Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 197 Your Majesty is too unfair (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 197 Your Majesty is too unfair (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Gao Jianli came to Xianyang to assassinate King Yingzheng of Qin.

"I heard that you are a good friend of Jing Ke. I think you know better than anyone here what Qin did to Yan after Jing Ke failed to assassinate the King of Qin."

After Jing Ke assassinated Qin, the king of Qin named Prince Dan of Yan for his head. Not only that, Qin also had a reason to send troops to attack Yan because of this.

King Yan had to retreat again and again because of this.

It was windy and rainy outside, and the raindrops were pattering against the windows.

The rumble of thunder coming from near Lishan Mountain seemed particularly terrifying in this dark rainy night.

A gust of wind suddenly rushed in from outside the window, blowing against the rows of candles facing the window.

"Whether you live or die is nothing to the Qin State. But to the Yan State, your every move will determine the life or death of tens of thousands of people."

After hearing this, Gao Jianli's eyes began to move.

Gao Jianli is called Mr., not only because he is good at architecture, but also because he is loyal.

Only Gao Jianli, who is loyal, would call Jing Ke a friend.

Gao Jianli looked up at the Crown Prince of Qin, the young man looked serious, he didn't look like he was joking at all.

Moreover, after Fusu's analysis, Gao Jianli also understood what his assassination would bring to the people of Yan State.

Think about it, although the King of Yan is incompetent, the people of Yan State are all innocent.

Now he is assassinating Qin alone, but it is causing trouble for Yan.

Fusu saw that Gao Jianli was shaken. In order to force him to quickly reveal the person behind the scenes, Fusu said directly.

"If Mr. Gao insists on becoming an enemy of Qin, then once the news spreads that Jing Ke's old friend sneaked into Xianyang Palace to assassinate Qin, Qin will not be able to accept King Yan's submission to his father, but Qin will accept the order of Emperor Zhou and strive to unify China. land."

"That's why the war between Qin and Yan is unavoidable. Mr. Gao, whether you believe it or not, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the Yan Kingdom are now in your hands."

Fusu looked at Gao Jianli's eyes dull and knew that the matter was done.

"Take him down and let him think clearly before coming back."

Gao Jianli's face was as cold as frost, and Gao Jianli had also suffered deeply from decades of war.

The people have been suffering for a long time, and reunification means there will be no more wars. This is indeed a good thing for the people of the world.

"No need. I have thought it through before entering the palace."

Fusu paused and turned to look back at Gao Jianli.

Gao Jianli answered simply.

"If the matter is exposed, Gao Jianli will naturally be willing to go to Jiuquan to see Brother Jing."

Fusu frowned after hearing this.

Fusu continued to walk out, and when he reached the door, Fusu saw the guards outside the hall.

Fusu said nothing and immediately drew the sword from the guard.

The people nearby were frightened when they saw that the prince's face turned blue and he raised his sword again and went out.

Gao Jianli had just closed his eyes, but suddenly, he saw Fusu coming back.

Fusu walked up to Gao Jianli and threw the sword on the ground.

"Gao Jianli. Since you want to die, I will give you a happy ending."

Gao Jianli obviously did not expect that the prince of Qin would actually find him a sword.

Gao Jianli stayed where he was.

“However, I have something to say first.

"If you die in Xianyang Palace, then the title of Assassin Qin will be confirmed. Then you and Jing Ke will watch how the people of Yan Kingdom suffered from the war in Jiuquan together."

"The late teacher Han Fei once said: Confucianism disrupted the law with literature, and chivalry violated the law with martial arts. Today, Fusu can be said to have understood it clearly. Therefore, the chivalrous men of Yan and Zhao only care about their so-called loyalty and regard all people in the world as their own. He's just a reckless man with no energy."

Fusu's words not only provoked Gao Jianli, but also satirized Jing Ke.

Gao Jianli naturally understood. For the first time, he had doubts about Jing Ke's actions.

In fact, Jing Ke not only failed to assassinate the King of Qin, but also directly revealed that the person who ordered him to assassinate was Yan Taizidan.

Gao Jianli was naturally speechless. Looking at the sword on the ground, he completely lost the fearless feeling of being glorious in death.

Seeing this, Fusu brushed his sleeves and left with satisfaction.

Successful brainwashing.


Two days later, the court meeting.

Fusu put on the green and black court clothes of the rank of Shangqing and stood among the ministers.

This seems very abrupt.

When Meng Yi saw the prince wearing court clothes and coming to court, he couldn't believe his eyes at first.

At a young age, and yet to be crowned, he actually stands in the court of Qin State as the governor of Su Nei Shi of Qin State.

This is unprecedented in the history of Qin.

The Yanguan responsible for recording the court discussions wrote down on the bamboo slips in thick ink the fact that the prince had assumed the post of governor of Su Neishi and entered the court today.

However, some of the veterans were dissatisfied with this matter.

Even Wang Wan was stroking his beard, feeling worried.

He is not worried about the prince, but his majesty.

Because His Majesty is too arbitrary.

He is responsible for the internal history of millet, ranks as a public official, and is in charge of the national treasury.The treasury's food, gold and jade, and price-related affairs are all determined by Zhisu Neishi.

But His Majesty actually gave such an important position to the prince.

The ministers actually understood that His Majesty was very fond of the prince and wanted to train the prince more, so he asked the prince to come to the court to discuss affairs.

But I didn't expect that one letter would seal Zhi Su Neishi.

You know, the reason why this position has always been empty is because the left prime minister, Wei Zhuang, has always been responsible for the prime minister's treasury matters.

Judging from the look on Wei Xiang's face, it was obvious that he didn't know anything about it beforehand.

The prince used to be a young master and went to court at that time. Because there were old examples, they didn't think it was strange.

But now, the prince has been granted the title, but now he has been given the title again, and he still holds the position of minister and manages the treasury.This is extraordinary.

But His Majesty decided on this matter on his own, without discussing with them and the veterans at all.

At the moment, Wang Wan is not worried about the prince, but Ying Zheng.

Because His Majesty is becoming more and more arbitrary.

Naturally, all ministers would not have the same idea as Wang Wan.

Li Si felt that His Majesty's decision to let the prince manage the treasury must have a deeper meaning.Li Si got the news that the prince was not only busy with the ceremony of proclaiming himself emperor, but also working on new gadgets in the workshop.

His Majesty is interested in the prince's talents and wants the prince to display his abilities in the court.

Others were naturally envious of the prince's status as the eldest son of King Qin.

Sometimes birth is everything.This rule applies to all times.

However, there was one person who was very dissatisfied with this matter.

Sima Xin stood behind.

Your Majesty's attack on the world depends on me waiting in front of the battle to prepare our troops and horses.But now they have discovered that the king just uses us as tools, and after using them, he will send us away with official salaries.

But he treated his own son with such great favor.

Your Majesty only thinks about himself, honoring his son generously, but treating meritorious ministers lightly, it is too unfair,

After thinking about it, Sima Xin did not dare to express his thoughts directly.

 Happy Children's Day everyone!
  Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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