Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 194: Blinding the Eyes (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Chapter 194: Blinding the Eyes (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)
Zhao Gao's eyes darkened.

After thinking about it, he decided to speak up for the prince.

"Last year, it was Feng Jie who escorted His Highness all the way to and from Xianyang and Linzi. They naturally became familiar with each other after going back and forth. What's more, the young son of the Feng family has always had a good relationship with the prince."

"However, I feel that there must be something hidden in this. After all, Dr. Feng would not dare to do anything detrimental to His Majesty."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng naturally confirmed what Zhao Gao meant.

"It is."

Ying Zheng silently chanted Fusu's name in his heart.

"I want Fusu to enter the court."

Ying Zheng suddenly said.

Fusu is the prince of a country, and he actually considers his subordinates in such matters.

Obviously, Fusu lacked training.

The place that can best train a prince is not Xianyang Palace or the battlefield, but the court.

Zhao Gao, as the top legal advisor around Ying Zheng.His existence is to provide legal basis when Ying Zheng has an uncertain decision.

"Although there is no explicit order in the Qin Code, the country once had regulations that the prince could enter the court to discuss politics at the age of eighteen."

"Good. Let Fusu come to the meeting the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Gaoshang has concerns.

"When you are eighteen, you can enter the court to discuss politics. But Master Fusu is now the crown prince..."

Ying Zheng buried his head in the bamboo slips again, appearing dismissive of Zhao Gao's doubts.Ying Zheng doesn't care about the laws of Qin, he has the final say in the affairs of the world.

"Then I will make arrangements with Ye Zhe Ling and others." After saying that, Zhao Gao asked for instructions again, "Your Majesty, what about Gao Jianli?"

Ying Zheng suddenly stopped again.

"I heard that he is Jing Ke's friend."

"Exactly. The two of them are called brothers and have a very close relationship."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng looked unhappy and a little intolerable.

Zhao Gao saw that His Majesty liked Gao Jianli and wanted to spare his life.

There are four candlesticks standing on the tiger pattern lacquer table.

The design of the candlestick is very clever. The base below is dragged by a little man with a respectful look.The small candlestick is engraved with such fine and complicated things, and the technique is very delicate.

Zhao Gao looked at the little man on the candlestick and suddenly came up with a plan.

What His Majesty can't bear to part with is Gao Jianli's music and art, not his people.

And this violinist relies on his hands to play the piano, not his eyes.

If he lost his eyes, he wouldn't be able to see the people around him, and naturally he wouldn't know where His Majesty is.If he really had evil thoughts, he would not do anything extraordinary to His Majesty.

So, Zhao Gao walked up to Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask your Majesty to allow me to blind his eyes as a precaution. Otherwise, this person will not be able to keep him alive in the palace."

Ying Zheng listened and said nothing about it.

"You go do it."


Zhao Gao slowly retreated, with a look of pride on his face.

The minister ordered Yu Yang to wait by the side.

In fact, most people in the palace knew what Zhao Gao was like.But he actually offered such a vicious plan today, which made Yu Yang feel trembled in his heart.

This strategy can be described as sinister.

Ruining a perfectly good person's eyes means destroying that person as well.

Yu Yang reluctantly dared not say anything bad about Zhao Gao to outsiders.He always knew that Zhao Gao could not afford to offend.

Zhao Gao has always pretended to be powerful. In Xianyang Palace, under His Majesty, he is the most powerful.

Even though the position of the Shaofu is higher than that of Zhao Gao, the Shaofu, one of the nine ministers, cannot accompany His Majesty like Zhao Gao.


After leaving Zhangtai, Zhao Gao felt that it was suddenly chilly outside.

A cool breeze blew outside.

Zhao Gao couldn't help but look at the sky.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky.

The weather was fine in the morning, but why did it change in the afternoon?

It must be this Gao Jianli who is unknown.

Zhao Gao quickened his pace and walked in the direction of Huayang Palace. He wanted to announce the good news to the prince in a hurry, and let the prince settle the matter of Gao Jianli.


Zhao Gao arrived at Huayang Palace.

Fusu chose to meet him alone.

This is a hint.

The meaning of trust.

Zhao Gao saw that the prince would receive him alone, so he hinted to the prince his majesty's plan for Gao Jianli. .

"Blinding your eyes?"

Fusu was surprised when he heard this.

Where did Ying Zheng find the free time to think about dealing with Gao Jianli?

Kill him directly and it will be over.

This must be Zhao Gao's idea.

Fusu felt slightly angry.

But he no longer dislikes Zhao Gao.

Fusu now gradually understands why Yingzheng entrusted Zhao Gao with important tasks.

Because Zhao Gao is ruthless.

Ying Zheng needs a sharp sword like Zhao Gao to help him deal with things that will dirty his hands.

Fusu turned his back to Zhao Gao, his tone full of doubts.

"You can't do it. If Junfu thinks Gao Jianli is harmful, why not just give him a break. Why do you want to blind him first and then keep him in the palace?"

Zhao Gao's expression froze.

He thought that the prince would be happy to take action after hearing his suggestion.

Zhao Gao lowered his waist and bowed even lower, and actually began to persuade with sincerity.

"Your Highness, this matter is not trivial."

"Gao Jianli is an old friend of Jing Ke. And Jing Ke, His Highness must know him."

"Keeping Gao Jianli in the palace is undoubtedly raising tigers."

Fusu listened.

"Then why not kill him? Once and for all."

Zhao Gao's expression tightened after hearing this.

"It's strange that Gao Jianli has a pair of hands that are rare in the world. Your Majesty cannot bear to let such hands disappear from the world."

Fusu was suspicious.

"Father Jun really said that?"

Zhao Gao licked the corners of his lips slightly.

"Although Your Majesty did not say it clearly, I will never presume to convey Your Majesty's intention."

After hearing this, Fusu suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked Zhao Gao angrily.

"So, blinding your eyes is the only way?"

Zhao Gao nodded repeatedly.

Fusu rebuked angrily.


Zhao Gao had never been scolded by anyone other than Ying Zheng. The first time he was scolded by the prince, Zhao Gao was surprised at first, and then he knelt down as if by mistake.

"Your Highness forgive me."

Seeing Zhao Gao like this, Fusu was convinced that he had completely subdued him.

But one size fits all.

Fusu deliberately met Zhao Gao alone today, not just to watch him kneel down.

The matter of Gao Jianli cannot be dealt with like that, otherwise, history will repeat itself.

And now there is a Feng family involved.

If Gao Jianli dies, the Feng family will be in great trouble.

As for Zhao Gao, he probably didn't want Gao Jianli to die.

Fusu saw today that Zhao Gao and Feng Quji had an extremely tacit understanding of each other.

When Feng Quji introduced the so-called Mr. Zixu to Ying Zheng, he definitely needed someone to whisper in Ying Zheng's ears about his superb piano skills.

This person must be Zhao Gao.

If Gao Jianli dies, both the Feng family and Zhao Gao will be guilty.

That's why Zhao Gaocai wanted to blind Gao Jianli.

He wanted to revive a dead horse.

Zhao Gao thought that by blinding Gao Jianli, he would lose the ability to hurt Ying Zheng.In this way, Ying Zheng had a luthier who was good at playing and building, and the Feng family recommended a luthier who was quite popular with Ying Zheng. Zhao Gao was also kind to the Feng family.

"According to what you just said, the most important thing for a luthier is his hands."

"But have you ever thought that if he keeps his hand, he can still lift the sword? It doesn't matter if he blinds his eyes. I have seen many people who have lost their eyes, but can rely on hearing to identify directions."

After hearing this, Zhao Gao actually suggested it out of good intentions.

"That should ruin both of his ears."

(End of this chapter)

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