Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 191: Rare things to live in (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 191: Rare things to live in (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Cang couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

"It turns out that Mr. Zixu's name has already spread to the ears of the prince. This man is currently in the Feng family's residence. I was lucky enough to listen to a piece of music through the wall. It can be said that the lingering sound lingers in my ears."

Fusu raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

"So evil?"

After Zhang Cang heard this, he suddenly became anxious.

This person's piano skills are so superb, how can you say that he is evil?

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zixu, Mr. Zixu has superb piano skills, which are rare in the world."

Fusu stroked the railing, not wanting to hear him play this person again, so he walked into the music studio with his sleeves rolled up.

"I heard that the best musician in the world is Gao Jianli from the State of Yan. And he is a wanted person in the State of Qin."

Fusu's implication was that he was not interested in Mr. Zixu.

That was just a method the Feng family came up with to cure Ying Zheng's chronic illness, so they dedicated a musician to it.

He has already thought of a new way to do the emperor-proclaiming ceremony.

Fusu pondered that Yingzheng had already taken care of the transportation issue, and it was time to unify culture and education next.

He had to go see Ying Zheng.

Zhang Cang would not give up. He met Mr. Zixu and had already begun to dream about the happy life of arranging music in this band together with Mr. Zixu in the future.

Zhang Cang chased after him.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Cang had the honor to listen to Mr. Zixu's song, and the music is still in his ears."

"This man is truly unique in the world."

"If the Grand Ceremony of Your Majesty's Proclaiming the Emperor can be built by him, he will surely be able to play a song that pleases His Majesty."

When Fusu heard the grand ceremony of proclaiming emperor, he hit the building, and he thought of Gao Jianli again, so he paused.

The Yuefu Order took the opportunity to step forward and said:

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask my Majesty for orders to summon this person to the music room in the palace, so that the music of this ceremony will be flawless."

"You don't need to bother summoning people personally for this matter. In less than three days, Mr. Zixu will be here in Xianyang Palace."

After hearing this, everyone just looked at each other in shock.

The prince is always prophesied by God.

The Yuefu Ling told the prince not to worry, so he naturally stopped being troublesome.


The next day.

In front of Xianyang Palace.

Two brown copper-covered carriages swept up the yellow dust and stopped at the gate of the palace.

In the first carriage, the elderly Feng Quji was helped out of the carriage by the driver.

Immediately afterwards, in the second grain carriage, a man with Tsuki in his arms stepped out of the carriage.

Seeing the scene of Xianyang Palace, he was stunned.

This man is in his forties, has a fair face, and is wearing dark white clothes.

This dark coat is only suitable for those with high status.

He is just a luthier, a musician and the like, and he shouldn't be wearing this.

But today, the person he wanted to see was King Ying Zheng of Qin, so Feng Quji, the Qin State's top minister, specially ordered him to change into dark clothes.

Gao Jianli has always been good at white.

White is the color of winter in Yan State.

I remember back then, Gao Jianli was dressed in white cloth, with a cold and arrogant expression, and a look of determination in his eyes.

As soon as Feng Jie saw this person, he felt that he was different from ordinary people. After listening to a few songs, he was even more impressed by his piano skills.

But who would have thought that playing the piano is not what he is best at, but playing piano is.

Therefore, Feng Quji, who was well-informed, saw Mr. Zixu for the first time in Feng's mansion. He stroked his beard and sighed: This person is definitely not from my Feng family's mansion. He belongs to your Majesty's Xianyang Palace.

But Mr. Zixu, who has an arrogant temperament and cannot understand the music of his harp, will not play to him if the listener cannot understand the meaning of the music.

Therefore, this Mr. Zixu has been in Feng Mansion for half a year, and he has only played a few pieces of music.

There are few people in the world who are so proud of their talents and extraordinary.

The so-called rare goods can live in.

Feng Quji increasingly regarded him as a treasure.

But this treasure must be dedicated to the King of Qin, otherwise Feng Quji would not be able to bear the fact that the piano player he raised was so unruly.

However, just a few days ago, he changed his mind.He wanted to give it to the prince, because the prince liked the eighteenth prince very much and wanted to find him a musician to teach the eighteenth prince.

But I didn't expect that the prince could not play any role in the matter of ennobling the king.

Therefore, Feng Quji gave up his original idea of ​​dedicating this person to the prince and decided to dedicate Mr. Zixu to the king.

It happened that the king had just passed away from a headache, so it was reasonable for him to come to offer his sacrifice at this time.

Feng Quji twirled his beard, looked up at the sun, and then shook his long sleeves.

Today, Feng Quji was just here to offer sacrifices, so he did not wear court clothes, but brown official uniforms.

Although he is old, his actions are full of vigor and vigor.

After changing into a pair of white dark clothes, the middle-aged uncle Gao Jianli, who originally had a vicissitudes of life, gained a touch of elegance.

Gao Jianli stood in front of the gate of Xianyang Palace.

Look up and look up.

Gao Jianli was stunned.

Xianyang Palace.

From right to left, three large characters are engraved on it.

I think Brother Jing must have entered Xianyang Palace through this door.

Gao Jianli couldn't help but look forward again.

In front of the palace is a long red lacquered wooden palace road. At the end of the palace road is a white brick staircase. Going up the stairs is a magnificent palace.

However, Gao Jianli looked at the palace gate with obvious fear in his eyes.

For a time, countless thoughts rushed through Gao Jianli's mind.Like a river rushing over its banks, it instantly flooded all the lowlands.

Gao Jianli himself was submerged by the river water.

Revenge for the Yan Kingdom?
On the way here, Gao Jianli asked himself many times.

Gao Jianli had already heard the news of King Yan proclaiming himself a minister from the Feng family and his son.

Then avenge brother Jing?

The world is unified, this is what Gao Jianli has heard most often in the Feng family.

The world is already at peace. What is he doing now to assassinate the King of Qin?
He understood Brother Jing's intentions.

He had heard that Brother Jing could assassinate Ying Zheng.Brother Jing could have successfully killed Ying Zheng, but he failed.

It was because he wanted to get the contract from King Qin to repay Crown Prince Dan of Yan.

Jing Ke wanted to stop the war between Qin and Yan.

However, he is not Jing Ke, he is Gao Jianli.

And because of Jing Ke, he could only choose to remain anonymous.

The King of Qin wanted to get rid of him quickly because he was a good friend of Jing Ke.

But Tian Guang and Zhang Liang have been encouraging and supporting him.

Gao Jianli was actually in a dilemma.

Since he entered Xianyang, he seldom slept peacefully, and he got better recently.

The sharpness in his eyes, which once looked back upon death, has been worn away by half a year of leisure time.

Stay still, that is Mr. Zhang Liang's instruction.

But Mr. Zhang Liang didn't know that he was living in dire straits.

The flame of revenge is getting weaker and weaker, and the desire for survival is struggling on the shore. Therefore, Gao Jianli's heart becomes more and more bitter. He can only reject the people around him and seek peace to temporarily relieve the depression in his heart.

The Feng family treated him really well.

But I never thought that there really is no free soup in this world.

He was destined by the Feng family to be dedicated to King Qin Yingzheng.

The person guarding the palace gate saw that it was Shangqing Feng Quji, so he only made a simple record of Feng Quji, and then looked at the luthier in white.

"This person was brought by me to see your Majesty."

The guard listened and let him go without asking any more questions.

Feng Shangqing, that was the young master in the past, and now Shangqing, the popular man in front of the king.

There is absolutely no problem with the people brought by Feng Shangqing.

The guard let him go, and Feng Quji was about to take a step when he suddenly found Zixu standing still in front of the palace gate, clearly in a fugue.

Feng Quji was very calm and his tone was neither high nor low.

"Mr. Zixu——"

(Please give me a tip! I’m going to be so hungry that I’ll eat dirt. I’ll definitely give you more updates after I’m on holiday!)

(End of this chapter)

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