Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 193 Identification on the spot (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Chapter 193: Identification on the spot (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Gao Jianli was shocked.

"The common man made a mistake. Your Highness, please forgive me."

Fusu didn't say anything more, he just gave him a heads up, and then went straight to Lefang.

Gao Jianli's face turned pale.

As soon as he stepped into the orchestra, Gao Jianli saw a large set of chimes in the orchestra.

The scale is so large that it is extremely rare.

Gao Jianli was stunned for a while.

Gao Jianli was originally a person who cherished music. He had been wandering for many years. Now seeing such a large-scale musical instrument, he was like a bird that had been wandering for many years and found its home.

At that moment, Gao Jianli's heart was peaceful, as if he had seen footage of troubled times.

In the hall, the prince was sitting on it, flanked by several men in official uniforms.

Zong Zheng followed Fu Su every day to discuss the details of the ceremony.

The ancients paid great attention to ceremonies, and Zong Zheng was one of the Nine Qings of the Qin State, and his status was evident.

The Yuefu Order also spends all day and night in this orchestra. The king wants to harmonize with "Homecoming Song", but currently no one in the orchestra can play a piece that satisfies the prince.

Now, the Yuefu order pinned all its hopes on Mr. Zixu.

As soon as Yuefu Ling saw Gao Jianli, he turned his attention to his hand. He was indeed a good hand at building.


Gao Jianli bowed again.

Fusu nodded, indicating that he understood.

The visitor ordered to introduce other people to Gao Jianli, and Gao Jianli paid homage to them one by one.

The musicians who were kneeling on both sides were all lowering their heads and stroking their instruments, but there was one person with his neck stretched out, staring directly at the man in white.

"Isn't that Gao Jianli?"

When Gao Jianli heard this, his whole body was agitated, and his hands that were bowing were trembling.

Fusu, he has always had good hearing.

This low voice reached Fusu's ears.

As for the so-called Mr. Zixu in front of him, he had a look of fear on his face and buried his head even lower.

If so, the person in front of him is Gao Jianli.

So according to the normal operation, Ying Zheng would blind his eyes, then order him to play music for him, angering Gao Jianli, and then assassinate Qin.

Gao Jianli was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.

The Dongchuang incident is happening right in front of us.

Gao Jianli never expected that someone in this music studio would actually know him.

The revelation of the matter is indeed inevitable.

Gao Jianli has the reputation of being a music sage of Yan State, which will naturally attract music-loving masters.

And the Xianyang Palace of Qin State is now filled with all the famous musicians in the world.

Chi Wu's thumb has already pressed on the hilt of the sword, and with a slight push, the sword body will be exposed.

Fusu glanced back and signaled Chi Wu not to act rashly.

Gao Jianli, didn't he know that he was wanted? He actually took the initiative to go to Qin State's Xianyang Palace.

Simply incredible.

This is definitely not a coincidence, there must be a pair of hands behind him pushing him to do this.

"Mr. Zixu was dedicated to you by Feng Shangqing himself. He will be a member of this music studio in the future. Yuefu Order, you should know how to arrange Mr. Zixu."

Yuefu Ling understands.

"Don't worry, sir, I will treat Mr. Zixu as an honored guest."

As soon as he heard that Gao Jianli was going to be the guest of honor, those people who were originally from the country of Yan suddenly appeared directly.

A man in black t-shirt appeared.

"His Royal Highness—"

Fusu looked stern.

"Your Highness, this person is not named Zixu at all. His real name is Gao Jianli. Everyone in the Yan Kingdom knows the Lesheng Gao Jianli."

Fusu naturally raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

Just when Gao Jianli was at a loss, Fusu suddenly asked.

"What evidence?"

Zhang Cang's eyes widened when he heard the words Gao Jianli.

Zhang Cang could not help but look at the prince.

"Your Highness, I am humble and untalented. I would like to pledge my head to you. This person is Gao Jianli from Yan."

Fusu knocked on the table, his eyes unkind, not towards Gao Jianli, but towards the musician who reported Gao Jianli's identity.

This person's public identification of Gao Jianli's identity undoubtedly made the matter even more tense.

Fusu didn't want to miss the opportunity to throw the group behind him, so it was not advisable to alert the snake.

But in front of so many people, he concluded that the person in front of him was either Gao Jianli or Zixu.

One is that there is no real evidence, and the other is that the matter is reported to Ying Zheng, and if things get out of control in the future, he will have to be charged with intentional regicide.

Zong Zheng saw that the prince could not make up his mind for a while, but when Zong Zheng thought that it would be too dangerous for him to really let Gao Jianli enter the palace and work as a musician in the music studio.

"Your Highness, this matter is of great importance. I will report this matter to your Majesty right now."

Fusu waved his hand.

"Since the matter is of great importance, we need to clarify the situation. One person's words are not enough to confirm the identity of this person. Your father is busy with government affairs, and it is not appropriate for us to bother your father about this kind of matter."

After hearing this, Zong Zheng naturally felt that what the prince said was reasonable.

"Besides, this person was brought here by Feng Shangqing. Feng Shangqing should know his details better."

"I understand what to do."

Zong Zheng, who was nearly fifty years old, looked at the man in front of him who bowed his head and said nothing, and felt that everything was dark in front of him.

If this person is really Gao Jianli, then report it directly to His Majesty and kill him, and that will be the end of it.

But I didn't expect that this matter was actually related to the Feng family.

Feng Quji was a minister, a celebrity in front of the king, and he was on good terms with Li Si.The Feng family is a big family.

Fu Su also sighed, Feng Jie, Feng Jie, you must have secretly delighted in the luthier you brought here, but never dreamed that he was Gao Jianli.

Gao Jianli naturally calmed down a little when he heard the prince mention the Feng family.In the Feng family, his life experience is innocent.

Once the matter spread to the Feng family.Mr. Zhang Liang will soon learn that his identity is about to be exposed.

For a moment, the whole hall was silent.The musicians dared not speak any more.

"Zixu was wrongly accused."

Gao Jianli stepped forward and began to defend himself.

Then Gao Jianli walked up to the musician who had identified him, and pressed him for questioning.

"I have never met you, why do you want to accuse me unjustly?"

Gao Jianli's move made Yue Fu Ling, Zong Zheng and others feel even more embarrassed.

"Take sir to sit in Huayang Palace."

Fusu took the initiative to speak.

This made Yue Fuling heave a sigh of relief, he was worried that such a big event would happen to him.

Because the identity of this gentleman is unknown, he is either a master of music with an innocent background and he wants to treat him as an honored guest, or he is Gao Jianli, a friend of Jing Ke who assassinated King Qin.

Zongzheng couldn't help but look at the prince with admiration.

If he was really rash and lost, he would seek help from His Majesty.

If this person's identity is innocent, he will have offended the Feng family.

If he is guilty, it will not be too late to kill him when the time comes.

Fusu looked at the musicians sitting on both sides of the hall.

"Yuefu Order, do you know how to handle today's matter?"

Yuefu Ling naturally looked at the people in the hall.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, this matter will never be spread."

Fusu led the people out of the palace.

On the way, Fusu said to Zongzheng:
"Your Majesty will definitely know about this matter soon. Fusu heard that Feng Shangqing and Zong Zheng have a long history."

Zong Zheng laughed.

"I understand what Your Highness means. I will go and ask clearly."


almost at the same time.


A young eunuch in black reported to Ying Zheng.

The candle flickered slightly. After hearing this, Ying Zheng looked sternly and dropped the pen on the pen holder.

"Feng Quji——"

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance, but now the prince has taken him away."

"Are you sure that person is Gao Jianli?"

"I will never dare to deceive Your Majesty."

I'm sorry you don't dare.

Ying Zheng fell into thinking.

Zhao Gao stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, the prince must be on the safe side."

Ying Zheng asked:

"Does Fusu have a good relationship with the Feng family?"

(End of this chapter)

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