears.

That should be Hu Hai and several other young Wang brothers playing around.

Seeing that the prince was silent, Feng Changan only took the initiative to talk.

"Chang'an heard that His Majesty had a headache recently."

"That's true."

"Your Majesty is diligent and never slacks off in state affairs. Although this is a great blessing for the country, if it continues for a long time, I am afraid that Your Majesty will fall ill from overwork."

Already overworked.

Fusu asked.

"Is there any plan?"

Feng Changan was slightly startled after hearing this.He just wanted to chat with the prince for a few more words and then leave.The only thing that can be mentioned at the moment is that the king is ill.

And he had to show the prince that he was also concerned about the king's health.

But Feng Changan didn't expect that the prince would ask this.

Because the Feng family did come up with a plan to deal with Ying Zheng's headache.

But this strategy was to transfer the gift originally intended for the prince to His Majesty.

Who would have thought that the prince had no effect at all in assisting the enfeoffment of border areas.

Fusu saw Feng Changan's hesitant expression and knew that there was something going on.

Fusu sighed, after all, you are still young. Compared with your father Feng Jie, you are still far behind in terms of temperament. Everything is written on your face.

Fu Su picked up the tea cup, raised his eyebrows, and asked casually:
"Looking at your face, are you hiding something from me?"

When Feng Changan heard this, he was naturally excited.

Feng Changan hurriedly bowed:

"Chang'an doesn't dare. I definitely didn't intend to deceive the prince."

Fusu remained calm and continued to drink tea.

Feng Changan said the words, but when he saw that the prince was still leisurely, he felt that he was a little excited just now.

So Feng Changan frowned and tried his best to calm down.

If Feng Changan was not the only one and was a little older, he would not show his weakness in front of Fusu so easily.

Fusu did not expose Feng Changan's slightly naive statement that there was no 300 taels of silver in this place.

"It would be a great achievement if I could solve your father's stubborn headache."

After hearing this, Feng Changan became less nervous.But at this point, he could only tell the truth.

"My father did have an idea."

Fusu looked at Feng Changan with sharp eyes.

Feng Changan did not dare to look directly at Fusu, lowered his head to look at the tea cup on the table, and put his hands on his knees.

"Last year, my father went to Linzi with the king. Before leaving, my father got a strange man named Zixu."

Fusu was naturally surprised when he heard this.

"And this."

How come he doesn't know anything about this.

Feng Changan was also surprised when he heard this. He also hated himself for saying the wrong thing again.

Fusu continued to ask patiently:
"I don't know what kind of strange person it is?"

In fact, Fusu was slightly worried, fearing that these people were Xu Fulusheng and others who were refining alchemy.

"This man is good at building. Chang'an's grandmother had an illness and was bedridden for several days, dying. But after listening to Mr. Zixu's music at night, she recovered without medicine."

After hearing this, Fusu said:
"It's a miracle."

"My father asserts that this person's construction skills are no better than those of the music sage Jian Li of the state of Yan."

When Fusu heard this name, he suddenly remembered the assassination case in Linzi.

Although the final investigation showed that it was all the fault of Momen, Fusu believed that it was definitely related to Zhang Liang.

Because news came from Linzi that they followed the clues and caught a person.

(End of this chapter)

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