Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 198 The great power of the world gathered in one body (please give me a monthly recommendati

Chapter 198 The great power of the world gathered in one body (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Fusu also felt very lucky.

If he were born in another dynasty, he would have to worry about many things.

Especially as the crown prince, a character who is on the opposite side of the emperor needs to face pressure from many aspects.

However, this prince is Ying Zheng's prince.

As for Ying Zheng, he has supreme enthusiasm and extremely high execution ability for building his own country.

As long as what Fusu did was in line with Yingzheng's own plan for the empire, then Fusu would definitely be elevated to a very high position by Yingzheng.

In the Qin imperial system created by Ying Zheng, any policy that did not exceed the support of productivity could be implemented.

Because, in the Qin Empire, the emperor was supreme and unique.

The highly centralized imperial power determines that the policies that those in power want to implement must be perfectly implemented.

Ying Zheng not only built a vast country, but also created the emperor system for later generations.The establishment of the Qin Empire was also unique in world history.

In the Qin State, the central government was highly centralized.

Ying Zheng's political talent was fully demonstrated here. While he single-handedly created such a huge empire, he also consolidated all the power in the world.

Of course, such a country with a high concentration of imperial power seems to be doomed to face a terrible dilemma.

Once the king is dishonest, this giant ship will lose its direction.

Under Ying Zheng's rule, the wheels of the Qin Empire kept rolling.

However, Ying Zheng made a mistake regarding the successor.

Therefore, Ying Zheng built this empire by himself, and then escorted the giant ship of the Qin Empire for ten years.Finally, guided by his unrealistic dream of pursuing immortality, the giant ship sank to the bottom of the sea.

In the end, the eternal dream of a country became just a dream.

Ying Zheng sat upright.

The seven-foot Qin Jian is like his master, silent but majestic.

Li Si stepped forward.

"His Majesty--"

"I thought that there is no war in the world today. But I heard that there are still many people holding weapons among the people."

Ying Zheng frowned when he heard this.

"Your Majesty also knows that private fighting is strictly prohibited in the Qin State. These people are not soldiers, but they are armed with weapons. Therefore, I believe that your Majesty should accept the war of the world."

Fusu listened and looked at his shoes.

This Li Si, he just took office on his first day, and he found a job for him.

After Ying Zheng heard this, he thought he was doing good deeds.

Feng Quji stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, all the weapons in the world have been returned to the treasury and piled up into mountains. It is really a waste of utensils. I believe that this weapon should be used to cast the twelve golden figures for your majesty's ceremony of proclaiming the emperor."

After hearing this, Fusu couldn't help but look up at Feng Quji.Li Si and Feng Quji have always had a very good relationship, and even the two of them were in harmony with each other in the last dynasty.

Fusu scanned around and saw only Feng Quji but not Feng Jie.Presumably, Feng Jie should be thinking about his mistakes at home at this time.


Fusu took two steps forward.

"It's up to you to handle this matter."


Fusu bowed and retreated.

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Fusu, you started the question-and-answer exam."

Fusu was a little surprised.


"Now that the world has been decided, it is really inappropriate to continue to use the old officials."

Wang Wan also heard about what the prince did in Linzi.The prince frequently made strange moves, which opened His Majesty's eyes.It turns out that officials can be selected in this way.

Ying Zheng thought it was novel, but he had never wanted to implement this method nationwide.

Because Ying Zheng later ordered people to transport all the policy examination records from Linzi to Xianyang.

Ying Zheng read those policy papers one by one, and the thoughts of hundreds of schools of thought were displayed in front of Ying Zheng's eyes on hundreds of bamboo slips.

Except for the few policy statements that are reasonable, the rest are absurd.

Especially the Xiao He next to Fusu actually advocated recuperation.He brought back two people from this trip, one was Xiao He, and they were completely useless.The other Zhang Cang is actually somewhat useful.

This is why Ying Zheng asked Fusu to go to court, because he found that his son seemed to have no idea about the situation in Qin.

Farming and fighting are top priorities in Qin.

The management of millet internal history is all about plowing.

Ying Zheng's eyes were sharp and pierced towards Fusu.

"How do you think we should treat Su Neishi?"

His Majesty did not call the prince by his name, but by his official title.

After hearing this, the courtiers cast curious glances at the prince.At the same time, they all wanted to hear what a child would have to say about this.

Ying Zheng was sitting on the throne, waiting for Fusu to use his actions to convince those who had objections to his actions today but did not dare to speak.

The reason why I let you go to court is not just because you lack training, but also because you have the ability to govern the country.

Help Su calm down.

Today is a very special day for Fusu.

It was the day before that he was granted the title of Zhi Su Neishi and received the jade gui and court robes.

This court uniform may last more than ten years once worn.

When he changed into this suit of clothes this morning, Fusu looked at the strange and handsome man in the mirror and thought of King Qin Li Shimin.

You know, before Li Shimin became emperor, he once served as Li Yuan's minister.

Therefore, in Fusu's view, it is not unusual for a prince to be in charge of the treasury.Otherwise, he would not dare to ask for such a big position.

The reason why Fusu Hui was uneasy before going out was because he knew that in today's political affairs, there was someone who was going to say something that would try to change the fate of Qin.

Speaking in court requires confidence and background.

Ying Zheng had already given him this confidence and background.

However, there is a corresponding price to pay for speaking in court.

Especially today.

Fusu will fight against the entire Qin State with one person.Of course, this Qin State is not the current world, but the Qin State west of Hangu Pass in the past.

At this time, Fusu thought of Shang Yang.

Although Qin State can't stand Shang Yang, Shang Yang is also the pioneer of Qin State's reform.

do not care--

Lord Wei, please give me a helping hand.

"I believe that the customs of various places are very different, and the rash implementation of Qin's policies will only arouse the resentment of the people. The land of Eastern Qi and Chu is especially different from the folk customs of Qin. In an extraordinary place, extraordinary methods should naturally be used."

"The officials and people in the border areas need to be appeased. Rushing to impose Qin laws and manage them now will only be counterproductive."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

What Fusu said was completely different from what Ying Zheng expected.

"Fusu, do you know what you are talking about?"

Fusu raised his head and glanced at Ying Zheng, whose face was ashen.

"I believe that when the world is first unified, your Majesty should reform Qin's laws to suit the current territory of thousands of miles."

(Sorry, in the "Historical Records" class that day, the professor couldn't help but boast about Qin, and even praised the First Emperor. I was very excited after listening to it. So today I couldn't help but brag about Brother Zheng and the Qin Dynasty.)
 Sorry this chapter is so late.

  Then, today I got stuck.It took me three hours to squeeze out this chapter.

  Tomorrow at eight in the morning, I will go to bed first, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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