Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 192 Your accent sounds like a Yan native

Chapter 192 Your accent sounds like a Yan native

Gao Jianli came back to his senses, his eyes even more frightened.


Gao Jianli bowed.

Although today is not a perfect day for assassination, he entered the palace gate today, and he will be buried here in the future.

Brother Jing, if I can follow in your footsteps, I will have no regrets in this life.

Seeing his dejected look, Feng Quji was naturally worried that he would behave inappropriately in front of the palace.

The decisive and arrogant look that Mr. Zixu had when he first arrived in Xianyang was gone, but today it reappeared on his face, adding a bit of indifference, which actually made Feng Quji retreat.

For a moment, Feng Quji wanted to take someone back home.

Because Mr. Zixu is very weird.

Feng Quji was worried that stealing the chicken would end up losing the rice.

When Wang Wan heard about this, he would inevitably tease him again.

But Zhao Gao has already taken care of the matter, and His Majesty also agreed to receive this person today.

Now that the duck is half-cooked, there is no reason to release it again.

Thinking of this, Feng Quji couldn't help but look solemn, and his tone revealed unquestionable majesty.

"What I said to you before, you shouldn't want me to tell you again in front of Xianyang Palace."

Gao Jianli paused slightly.

"I understand."

Feng Quji told him that everything in the palace had been taken care of for him.In other words, there will be someone in the palace to protect him.

That person was Zhao Gao, the favored minister of King Qin Yingzheng.

Feng Quji asked him to promise that if he wanted to become famous in the future, he should not forget the kindness of the Feng family in recommending him.

"Playing music for the King of Qin is what musicians in the world dream of today."

"I don't dare to forget my kindness."

Feng Quji looked grim.

"Playing music in the palace is not as good as being in my house. You have to be careful about what you say and do. Especially when you speak, be sure to keep your mouth shut."

Gao Jianli bowed:
"Zi Xu understands."

The sun was extremely strong and the soldiers on guard were sweating profusely.

Earlier, Feng Quji had already led him through three palace gates, looking left and right, he couldn't see the edge of the red palace wall.

Now he walked through many palace gates and finally arrived in front of Zhangtai Palace.

Gao Jianli, who had completely given up on today's assassination, had become calmer.

Gao Jianli kept telling himself: Today, you are just here to present music.

Finally arrived in front of Zhangtai Palace.

A man in green and black robes stood in front, and behind him stood two small officials on the left and right.

The man looked grim.

Most of the people in Xianyang Palace had cold faces.

Zhao Gao saw Feng Quji arriving and bowed to Feng Quji:
"Feng Shangqing——Zhao Gao has been waiting for a long time."

"Thank you, Changshi Zhao."

Zhao Gao whispered to Feng Quji:
"Your Majesty's affairs have been dealt with, and it's time for leisure. Your Majesty, please—"

Feng Quji listened and knew that Zhao Gao had specially arranged it, so he smiled knowingly at Zhao Gao.

Feng Quji was about to enter the palace, at that moment, his face suddenly changed, from arrogant and confident to humble and respectful.

Gao Jianli kept this scene in mind.

And then, Gao Jianli was shocked.

I asked everyone.

Why did he forget to ask what kind of person Ying Zheng was?

Feng Quji, who has made great achievements in many years, has to show a look of fear when he is going to see Yingzheng.

King Qin Yingzheng, these four words suddenly made Gao Jianli's heart feel heavy.

Gao Jianli's originally calm mood was also disrupted.

Soon, someone came out of the palace to summon him.

This time it was indeed a visitor’s order.

"Mr. Zixu, please."

Gao Jianli followed the visitor's orders step by step and entered the hall with his head slightly lowered.

He was not allowed to look directly at the king, that was what Feng Quji had told him before going out.

After entering the hall and passing through the screen, Gao Jianli saw Ying Zheng wearing a black crown from afar.

He didn't see Ying Zheng's face clearly, but his first impression was that it was cold and resolute.

Gao Jianli was indeed frightened by Ying Zheng's serious face.

There was a look of nervousness on his face.

very good--

This is what Ying Zheng wants to see.

Ying Zheng heard about this Mr. Zixu.

Zhao Gao said that he was proud of his talents and had no one in his eyes.

But when he heard that music would be dedicated to him, he readily agreed.

The so-called scholar, in front of a few people, still bows his head and bows to the subject.

Fusu saw the white-clothed piano player from a distance, and he seemed to be somewhat elegant.

Zhang Cang said that he heard the news through the wall.

If Zhang Cang saw his appearance, he would probably admire him even more.

When Gao Jianli walked into the palace, he also discovered that there were more than just King Qin, Feng Quji, and chamberlain Zhao Gao in the palace.

Ting Wei Li Si, he has seen it before.

This person has been to Feng Mansion.

He is here today.

Also, there is one more person.

He looked like a boy, also wearing a black crown suit.

Gao Jianli raised his head slightly and glanced sideways at him.

East Palace of Qin——

Well-deserved name.

"My contemptuous son pays homage to the king."

"Flat body."

As soon as Gao Jianli stood up, Fusu walked around in front of Gao Jianli.

Fusu looked Gao Jianli up and down and couldn't help but said:

"It's really good."

Feng Quji was actually a little surprised as to why the prince was here today.

Chang'an, this bad boy, could possibly have brought everything to light in front of the prince.

No wonder he didn't dare to look at me when he returned home yesterday.

Ying Zheng looked at Zixu and had an inexplicable headache.

Fusu saw Ying Zheng tapping his temples slightly and thought that Ying Zheng must have stayed up late again.

Really good at liver——

"I heard that you are good at building, and the sound of the zither echoes around the beams for three days without stopping. Then play quickly and let me listen."

As he spoke, Ying Zheng half-lyed on the seat and closed his eyes.

Two maids stepped forward to massage the acupuncture points on Ying Zheng's head.

Fusu watched the two maids move slowly, only rubbing their temples each time.

Every time he saw this situation, Fusu wanted to rush up and give Ying Zheng some eye exercises.

The eunuchs have already placed the buildings in the palace.

Gao Jianli is indeed Gao Jianli.

The way he behaves and looks when he starts to strum the first string tells people that he is an expert.

Then, the sound of the piano entered the ears and melted into the heart like spring water slowly dissolving the frozen earth.

The sound of this piano is indeed wonderful.

Ying Zheng felt sleepy as he listened.

Fusu looked at this appearance, thinking that others had seen him too, so it was time to slip away.

Just let Ying Zheng sleep like this.

Li Si, Feng Quji, and Fusu looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, they were thinking about the same thing.

But Ying Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, which surprised the two maids.

"Your Majesty forgive me."

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

The maid thought that she had struck too hard, but Gao Jianli didn't know why.

The music score was set by Feng Quji, and he played it absolutely correctly.

Ying Zheng waved his hand and motioned for the maid to retreat.


"The grass people are here."

"I have heard that there are music saints in Yan State who are gradually leaving. They will definitely not be as good as you."

Gao Jianli listened, with joy on his face and a complicated feeling in his heart.

"The common people thank you for your compliment."

"Father Jun, Mr. Zixu's piano skills also opened Fusu's horizons. The grand ceremony for proclaiming the emperor is coming soon, and Fusu still lacks a master consonant in music like Mr. Zixu. My son implores Father Jun to transfer this person to the music Fang."

Right now, there is really nothing more important than this proclaiming emperor ceremony.

"Then let's arrange for him to enter the music studio."


Fusu and Gao Jianli left Zhangtai Palace together.

It was obvious that Mr. Zixu was very nervous.

Gao Jianli was led to Lefang by the visitor's order.

Fusu deliberately wants to go with him.

"Mr. Zixu."

Gao Jianli knew that the prince was not simple.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, Zixu cannot bear the title of Sir to the Crown Prince no matter what."

Fusu smiled and put his hand on his shoulder.

"To me, your accent sounds like a Yan native."

Gao Jianli was stunned for a moment and then spoke out the excuse he had prepared.

"My ancestors were from Yan, and later my family settled in Qi."

Fusu took his hand away and walked behind Gao Jianli.

The intonation speaks volumes.

"Qi Guo——"

"The grassroots family lives in Linzi."

Fusu asked with a smile.

"Nowadays, there is no Qi State in the world."

(Please give me a reward and I’ll show you women’s clothing.

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(End of this chapter)

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